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Why are we getting dominated in state?


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AUBURNJAC: Your day would seem so much greater if you

would just hit that ignore button. The only draw back is when

someone quotes PChump!

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This is a problem with this board! Anyone who disagrees with the norm is labeled a bammer which isn't true Truth is, bammers are whippin our ass again and nobody with any sense wants to adimit it.They did it last

year and they're doiing it again! Just check the offers and you will quit drinking the kool-aid!

Watch out, AUBURNJAC might beat you up!!

And AUBURNJAC, apparently you missed my most recent post about wanting Bama to lose every game and for Auburn to beat them 75-0 every year... but nope... I'm a Bammer. You missed that post didn't you? Or you just felt like not responding to that one, didn't you?

Isn't it interesting that every post of mine that is against the norm is quoted against. But every post of mine that is pro-Auburn and anti-Bama is never quoted.... interesting...

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For those "kool aid" drinkers just go to Rivals or Scout and see for yourself those players who have committed to the Bammers and also considered us. They will end up getting 5-7 of the top ten in the state agian this year. That's no bull.............it's fact! I know there are those who claim that we get players out of Georgia and Florida but truth is........we get what's left after Florida and Georgia get who theywant! Is that what good recruiting is? NO! All I'm saying is Tubs and his staff need to be more vicious in competing with Sabear and get what Pat Dye got which is a "split" with the Bammers. If we don't, we are in for a long long year. Spin it anyway you want because the truth hurts doesn't it? War Eagle!

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IMO, any Auburn fan that wants Alabama to play better for the "importance of the Iron Bowl" is a Bammer. And I am not joking here. That is a load of crap. I would rather have Bama be 0-11 going into each and every Iron Bowl than anything else. No it wouldn't happen, but I want Bama to STINK. I want them to be BAD. I want to destroy Alabama in the Iron Bowl 75-0. I really do. I want this series to be the ND-Navy series for the 43 years prior to last season.

That's more like it PChamp. You seem to show objectivity with your posts, but I wasn't sure who you pull far. I agree with you, I want alabama to suck. I don't care if the Iron Bowl is irrelavant on a national scale. I hope alabama gets caught for cheating and is given the death penalty. :roflol:

Back to recruiting: Our success is recent years is why we Jheranie Boyd from North Carolina(#4 WR in the country) is paying us a visit. But one guy from NC is not enough, and if we keep recruiting like we have been, and playing like we have been (1 SEC title since I can remember, I'm 24), we are gonna start getting whimped by f***ing bama.

You see the publicity bama gets, they are a national power. Even when they are down, all they have to do is buy a good recruiter ($4 million/year), and the Rivals 100 players flock to that program. Just look at the list from last year. Look at this years list. They can be right up there with USC, Ohio State, Oklahoma in no time. For those of you who don't see this writing on the wall, then you are the one's that are delusional.

Sure, we'll get some good players here and there (5 4stars and 15 3stars), and we will stay competitive, but I want us to take it to the next level. If we don't, we will keep missing guys like Eric Berry and Caleb King. And we will keep getting dominated by bama in state.

So, how do we take it to the next level? We need to win championships, now! I think this is the most important football season we've had in a while. I said it earlier in this topic and I will say it again. We need a national title. That is what will swing in-state recruiting back in our direction.

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You're exactly right Skipper! The media seems to have a "love affair" with Saban and the Turds and every game they win and every recruit they get that we also wanted, just feeds the frenzy. They employ things like "Crimson Classics" on the local TV 42, the Nick Saban Show, the commercials featuring Gene Stallings, WJOX with Barker, Finescum attacks and cheap remarks, the re-runs on ESPN, and have the sports media in their pocket. All of this is designed to attract recruits and some of it works. Where's our publicity? where's our Tiger Classics? The powers that be at Auburn are dropping the ball on the PR department. This is by no means an answer to the recruiting problem but it sure wouldn't hurt. You are also right about the turds always going to be a national power, even when they're down. The state media will make sure of that. they like for Auburn to do well, just not TOO well and when it starts to take away from their beloved Turds, they react.

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...... If we don't, we are in for a long long year.....

Care to tell us what year that is going to be? C'mon you seem to think you can foretell the future, so help us out here...

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I'm an old Auburn man through and through but I have to say I've never seen so much Kool-aid drinking from so many Auburn fans, probably very young ones at that. Anyone knows that football dominance is like a pendalum and swings back and forth most of the time. I don't care what anyone of the "learned" in-your face people say, the Bammers have gotten who they wanted pretty much over the past two years, including many we wanted. I won't argue that Tubs has done an excellent job of judging talent up until now but he has also had a mixture of 4 and 5 star kids that seem to grow less and less each year. i.e. Burns, Zeimba, Blackmon, et al. There's no question that over time, given the present performance and recruiting, the Bammers will pull even with us and possibly overtake us. That's not a conjecture, that's a fact for anyone to see unless the kool-aid glass fogs the picture up. Personally, I've never liked bragging too much because the cost of being wrong is great and because the Bammers have always done it so much to us.

Well, I've been an AU fan since 1956...and pre and post Bahr (Cheatin') Bryant, you're incorrect.


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You're exactly right Skipper! The media seems to have a "love affair" with Saban and the Turds and every game they win and every recruit they get that we also wanted, just feeds the frenzy. They employ things like "Crimson Classics" on the local TV 42, the Nick Saban Show, the commercials featuring Gene Stallings, WJOX with Barker, Finescum attacks and cheap remarks, the re-runs on ESPN, and have the sports media in their pocket. All of this is designed to attract recruits and some of it works. Where's our publicity? where's our Tiger Classics? The powers that be at Auburn are dropping the ball on the PR department. This is by no means an answer to the recruiting problem but it sure wouldn't hurt. You are also right about the turds always going to be a national power, even when they're down. The state media will make sure of that. they like for Auburn to do well, just not TOO well and when it starts to take away from their beloved Turds, they react.

You ALWAYS fail to see both sides of the coin.

Nick Saban show? You have the Tommy Tubby show.

WJOX with Barker? Who's his co-host?

Finebaum? He's an equal opportunity hater. You only whine about him when he's hating on Auburn or praising Alabama. When the shoes on the other foot "he's just calling it how it really is"

Re-runs on ESPN...really? That's what you're going with? ESPN Classic games? You HONESTLY think ESPN is trying to help us recruit or pander to Alabama by showing "reruns" of Bama games? Hasn't AU been televised by ESPN more than ANY OTHER TEAM in the SEC over the last 10 years?

You all absolutely REFUSE to give Saban any credit as a recruiter. He comes in and you all say "he won't be able to recruit like he did at LSU"...then he gets the #1 class in the country...and it was because of playing time. Now he's kept up the momentum with the following class, and it's because ESPN Classic showed a couple more bama games than Auburn games. Gimme a freakin break guys.

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You ALWAYS fail to see both sides of the coin.

Nick Saban show? You have the Tommy Tubby show.

Its not called the Tommy Tuberville Show, its called the Auburn Football Review show. So we don't have to keep changing the name of our shows each time we get a new head coach. ;)

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Love him or hate him, Saban is undeniably a damn good recruiter and sadley for Auburn, it looks like he he will get yet another top 5 class. CTT needs to step up his recruiting game or he WILL have problems down the road.

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I've been saying this for some time but get railed every time I even insinuate it. Getting our tails kicked in-state every year reminds me of the Bryant years which I suffered through and nothing good for Auburn can come out of it. I thought that with a #1 class last year, the promise of immediate playing time would negate some the Saban hype but the media has continued their mass media campaign and love affair with the bammers. Yes, I know Tubs seems to be an excellent judge of talent but the fact remains we wanted SOME of these players Bammer is getting as well and we're NOT getting them. I know from experience and age that this establishes "pipelines" to these schools and makes difficult to break the "trend" when you find an athlete you really want badly. Tubs is allowing them to do just that! And yes, it is going to give him trouble down the road and the beginning of that MAY appear this year in Tuscaloosa. What will the naysayers say then. Fire Tubs I bet. Ok, spin it any way you want!

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You ALWAYS fail to see both sides of the coin.

Nick Saban show? You have the Tommy Tubby show.

Its not called the Tommy Tuberville Show, its called the Auburn Football Review show. So we don't have to keep changing the name of our shows each time we get a new head coach. ;)

It's not called that so we don't have to change it every time we get a new coach. 3 coaches since 1981 would prove that. It's called the auburn football review, because at Auburn, the program is bigger than the man leading it. At uat, its all about the latest head coach that will lead them to the promise land but ultimately fail in the "process".

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I've been saying this for some time but get railed every time I even insinuate it. Getting our tails kicked in-state every year reminds me of the Bryant years which I suffered through and nothing good for Auburn can come out of it. I thought that with a #1 class last year, the promise of immediate playing time would negate some the Saban hype but the media has continued their mass media campaign and love affair with the bammers. Yes, I know Tubs seems to be an excellent judge of talent but the fact remains we wanted SOME of these players Bammer is getting as well and we're NOT getting them. I know from experience and age that this establishes "pipelines" to these schools and makes difficult to break the "trend" when you find an athlete you really want badly. Tubs is allowing them to do just that! And yes, it is going to give him trouble down the road and the beginning of that MAY appear this year in Tuscaloosa. What will the naysayers say then. Fire Tubs I bet. Ok, spin it any way you want!

OK...you've identified a problem and posed it as a potential disaster. Now....instead of just whining about it......what do you propose that we do about it? I'm sure your boss doesn''t let you whine without proposing solutions. We need details..........

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I don't have a boss because I'm a 64 year old retired person who has been around Auburn football most of my life and seen more games than I care to remember. Having said that, I do know just a little bit about football and trends. Most people know that players tend to gravitate to the school they have past teammates as well as friends. It's a given. Tubs is allowing Alabama to regain the in-state recruiting advantage it held in-state for over 25 long years with Bryant. That tradition still allows them to pull in-state players away from Auburn so why would it be any different by allowing Saban to do the same thing now? I have no answers as to why Tubs cannot seem to prevent this and the only thing I would suggest is to work harder in-state and try to keep winning. Unfortunately, with respect to Alabama, it doesn't seem to make any difference in recruiting whether we beat them or not. As for whining, There is a difference between whining and sounding an alarm of things to come if things don't change. Finally, since Tubs has said he isn't going to coach forever, he may not be real concerned about it because he won't be at Auburn. Who knows?

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I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

Yup...I heard that it's very warm there. B)


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I have enjoyed it more than almost anything else in my life, however, I do have brains enough to know that it will end because the pendilum swings both ways bud.

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I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

That's good. I'm glad you like being on the short end of seven in a row :cheer:

Once again it's an Auburn fan who reads a statement about the future and instead would rather bring up the past. Maybe it's because there isn't much in Auburn's future that is worth looking at. And y'all always accuse Bama fans of looking to the past, LMAO!!! I'll say it again.... I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

And maybe you have a hard time counting, do you know what the current streak is???? I'd assume you did since you are an Auburn fan but reading your post kind of makes me concerned about where you got your education from. I hope they were an accredited college, that would have sure been a waste of money.

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I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

That's good. I'm glad you like being on the short end of seven in a row :cheer:

Once again it's an Auburn fan who reads a statement about the future and instead would rather bring up the past. Maybe it's because there isn't much in Auburn's future that is worth looking at. And y'all always accuse Bama fans of looking to the past, LMAO!!! I'll say it again.... I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

And maybe you have a hard time counting, do you know what the current streak is???? I'd assume you did since you are an Auburn fan but reading your post kind of makes me concerned about where you got your education from. I hope they were an accredited college, that would have sure been a waste of money.

I know you uaters are short on intelligence and reading comprehension fails you more often than not, but are you really this stupid? If memory serves, the streak over your mediocre program is currently at SIX, so wouldn't the SEVENTH straight be in the future? How exactly is that looking back at the past? The streak is CURRENT, right?

Believe me, there are a lot of us that like where uat is going too...

Obviously you wouldn't like where auburn is going cause we are still winning games, and we know how much uat and the uat controlled media in the state hate that. We aren't going away bamaham....we aren't going away. I'm glad you are comfortable with your mediocre program...just remember, things aren't always as they seem.... Enjoy the (very short) ride...

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I don't have a boss because I'm a 64 year old retired person who has been around Auburn football most of my life and seen more games than I care to remember. Having said that, I do know just a little bit about football and trends. Most people know that players tend to gravitate to the school they have past teammates as well as friends. It's a given. Tubs is allowing Alabama to regain the in-state recruiting advantage it held in-state for over 25 long years with Bryant. That tradition still allows them to pull in-state players away from Auburn so why would it be any different by allowing Saban to do the same thing now? I have no answers as to why Tubs cannot seem to prevent this and the only thing I would suggest is to work harder in-state and try to keep winning. Unfortunately, with respect to Alabama, it doesn't seem to make any difference in recruiting whether we beat them or not. As for whining, There is a difference between whining and sounding an alarm of things to come if things don't change. Finally, since Tubs has said he isn't going to coach forever, he may not be real concerned about it because he won't be at Auburn. Who knows?

OK...so you don't have any solutions and you are not really whining, you are sounding an alarm...............to whom? The folks on this blog? Why? We can't/shouldn't be able to do anything about it. And being an "alarmist" about it will only have negative implications. In fact, the problem that you are alarming us over is just now starting. If it continues for several more years and our wins drop off....then it will be time to start talking about it.

BTW, I've got several relatives that have played football at AU and even taught at AU. My wife and my families together have hundreds of "alumni years" tallied......so what.......that doesn't give me the right to be an "alarmist". Buck up....go read the Auburn Creed and quit whining.......we'll be OK.

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I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

That's good. I'm glad you like being on the short end of seven in a row :cheer:

Once again it's an Auburn fan who reads a statement about the future and instead would rather bring up the past. Maybe it's because there isn't much in Auburn's future that is worth looking at. And y'all always accuse Bama fans of looking to the past, LMAO!!! I'll say it again.... I like where Alabama is going more than where Auburn is going.

And maybe you have a hard time counting, do you know what the current streak is???? I'd assume you did since you are an Auburn fan but reading your post kind of makes me concerned about where you got your education from. I hope they were an accredited college, that would have sure been a waste of money.

You are truly a dunce. You said you liked where bama was going. That implies the future right? So seven in your FUTURE. Six is in the past, seven is in your future. Got it? Anyone as dumb as you seem to be should not question anyone"s education. You simply aren't qualified.

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