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Why are we getting dominated in state?


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I've said it before, most kids follow what school their father was a fan of, for me it was Auburn, these kids now that are coming out of high school had fathers that were at Alabama in the 60s and 70s, there's no denying that Alabama's former success still has an impact on where recruits go, our best bet is to hope we can get some out of Alabama and have great success in Georgia and Florida like we have in the past, and I think we're starting to see with how consistent our program is and the fact that it's a top tier SEC team that players from around the country are wanting to come here, and that will help us out as well.

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Win, and they will come.

So the past few years bama has sucked. But a lot of kids don't care how bad a program is, because they think they are the one that will be able to change things. Coaches know this. I think it was kindof a bandwagon effect last year with Jones, Harris, Scott, etc. thinking that they could turn the tide.

This year we need to be undefeated going into the ironbowl. Then we need to drag bama up and down the field. We need to dominate that game. Tubs needs to run the score up. We need to dishearten bama's freshman class. The very idea, ha, thinking they could turn things around. We need every one of those kids to wish they wore orange and blue. The bama nation needs a legitimate reason to think that "the process" is not working.

We need a national title.

Skipper....quit letting the Bammers scare you. If it makes you feel any better CTT has a "process". It's called find the recruits that fit in at AU and develop them. The 2004 class was not built out of a bunch of top ten recruiting classes. We are recruiting better than before the 2004 season.....so is the rest of the SEC. CTT's comments were regarding our inability to recruit the receivers (and maybe Qbs) we need.

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I made a similar post the other day and got flamed for it! Whether some on here like to admit it or not, I lived through the Bear days and looks like it's returned in terms of the Bammers getting virtually anybody they want. Tubs seems unable to compete with Saban in terms of recruiting and that troubles me. Games with the Bammers mean more to in-state players than one from Tennessee or Georgia for example. Bear knew that. Saban has won more than just recruits as well. H e's established pipelines to these schools that have top quality athletes coming up who'll want to play with friends. I'm troubled by Tubs inability to compete with Saban in recruiting. Look for them to "clean our plow" with the rest of in-state talent as well. I know, I know, go ahead and say well, we get players from FLorida and Georgia, etc. But when have we gotten MANY outstanding, top rated players from these states either? OR, Tubs is a better judge of talent. or we have a new system and we're recruiting to our needs. Baloney! Go ahead, flame!

rankings don't matter.

They really dont when you have one of the best (and I'm talking top 3-5) talent evaluation systems in the country. Guess who was the first to get in on some no-name, no ranking DE from Indiana named Montez Robinson? It wasn't Saban, it wasn't Tressel or any other eastern school which should have the advantage in that area...it was Tuberville. Turns out Robinson is possible 5-star by the end of the year, we got in on that kid before he even had a single video/article up about him.

I can go on naming the vast superiority we possess when it comes to finding those unknown players that become All-SEC. I already told you that we got the best DE prospect in-state committed to us...guess who it is? Its not Ming, its not Coleman....its Donald Ford. Opening game of the season he was so dominant he played 1 half of football and still posted something like 7 tackles, 4 tackles for loss, a blocked kick AND a blocked punt, 3 pass breakups, and a sack. Guess who found him in our camp and locked him up? This is a kid who played a S/LB hybrid ("Rover") last year and was on no one's watch list, underwent a huge growth spurt and is now a freak DE prospect with timed 4.46 speed. But hey, you guys can go celebrate about getting a guy like William Ming, who BTW probably projects best as an OG but may fit in as a 3-4 DE in your defense.

and as for Donald Ford, he seems awful small to be a DE. 6'2" 190 lbs even for a DE? i hope he can put on some weight pretty quick. you guys didn't sign a DE under 240 in the 08 class, under 226 in 07, under 233 in 06. he seems more suited to stay a LB judging by the size of guys you have been taking for DE. just because some kid performs well at your camp does not mean he is the end all be all world beater of all at his position. for all you know if one of our guys had gone to your camp he would have made Ford look like a scrub.

Ford = 6'3 205lbs and growing.

Ford outperformed Montez Robinson in the pass rushing drills. Robinson is better than any DE you have committed or are going to land...oh, he's also likely Auburn bound.

Dee Ford game 2:

13 tackles (8 solo)

6 tackles for loss

3 QB hurries

3 sacks


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I won't argue that Tubs has done an excellent job of judging talent up until now but he has also had a mixture of 4 and 5 star kids that seem to grow less and less each year. i.e. Burns, Zeimba, Blackmon, et al.

Say what? Burns is a true sophomore. Ziemba started last year as a true freshman and is playing very well this year as a true sophomore. Blackmon had some off the field issues in 2006 but looked dynamic once he got in. He was the starter last year but was injured and he's the starter this year.

In exactly what way have any of these guys grown less and less? The only one close to legit in that list for criticism would be Burns because thus far he hasn't grown as much as we'd like in the passing game. I really don't understand this comment at all.

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.....the Bammers have gotten who they wanted pretty much over the past two years, including many we wanted.

UAT did very well last year, but last year only. Two years ago, Tuberville and Saban went head-to-head on seven players. The final score was Tuberville 5, Saban 2.

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Why are we getting shut out on the top recruits in state.

We're not.

Explain how you're not.

It's real simple. Real slow......say......six.......in.....a row....with .........seven ........coming.....in........90.......days.

it still doesn't change the fact that we are beating you for the top talent in the state, but keep clinging to that 6 as your feel-good catchall.

Smug much? And would you really trade recruiting rank for on-the-field results?

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.....the Bammers have gotten who they wanted pretty much over the past two years, including many we wanted.

UAT did very well last year, but last year only. Two years ago, Tuberville and Saban went head-to-head on seven players. The final score was Tuberville 5, Saban 2.

uh, CNS had 1 whole month to recruit. ONE.....WHOLE.....MONTH. CTT had 2 years to recruit those guys.

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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

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.....the Bammers have gotten who they wanted pretty much over the past two years, including many we wanted.

UAT did very well last year, but last year only. Two years ago, Tuberville and Saban went head-to-head on seven players. The final score was Tuberville 5, Saban 2.

uh, CNS had 1 whole month to recruit. ONE.....WHOLE.....MONTH. CTT had 2 years to recruit those guys.


Don't worry take a breath Alabama might win someday

they are finally getting some good players

but you guys can get them all.

7 will be here soon thou


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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

yeah but the deep pocket boosters can't help him win those matchups..... B)

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Anyone who thinks rankings don't matter at all is an idiot. It's not as if the people at Rivals are completely off. If that was the case, why are schools like USC, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and Georgia recruiting the "top ranked" athletes? Man... since Rivals apparently has no idea what they are talking about, these schools mentioned above must be setting themselves up for failure.

Auburn fans with their heads stuck in the sand... get it through your thin skulls... we are getting dominated by Saban in recruiting. Fact is, Auburn is going after the same kids Alabama is. You may not THINK we are, but we are. I am positive that at least half of the athletes that are "top ranked" by Rivals that chose or will choose Alabama were also recruited by Auburn as well. We may or may not have pushed recruiting as hard on SOME of them because the coaching staff knew Auburn had little to no chance.

The same Auburn fans that claim we aren't getting beat by Saban in recruiting are the same ones that want to bring up the Mike Shula classes that were supposedly "much better" than Auburn's classes. Listen... his classes were nowhere near what Saban is getting. Shula wasn't getting 8 or 9 of the top 10 players in the state.

Saban is doing exactly what he did at LSU and that is to keep the talent at home and to go to Alabama. I don't know how he does it and why Tuberville can't, but it is going to hurt.

The same Auburn fans can continue with the "well it is obvious he isn't winning because we just made it Six and we are about to make it Seven." OK guys... get over it... if you knew anything about how life works in general, you would know that recruiting doesn't make an impact until about 2-3 years down the road. It CAN make a difference immediately (see Illinois), but it usually doesn't.

Tuberville can find good talent that is "secondary" based on the recruiting rankings and his coaches can develop them well. But if you honestly think for one moment that Tuberville wouldn't prefer Saban's class, you are a damn fool. He could do the same thing with his talent too.

Just because someone chooses to play for Alabama doesn't mean they suck. You will likely be eating your own words in a few years. I hope not, but it should be expected. And then Tuberville will leave Auburn in a few years because he is feeling the heat and we will have to get a new coach that EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU will claim "oh yea, Coach XXXXX is a fantastic recruiter and it's about time he comes in and takes back some of the talent (which apparently doesn't matter today, but it will in 3-4 years when you say this)" Then when he still can't out recruit Saban, you guys will just be disgusted and wonder when and where it all went downhill. And have to listen to Alabama crap about how they are winning 5 in a row. And before you know it, that coach will be under fire and we will basically be like Alabama - the fans won't be happy and will continually want a new coach.

And can we also please give up the 4-2 record thing. Again, you guys don't look at the causes of these. Each you want to make fun of how Saban moves around. Well, the first couple of years are the toughest. Things are bound to be rough the first year or two for him. Plus this record is also based on who plays at home. So since you are wanting to talk about records so much, you mine as well admit that Saban will win the Iron Bowl this year.

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I really don't see $aban hanging around bammer long enough to win with all this talent he's bringing in. He always seems pissed about the "expectations" at bammer, wether it's fans, players, alumni, etc. He mentions it constantly in interviews. I believe his irritation with the high expectations will eventually push him away from the very program that has made him famous again in college football. I may be wrong, but $aban has never stayed put for very long at any program and I just don't see it happening at bammer....

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Same things were said about Urban Meyer - he left Bowling Green to go to Utah and then left them to go to Florida. How is it any different? He kept going for greater and better things. Saban did the same thing by going to MSU and then to LSU and then the NFL. He got tired of the NFL, so yes, he did quit that. But now that he is at Alabama, where would he move up to? It's not like there is much of a step above Alabama, except maybe like Michigan, Texas, or USC. But can you tell me the fans and expectations wouldn't be the same there? He's not going to downgrade himself to a school like Washington or South Carolina.

What pisses me off is that everyone is convinced Saban will leave Alabama, yet they have no reason to believe so. They are convinced based only on his past. But they only look at a fraction of that past and that is the part of him actually moving. They don't see WHY he moved. And for the reason WHY he moved can not be found as a reason as to why he would leave Alabama.

Based on that philosophy, any man (or woman) that has ever had more than 2 girlfriends or boyfriends, obviously can not make marriage work. It's insane. Or any person that changes jobs a couple of times won't be able to stick with their job again? It's insane.

People want to believe he is leaving Alabama because they want him to leave Alabama.

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It's all part of the fun of a rivalry PC. Just something to :poke: at the other fanbase about. It's not life or death and it really makes no difference to me if Nick Saban stays at Alabama or goes elsewhere. In reality, I find that the rivalry is getting fun again because without a doubt, Bama is going to get better. As long as we maintain our level of success, the Iron Bowl will be relevant on the national scene again very soon.

I've never put much stock in rumors about CTT or Saban going this place or that. By the way, a coach staying at one school as long as CTT has at Auburn is a rarity these days. Coaches move all the time and I have no doubt both of these guys will finish their respective careers some place other than Auburn and Alabama. Could be wrong but the odds are, they'll move on eventually. As far as any predictions about Saban going, I'd say the only real possibility would be if Penn State came calling when Joe Pa leaves. Great program, great tradition and right in Saban's back yard.

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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

in the series, CTT only wins when AU is the home team and CNS has only won when LSU is the home team. if that stays true, hopefully we will break the streak this season. i think it will happen.

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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

in the series, CTT only wins when AU is the home team and CNS has only won when LSU is the home team. if that stays true, hopefully we will break the streak this season. i think it will happen.

1999: Auburn 41 LSU 7, Baton Rouge, LA

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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

in the series, CTT only wins when AU is the home team and CNS has only won when LSU is the home team. if that stays true, hopefully we will break the streak this season. i think it will happen.

1999: Auburn 41 LSU 7, Baton Rouge, LA

1999: CNS coached Michigan State to a 9-2 season

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The $4mil boy has had 6 opportunities to beat Coach Tuberville. What's his record again?

in the series, CTT only wins when AU is the home team and CNS has only won when LSU is the home team. if that stays true, hopefully we will break the streak this season. i think it will happen.

1999: Auburn 41 LSU 7, Baton Rouge, LA

1999: CNS coached Michigan State to a 9-2 season


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AUesquire, you provided good opinions and I won't trash you for it. I personally do not think Tuberville will leave Auburn, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But you mention something that MANY on this board have said - the fact that Alabama is getting better and thus the Iron Bowl will finally "mean" something or that it will be on the national scene. Many have said that the game will finally be "competitive" now.

First off... the Iron Bowl is always competitive. Second, the Iron Bowl will never reach that of the Michigan-OSU game because of the marketing that the game receives. This year, that game will still be considered the "biggest rivalry in college football," which is a bunch of crap, because of how it is marketed. And the fact is, the game won't mean all that much. But the topic of rivalries is for another thread.

IMO, any Auburn fan that wants Alabama to play better for the "importance of the Iron Bowl" is a Bammer. And I am not joking here. That is a load of crap. I would rather have Bama be 0-11 going into each and every Iron Bowl than anything else. No it wouldn't happen, but I want Bama to STINK. I want them to be BAD. I want to destroy Alabama in the Iron Bowl 75-0. I really do. I want this series to be the ND-Navy series for the 43 years prior to last season.

The Iron Bowl, you've heard it - "throw away the records." If it means the game isn't the most important game of the year for the fans across the country to watch... if that is the expense for Alabama to have a $H!++Y team each and every year, I am absolutely FINE with that. Because in the end, I want Alabama to lose and Auburn to win. By the game being "competitive," that SOUNDS like you don't mind Alabama winning a few games here and there in the Iron Bowl. Well guess what... the Iron Bowl has been less than 10 points each of the last six years Auburn has won and most of them have been within a touchdown. If that isn't competitive, what is?

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First off... the Iron Bowl is always competitive. Second, the Iron Bowl will never reach that of the Michigan-OSU game because of the marketing that the game receives. This year, that game will still be considered the "biggest rivalry in college football," which is a bunch of crap, because of how it is marketed. And the fact is, the game won't mean all that much. But the topic of rivalries is for another thread.

I am going to agree and disagree

I agree that no matter what AU/UA do, the marketing will pump up OSU/UM the best they can

But in terms of TV ratings and actual interest, if AU/UA are playing with the West on the line and both teams are Top 10-15, I think the Iron Bowl will surpass OSU/UM especially if OSU loses this weekend and UM keeps playing like crap

UM is not that highly thought of anymore and OSU is looked upon as the SEC's female-dog

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People want to believe he is leaving Alabama because they want him to leave Alabama.

Ok, I want him to leave Alabama. I want Shula back over there. I've LOVED beating them SIX straight. I've loved seeing them get beat by the likes of LaMo..... Bammer being down has been a good thing for many teams, AU, LSU, UT, Miss State, etc....

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PC, I share that sentiment about Bama. Always have and always will. I want WKU to beat them by 20 this weekend. (Won't happen, but hey, I can dream) I also get frustrated when it seems we should lay 40 on them and wind up recovering an on-side kick to seal the victory.

But, reality is that the NCAA has set college football up so that parity is almost inevitable to a certain extent. If your program has the facilities and money to compete at a top level, you have to make some horrible hires or have some screwed up personnel to stay down for any real length of time. Auburn has what it takes and so does Bama...and Florida and LSU and Georgia and UT and Oklahoma and USC and Texas and OSU etc.

Like most on this board, I'd like to see our biggest rival lose every game miserably, but that ain't happenin'. IF..they have the right man in place (And who knows, it's still too early to tell) they will compete for SEC championships. Will they dominate like the 70's? No. But they'll be good again. I can't do anything about that and nobody on this board can either. I just want CTT and his staff to keep this program in a position to win SEC championships too. If we're fighting for that, we're also a player on the BCS level.

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Anyone who thinks rankings don't matter at all is an idiot. It's not as if the people at Rivals are completely off. If that was the case, why are schools like USC, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and Georgia recruiting the "top ranked" athletes? Man... since Rivals apparently has no idea what they are talking about, these schools mentioned above must be setting themselves up for failure.

Auburn fans with their heads stuck in the sand... get it through your thin skulls... we are getting dominated by Saban in recruiting. Fact is, Auburn is going after the same kids Alabama is. You may not THINK we are, but we are. I am positive that at least half of the athletes that are "top ranked" by Rivals that chose or will choose Alabama were also recruited by Auburn as well. We may or may not have pushed recruiting as hard on SOME of them because the coaching staff knew Auburn had little to no chance.

The same Auburn fans that claim we aren't getting beat by Saban in recruiting are the same ones that want to bring up the Mike Shula classes that were supposedly "much better" than Auburn's classes. Listen... his classes were nowhere near what Saban is getting. Shula wasn't getting 8 or 9 of the top 10 players in the state.

Saban is doing exactly what he did at LSU and that is to keep the talent at home and to go to Alabama. I don't know how he does it and why Tuberville can't, but it is going to hurt.

The same Auburn fans can continue with the "well it is obvious he isn't winning because we just made it Six and we are about to make it Seven." OK guys... get over it... if you knew anything about how life works in general, you would know that recruiting doesn't make an impact until about 2-3 years down the road. It CAN make a difference immediately (see Illinois), but it usually doesn't.

Tuberville can find good talent that is "secondary" based on the recruiting rankings and his coaches can develop them well. But if you honestly think for one moment that Tuberville wouldn't prefer Saban's class, you are a damn fool. He could do the same thing with his talent too.

Just because someone chooses to play for Alabama doesn't mean they suck. You will likely be eating your own words in a few years. I hope not, but it should be expected. And then Tuberville will leave Auburn in a few years because he is feeling the heat and we will have to get a new coach that EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU will claim "oh yea, Coach XXXXX is a fantastic recruiter and it's about time he comes in and takes back some of the talent (which apparently doesn't matter today, but it will in 3-4 years when you say this)" Then when he still can't out recruit Saban, you guys will just be disgusted and wonder when and where it all went downhill. And have to listen to Alabama crap about how they are winning 5 in a row. And before you know it, that coach will be under fire and we will basically be like Alabama - the fans won't be happy and will continually want a new coach.

And can we also please give up the 4-2 record thing. Again, you guys don't look at the causes of these. Each you want to make fun of how Saban moves around. Well, the first couple of years are the toughest. Things are bound to be rough the first year or two for him. Plus this record is also based on who plays at home. So since you are wanting to talk about records so much, you mine as well admit that Saban will win the Iron Bowl this year.


I have had it up to the top of my head with you! You claim to be an Auburn fan but make a ******* 3 paragraph rant like this? I would LOVE to kick your ass, and I'm not kidding. All you do is come on here and piss people off, and anyone with any sense has put you on ignore (I guess I don't have any sense yet). Dude, I REALLY wish you would learn to shut your ******* mouth and QUIT PISSING PEOPLE OFF!


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This is a problem with this board! Anyone who disagrees with the norm is labeled a bammer which isn't true Truth is, bammers are whippin our ass again and nobody with any sense wants to adimit it.They did it last

year and they're doiing it again! Just check the offers and you will quit drinking the kool-aid!

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