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Chaz Ramsey rumors?


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FWIW, PC I don't think you are an idiot, just a raging narcissist. You have the ability to make every thread and every topic about you. YOU deserve to know the truth because without YOU these players wouldn't be here. YOU are the voice of reason and unbiased thought when all others are blinded by homerism. YOU made outstanding grades, which should not be suprising given YOUR exceptionally high IQ, and ACT scores.

Heck, I even remember one thread where someone challenged your logic on a basketball topic and you told everyone what an exceptional basketball player you are and you then challenged anyone who doubted you to come down and you would kick their a$$ on the court.

I've read your posts for years and honestly you wear me out. I've never bothered to use the "ignore" feature, but I may have to try it out. Maybe YOU could explain it to me.

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FWIW, PC I don't think you are an idiot, just a raging narcissist. You have the ability to make every thread and every topic about you. YOU deserve to know the truth because without YOU these players wouldn't be here. YOU are the voice of reason and unbiased thought when all others are blinded by homerism. YOU made outstanding grades, which should not be suprising given YOUR exceptionally high IQ, and ACT scores.

Heck, I even remember one thread where someone challenged your logic on a basketball topic and you told everyone what an exceptional basketball player you are and you then challenged anyone who doubted you to come down and you would kick their a$$ on the court.

I've read your posts for years and honestly you wear me out. I've never bothered to use the "ignore" feature, but I may have to try it out. Maybe YOU could explain it to me.

Well-stated. I could go with raging narcissistic idiot.

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FWIW, PC I don't think you are an idiot, just a raging narcissist. You have the ability to make every thread and every topic about you. YOU deserve to know the truth because without YOU these players wouldn't be here. YOU are the voice of reason and unbiased thought when all others are blinded by homerism. YOU made outstanding grades, which should not be suprising given YOUR exceptionally high IQ, and ACT scores.

Heck, I even remember one thread where someone challenged your logic on a basketball topic and you told everyone what an exceptional basketball player you are and you then challenged anyone who doubted you to come down and you would kick their a$$ on the court.

I've read your posts for years and honestly you wear me out. I've never bothered to use the "ignore" feature, but I may have to try it out. Maybe YOU could explain it to me.

Well-stated. I could go with raging narcissistic idiot.

Nah. Plain old idiot does it for me.

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PC, I don't know how you put up with this crap. If I were you, I'd sell my ticket (I assume no one would go to a game with you) and teach these kids a lesson! It want be long before Lowder, Tubs and Jacobs will be ringing your phone off the hook and begging you to buy your ticket back. They probably make you Supervisor over recruiting, line play, QBs, receivers and rumor control. They'll even name the goal posts after you.

Don't hesitate. Just do it.


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We pay taxes. That doesn't mean we get to tour Area 51.

Speak for yourself. But if I tell you how, I will have to kill you. :lol:

PC, I don't know how you put up with this crap. If I were you, I'd sell my ticket (I assume no one would go to a game with you) and teach these kids a lesson! It want be long before Lowder, Tubs and Jacobs will be ringing your phone off the hook and begging you to buy your ticket back. They probably make you Supervisor over recruiting, line play, QBs, receivers and rumor control. They'll even name the goal posts after you.

Don't hesitate. Just do it.


And LE is willing to buy the ticket at a discount! :P:big:

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What a crap thread.

I hope Ramsey is able to rehab his back and get back on the playing field and not have lingering problems in his 30s.

I hope he is able to continue school at Auburn (or anywhere he so chooses) and get a good degree.

I hope he is not reading all this crap on this thread.

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Let me get this straight

PC Chump and running with sharp crap are finding rumors about Auburn,

Players not happy And wanting transfers.

Wow what a shock

PC Chump hates every recruit we have and running with crimson in his pants.

He knows about all that happens on the auburn team, Right!

Come on folks this in fighting and crying is just dumb.

Kids transfer get kicked off teams all the time.

Grow up Act like and Auburn man Quite whining


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RWS & Pchumps posts are similiar in every aspect at least they were

before I put them on ignore! :puke:

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Let me get this straight

PC Chump and running with sharp crap are finding rumors about Auburn,

Players not happy And wanting transfers.

Wow what a shock

PC Chump hates every recruit we have and running with crimson in his pants.

He knows about all that happens on the auburn team, Right!

Come on folks this in fighting and crying is just dumb.

Kids transfer get kicked off teams all the time.

Grow up Act like and Auburn man Quite whining


I have never once found anything or started any rumors about anyone. I have no clue where you came up with that crap. All I have done is respond with my own opinions and ASK what is really going on (see... asking... not starting rumors)

I never said I know anything about the team. In fact, most of the time I add in the fact that I don't.

I never said I hate any recruit. I may have joked about some height at the WR or DB position, but that is it. I also may have inquired about grades, but that is it.

Maybe you should be the one to grow up and act like an adult. Just like 98% of the people on this board, you are a moron.

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PC, if 98% of us on this board are morons, then why would you care to hang out on this board and associate with us? Maybe you and the other 2% should look elsewhere....

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Because the site still provides good information from time to time and I am bored.

It's not just Auburn fans, it's sports fans in general. It's like this everywhere you go. When you say something that isn't necessarily super-duper positive about the program at a "fan site," the fans take it the wrong way and don't want to understand what that person is actually trying to say. Fans interpret a lot of stuff improperly. One day the fans love ESPN, then for a long time they hate ESPN. Fans are very fickle.

I have visited an Alabama board only a few times in my life and it was much worse than this board. If I was on their site making the same posts / replies, they would all be saying the same things you guys do but that I'm a "barner." The fact that I am on an Auburn board (because I am an Auburn fan), you guys just take it the wrong way. But it would happen on any other board as well. It's not just you guys. It's everybody. People can't comprehend what I am trying to say or my justification in what I post. And it's not just me - it's sports writers in general. Whenever someone says something that isn't exactly what you WANT to hear, you take it the wrong way. That is why there are MANY articles about how "stupid" a sports writer is. Then when the same guy writes something you actually do want to hear, it's "Oh, he finally get's it right" or there is some line about how great Auburn is with the :cheer: symbol. And then when you guys go and do the EXACT same thing to other schools (specifically Alabama), you guys don't want to accept the fact that you are indeed doing the exact same thing. And when someone calls you out on it (me or someone else), you claim they are defending that school or being anti-Auburn, which is stupid.

It's not my fault you guys can't read and comprehend what I write. But to come out and say something completely false is just absurd.

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FWIW, PC I don't think you are an idiot, just a raging narcissist. You have the ability to make every thread and every topic about you. YOU deserve to know the truth because without YOU these players wouldn't be here. YOU are the voice of reason and unbiased thought when all others are blinded by homerism. YOU made outstanding grades, which should not be suprising given YOUR exceptionally high IQ, and ACT scores.

Heck, I even remember one thread where someone challenged your logic on a basketball topic and you told everyone what an exceptional basketball player you are and you then challenged anyone who doubted you to come down and you would kick their a$$ on the court.

I've read your posts for years and honestly you wear me out. I've never bothered to use the "ignore" feature, but I may have to try it out. Maybe YOU could explain it to me.

Well-stated. I could go with raging narcissistic idiot.

You could just shorten that to Barack Obama...but you would have to throw muslim terrorist into the name.

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FWIW, PC I don't think you are an idiot, just a raging narcissist. You have the ability to make every thread and every topic about you. YOU deserve to know the truth because without YOU these players wouldn't be here. YOU are the voice of reason and unbiased thought when all others are blinded by homerism. YOU made outstanding grades, which should not be suprising given YOUR exceptionally high IQ, and ACT scores.

Heck, I even remember one thread where someone challenged your logic on a basketball topic and you told everyone what an exceptional basketball player you are and you then challenged anyone who doubted you to come down and you would kick their a$$ on the court.

I've read your posts for years and honestly you wear me out. I've never bothered to use the "ignore" feature, but I may have to try it out. Maybe YOU could explain it to me.

Well-stated. I could go with raging narcissistic idiot.

You could just shorten that to Barack Obama...but you would have to throw muslim terrorist into the name.


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I swear, some of you....meaning PC and rws, need to stop listening to Shane. Chaz, right now, isn't transferring...he's dealing with PERSONAL issues. PC, Personal issues mean others don't need to know, except for people that Chaz has personally told (ie. Family, HC....HS and College, his Spiritual Leader...Bro. Chette, and probably his close friends). We all know that he hurt his back, got therapy on it and thought it was healed, then he Re-Injured it. I'm here to tell everyone, if you're one of the Big Uglies, OL or DTs, and you injure your back not once but twice, it's a Very hard thing to come back from....especially if you're 6'3 and over 280. It's very similar to a pitcher having a elbow or shoulder injury, twice.

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You could just shorten that to Barack Obama...but you would have to throw muslim terrorist into the name.

I wish people could keep this kind of rhetoric off this site... You are entitled to your (puppet) opinion, but unlike 2004, there are a lot of people in the south that are unaffected by ridiculous propaganda. This is a site about Auburn football, so let's try to leave it that way.

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You could just shorten that to Barack Obama...but you would have to throw muslim terrorist into the name.

I wish people could keep this kind of rhetoric off this site... You are entitled to your (puppet) opinion, but unlike 2004, there are a lot of people in the south that are unaffected by ridiculous propaganda. This is a site about Auburn football, so let's try to leave it that way.

Thank you.

Keep the political crap in the political forum, where it belongs.

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PC.....My problem with you is that you make negative speculations that are based on illogical assumptions. A negative viewpoint that is based on speculation is poison. Folks on here don't expect everyone to be a bunch of cheerleaders, but if you are a good fan then when you question something with a negative connotation, it needs to be based on facts that are discernable.

You seem to be impressed with yourself that you can take a piece of info and create a negative question or speculation of fact. I've got news for you...that is very easy to do. I've also got some personal advice......if you do that at work or with your spouse......then you are creating an unhealthy and imbalanced relationship that neither will survive that attitude.

This brings us to this little blog........it's getting very unhealthy. Get over yourself. Walk softly until you learn about football and sports and ask questions respectfully.....quit making assumptions based on speculation. If you have a need for that vein of emotional release.....go to the political world.....there are a lot of emotional unhealthy relationships in that world.

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PC.....My problem with you is that you make negative speculations that are based on illogical assumptions. A negative viewpoint that is based on speculation is poison. Folks on here don't expect everyone to be a bunch of cheerleaders, but if you are a good fan then when you question something with a negative connotation, it needs to be based on facts that are discernable.

You seem to be impressed with yourself that you can take a piece of info and create a negative question or speculation of fact. I've got news for you...that is very easy to do. I've also got some personal advice......if you do that at work or with your spouse......then you are creating an unhealthy and imbalanced relationship that neither will survive that attitude.

This brings us to this little blog........it's getting very unhealthy. Get over yourself. Walk softly until you learn about football and sports and ask questions respectfully.....quit making assumptions based on speculation. If you have a need for that vein of emotional release.....go to the political world.....there are a lot of emotional unhealthy relationships in that world.

Watch out, he's about to threaten to throw you around on the basketball court....

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tinysixtyfiveismyavgtestscore.... listen up...

that was like so long ago, get over it. This is football and you obviously know nothing about football (since that is what the topic about BASKETBALL was in the thread you are referring to).

That topic was about me supposedly not knowing basketball because I didn't play it.

So just to amuse you... I'll kick your ass in basketball too (if I haven't already) :moon:

And Hoopie, I don't use many assumptions in my "negative speculation." I take facts and/or observations and ask questions. That is it. Is it negative speculation that there COULD be a chemistry problem (which is what I stated)... yes. I wouldn't disagree with you on that. But it was just a question. And seeing that there was someone else on the team that had quit and another (Ben Tate) that made their voices heard about a QB controversy, I don't think I went very far with it. This case of Chaz Ramsey just seemed to pile on (and appears to be very similar to that of Raven Gray, another person who quit - so that makes two quitters). And most of my responses in this thread have been about trying to hear the truth. Well guess what... if no one wants to come out and publically state what the truth is (since apparently we don't have the right to know), then what is that going to lead to? Anyone and everyone is going to speculate what the issue might be. If you don't want speculation - give me facts. If you can't give me facts, then take the speculation and shut up. You don't have to agree with it, but don't tell me not to bring it to the table.

Speculation can be avoided. It's not my problem if the truth doesn't come out. What's there to hide? If it isn't a problem with the team or coaches, then come out and say so. Again, we don't necessarily need to know what the problem is. But we can know what the problem isn't. That, sometimes, can be just as useful.

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i heard rumors about a month ago that he was not happy with the offense and thought CTF was....not so pleasant and was going to run the team into the ground this season. supposedly it was him and another guy on offense who felt this way, and were looking to transfer. they were supposedly not happy at all about how the QBs were being handled, and were told in not so many words by CTF that they are not coaches so they shouldn't worry about it. again, thats fwiw and i am seriously not trying to flame or anything. this was from a flesh and blood AU person, not something on the internet either. i thought it sounded a little drastic so i chose to be cautious of it and not really think anything of it. hopefully it is not the case, as i am not trying to smear anybody's name but if mods feel i am or something feel free to edit the post or i will edit myself.

I call bull****. You heard rumors a MONTH ago about a guy you never met at a school you never attended in a program that you have zero connections with. Let me guess... you heard it from a guy who is deeply placed in the AU program but can't let his name out for fear of termination, right?

Basically, you don't actually know a damned thing. As usual.

And you do? Or you know he's lying how so? Basically, you don't actually know a damned thing. As usual.

Face the truth like some of the Auburn fans have on this board and accept the fact that there may be a chemistry problem with our team. This is what happens when you make dramatic changes.

Many dogged Saban for having the same things happening at Alabama. What, the same things can't happen at Auburn. See... what goes around... comes around. I'm not happy about it, but this is why you don't go parading on other's misfortunes.

We can always count on PChump to defend bama and any bammers that attack AU on this board. It's like a reflex. Blink, heartbeat, down Auburn, breathe.

What exactly is the "chemistry problem" on AU's football team?

I do the same thing to the Bammers when they call out the Auburn fans. But because this is an Auburn board they do it very infrequently because they know they will be called out on it. But I have done it in the past. I am just being unbiased. It doesn't have to do with them being Bammers, it has to do with you being an idiot.

I don't know the chemistry problem - maybe you should ask Ben Tate, who stated the team knows who the QB should be, but the coaches can't make up their mind. Or maybe you should ask the kid that got beat up and left the team. Or maybe you should ask Raven Gray or Chaz Ramsey. I am sure you will, because you apparently know all the inside information and when other "inside information" comes out, apparently it is BS because you know all that is all.

If you read RWS' post, and he knows I've called him out before, he is pretty cautious about his post. If he was trying to flame and make stuff up - that's not how you usually go about it. Bammer fans can have AU knowledge and vice versa.

Nobody ever reveals their sources. Even the big stories out of the AP say "a source from the LSU athletic department has told SI.com... " Trust me, I always call out sources on big stories - God knows this occurred when those said that Saban wouldn't come to Bama. Or that Saban was coming to Bama. Or that Tuberville was going to Texas A&M or Arkansas. I always question it and people say they can't reveal. It's either BS or it isn't. We'll never know because no one will ever give up true identity. It sucks, but that's how it is.

If you want insider information, go ask Prowler. He knows I have dogged him for his recruiting "inside" knowledge when he said Nico and others were coming to Auburn. Maybe he has all the answers you need. God knows someone that is a Bama fan can't have any information.

Maybe you should ask 50 other players who all said they don't care who their QB is. That they believe in either one of them and they don't care as long as Auburn wins the Championship this year... There's always a few bad apples in the bunch but to say the team chemistry is bad because a few players are unsatisfied is just downright STUPID! Its called TEAM CHEMISTRY not 4 guys chemistry accounting for the whole team chemistry... You guys are morons and chances are they don't have these inside scoops... Oh I talked to a guy who knows a guy who has an inside source at mcdonald's who served a guy's kid a happy meal whose kid goes to school with another kid whose dad is Tommy Tubberville. Its just not likely.

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