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I Don't Get It


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I just went back and watched the La Monroe game again for the 5th time to compare QB play. The coaches must not have the same film that I have,because up until he got hurt Burns was clearly moving the offense much better than Todd,no comparison. Burns made one throw the entire time he was in there that you might call off line.He moved the team every time he was in the game,and had just made a big play running the ball when he freakishly got his leg cut.Look, I know last night was not all Todd's fault,but I just do not see where he is any better than Burns. Burns' threat to run would make us so much more difficult to defend.I think Burns will eventually become the #1 guy,I'm just worried how many games we will have to lose before CTT says "enough".

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I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who felt that Kodi was moving the team better than Todd the first game. Everyone who says he can't pass needs to check out some of the throws he made, one where Slaughter let a pass go straight through his hands and one to Rod Smith that was in the endzone and was only catchable by Smith (even though he wasn't able to stay in bounds).....

I usually have faith that the coaches know who is the best because they see the players every day in practice and also because they know much more about the game of football than I'll ever know, but I find it annoying that Burns wasn't given a chance to be the QB for several series in a row and Todd was and then was named the starter.

For what its worth I wonder if Burns isn't a little more injured than we've been led to believe which might explain his lack of playing time more than the fact that the coaches didn't find a good opportunity to put him in.....

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For what its worth I wonder if Burns isn't a little more injured than we've been led to believe which might explain his lack of playing time more than the fact that the coaches didn't find a good opportunity to put him in.....

Ah, finally someone gets it!!!!!!!!

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For what its worth I wonder if Burns isn't a little more injured than we've been led to believe which might explain his lack of playing time more than the fact that the coaches didn't find a good opportunity to put him in.....

Ah, finally someone gets it!!!!!!!!

That could be true, because a 7 inch cut doesn't exactly heal in a week or two. I think he can still play but the coaches are cautious. But either way, he didn't get a fair shot to be the starter after being "even" all the way through.

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For what its worth I wonder if Burns isn't a little more injured than we've been led to believe which might explain his lack of playing time more than the fact that the coaches didn't find a good opportunity to put him in.....

Ah, finally someone gets it!!!!!!!!

That could be true, because a 7 inch cut doesn't exactly heal in a week or two. I think he can still play but the coaches are cautious. But either way, he didn't get a fair shot to be the starter after being "even" all the way through.

I do wish he would have had the opportunity to lead the offense on consecutive series....it'd sure help to settle all the talk once and for all....I think that's what makes most people angry that want to see Kodi play is the fact that the one game Kodi started invovled the two QBs rotating every other series and when Todd starts he plays the entire first half (or at least most of it) and was allowed to get into a rhythm while Burns was never given that chance.....

oh well at least we're still winning. War Eagle!

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

Exactly, so why is it all the starfish on this board hollering 'we want Kodi" and criticizing eeryone in sight can't consider this possibility. I bet a ton we will see Kodi some this week.

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

Exactly, so why is it all the starfish on this board hollering 'we want Kodi" and criticizing eeryone in sight can't consider this possibility. I bet a ton we will see Kodi some this week.

We should be able to score a TD on MSU with my niece playing QB.

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I wish so too considering i spent money on a #18 jersy...

Not too many kickers have fans wearing their #s in the stands.

(at least is wan't a complete waste.)

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

I understand where you are coming from, but why would he have played a week ago when this had even more merit to it?

Just playing the advocate here.

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

I understand where you are coming from, but why would he have played a week ago when this had even more merit to it?

Just playing the advocate here.

The only reason I can think of is they played him a few plays against USM and maybe it hurt or got opened back up, so they saved him this time so he could play against LSU.

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The only reason I can think of is they played him a few plays against USM and maybe it hurt or got opened back up, so they saved him this time so he could play against LSU.

I'll hope for that. Thanks for the positive outlook on it.

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Even with one heck of a tape job over a 7-inch cut full of stitches, the first time a helmet hits full-speed right on top of that cut, it's going to hurt like I can't even imagine when it rips open.

I would have a hard time as a coach putting a kid in the game in that condition. I would have a harder time putting a run threat QB in the game knowing he is going to get hit for sure.

Maybe he didn't play at all so he could heal up.

I understand where you are coming from, but why would he have played a week ago when this had even more merit to it?

Just playing the advocate here.

The only reason I can think of is they played him a few plays against USM and maybe it hurt or got opened back up, so they saved him this time so he could play against LSU.

The coaches could have also thought MSU was a more physical defense and the likelyhood of the cut opening back up would be higher than against USM.

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I have never had a cut like that on my thigh, but I would assume that even walking around campus to class would suck until that thing heals up quite a bit.

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I have never had a cut like that on my thigh, but I would assume that even walking around campus to class would suck until that thing heals up quite a bit.

I'm dealing with a brown recluse bite on my thigh, and let me tell you it's nowhere near 7". I can't imagine trying to get that 7" gash healed up. Impossible to keep bandaged, and because of the position it's hard to keep it closed.

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I have never had a cut like that on my thigh, but I would assume that even walking around campus to class would suck until that thing heals up quite a bit.

I'm dealing with a brown recluse bite on my thigh, and let me tell you it's nowhere near 7". I can't imagine trying to get that 7" gash healed up. Impossible to keep bandaged, and because of the position it's hard to keep it closed.

OMG. I just googled brown recluse bites. :puke:

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I have never had a cut like that on my thigh, but I would assume that even walking around campus to class would suck until that thing heals up quite a bit.

I'm dealing with a brown recluse bite on my thigh, and let me tell you it's nowhere near 7". I can't imagine trying to get that 7" gash healed up. Impossible to keep bandaged, and because of the position it's hard to keep it closed.

Maybe I don't remember correctly, but I think the cut is on his left shin. In fact, I'm sure of it. Regardless, let's get that thing healed Kodi so you can take over the offense!! WDE!!

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Okay, so if the reason Kodi did not get in the game at all was because of injury, why wouldn't CTT just say that? It's not like some big secret. If he's going to hold him out, just tell the media Kodi's still having problems with the leg and won't/didn't see playing time. It's what they do in just about every other situation and it beats the hell out of getting ripped a new one by media, internet message boards, callers, e-mails etc.

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Okay, so if the reason Kodi did not get in the game at all was because of injury, why wouldn't CTT just say that? It's not like some big secret. If he's going to hold him out, just tell the media Kodi's still having problems with the leg and won't/didn't see playing time. It's what they do in just about every other situation and it beats the hell out of getting ripped a new one by media, internet message boards, callers, e-mails etc.

I don't have an answer for that. I am not saying he has been holding him out because of the cut on the shin.

CTT said that he has been holding him out waiting for the right situation. To me this says they are saving him for the LSU game. They ran a couple of plays with him in the first 2 games...hold him out a week...LSU watches film and prepares for those couple of plays because that's all they know that he will run. Put him in vs. LSU and run some new plays in the red zone to give us a chance to score.

That makes sense to me, but I am just trying to find something to be positive about after that embarassing Miss St game.

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Kodi marinating for the entire MSU game blows my mind. I'm trying to figure out how it is that:

A. The entire coaching staff said the 2 QBs were too close to separate right up to opening kickoff.

B. Franklin said from the minute he set foot on campus that we WILL use two QBs because of how much they are required to run and the beating they take in this offense.

C. Kodi was in fact named the starter and did in fact move the team better(In the 2nd half) until he got his leg cut.

D. Kodi played some last week (Scored a TD) practiced all week, dressed out, nothing was said about holding him out...and yet...

He never saw the field Saturday night. The first thing out of our local sports talk guys mouth this morning was something to the effect of "Wow, Todd's arm is clearly not right and he's slower than Brandon Cox". There were tons of mistakes by everyone and plenty of blame to go around on the offense. But, it starts with the QB and even if Kodi had come in and stunk up the joint, it at least would have shown that the coaches realized they needed to try something to shake it up.

So ultimately, my question is how can a guy go from starter and too close to tell em' apart....to being relegated to a cheerleader on the sidelines, all in the course of what..2 weeks?

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