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Mario Fannin


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Reading this thread, started by an expert chump, I had to go back and make sure we won 34-0 Saturday night. I also had to check and make sure I wasn't on a bama board.

FWIW, Fannin was working hard in practice yesterday and getting special attention from Coach Franklin. I have no idea, other than what he has said, why Franklin has been a little critical of Fannin but I will trust his judgement since he there seeing Fannin everyday and is a heck of a lot better judge than anyone here that I know of.

What a loser you are.

It's all in the eye of the beholder. I may be # 2 but you definitely have #1 sewed up. I just find it funny that you of all people here choose to criticize anybody when you get more flak than anyone else on this board.

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The truth is, whether you want to admit it or not, is that the Auburn fans on this board are not only slightly disappointed with the team's performance (which 34-0 is nothing to worry about, I completely agree - our boys did what was expected, hell I predicted 31-10 and 34-0 is better than that); the Auburn fans are comparing our team to Alabama. Alabama went out and destroyed Clemson 34-10 (the lone TD being a KO return). Our teams scored the same amount of points. Bama's offense scored more on the predicted ACC champs than our offense did against a Sun Belt team.

IMO, whether you guys want to admit it or not, the Auburn fans are comparing our team's performance to that of Bama. Bama looked great and Auburn did not in a comparable sense. If Bama had won like 17-14 or lost, IMO we wouldn't be hearing as much. But I think there are some worried faces about the November matchup. I am sure you guys will reply with "we don't compare ourselves to Bama and we saw our game and noticed things that can be fixed." All I am saying is that if Hell Froze over and we had the same play against USM and Bama lost to Tulane - we wouldn't hear much about our offense struggling because everyone would be happy that Bama lost.

Really, personally my concern about our offense has nothing to do with the fact that Alabama won. I was worried about our offensive production during the game before I even heard that Bama was winning. Not everything we do has to be in relation to Bama. Let us play our games, and let Bama play theirs, and at the end of the season when it is time to play them on the field, when it actually matters, then we can start the comparisons.

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The truth is, whether you want to admit it or not, is that the Auburn fans on this board are not only slightly disappointed with the team's performance (which 34-0 is nothing to worry about, I completely agree - our boys did what was expected, hell I predicted 31-10 and 34-0 is better than that); the Auburn fans are comparing our team to Alabama. Alabama went out and destroyed Clemson 34-10 (the lone TD being a KO return). Our teams scored the same amount of points. Bama's offense scored more on the predicted ACC champs than our offense did against a Sun Belt team.

IMO, whether you guys want to admit it or not, the Auburn fans are comparing our team's performance to that of Bama. Bama looked great and Auburn did not in a comparable sense. If Bama had won like 17-14 or lost, IMO we wouldn't be hearing as much. But I think there are some worried faces about the November matchup. I am sure you guys will reply with "we don't compare ourselves to Bama and we saw our game and noticed things that can be fixed." All I am saying is that if Hell Froze over and we had the same play against USM and Bama lost to Tulane - we wouldn't hear much about our offense struggling because everyone would be happy that Bama lost.

Really, personally my concern about our offense has nothing to do with the fact that Alabama won. I was worried about our offensive production during the game before I even heard that Bama was winning. Not everything we do has to be in relation to Bama. Let us play our games, and let Bama play theirs, and at the end of the season when it is time to play them on the field, when it actually matters, then we can start the comparisons.

Amen. Maybe some folks need a refresher course:


uat 35


:au: 28

uat 10


uat 42

:ut: 17 BAMA'S BAAACCKKK!!! (No, really!)

:au: 17

uat 10

As for 2008, we'll find out about uat come November. (Although, personally, I think the world will find out about uat Sept 20.) We'll find out about :au: much sooner - I'm thinking, likewise, Sept 20. That's when CTF will start earning his paycheck.

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The truth is, whether you want to admit it or not, is that the Auburn fans on this board are not only slightly disappointed with the team's performance (which 34-0 is nothing to worry about, I completely agree - our boys did what was expected, hell I predicted 31-10 and 34-0 is better than that); the Auburn fans are comparing our team to Alabama. Alabama went out and destroyed Clemson 34-10 (the lone TD being a KO return). Our teams scored the same amount of points. Bama's offense scored more on the predicted ACC champs than our offense did against a Sun Belt team.

IMO, whether you guys want to admit it or not, the Auburn fans are comparing our team's performance to that of Bama. Bama looked great and Auburn did not in a comparable sense. If Bama had won like 17-14 or lost, IMO we wouldn't be hearing as much. But I think there are some worried faces about the November matchup. I am sure you guys will reply with "we don't compare ourselves to Bama and we saw our game and noticed things that can be fixed." All I am saying is that if Hell Froze over and we had the same play against USM and Bama lost to Tulane - we wouldn't hear much about our offense struggling because everyone would be happy that Bama lost.

UGA game will tell us how good Bama is.

Really, personally my concern about our offense has nothing to do with the fact that Alabama won. I was worried about our offensive production during the game before I even heard that Bama was winning. Not everything we do has to be in relation to Bama. Let us play our games, and let Bama play theirs, and at the end of the season when it is time to play them on the field, when it actually matters, then we can start the comparisons.

Amen. Maybe some folks need a refresher course:


uat 35


:au: 28

uat 10


uat 42

:ut: 17 BAMA'S BAAACCKKK!!! (No, really!)

:au: 17

uat 10

As for 2008, we'll find out about uat come November. (Although, personally, I think the world will find out about uat Sept 20.) We'll find out about :au: much sooner - I'm thinking, likewise, Sept 20. That's when CTF will start earning his paycheck.

We will find out about Alabama with their Arkansas game? Ummm, Arkansas is the worst team in the SEC this year (ok... maybe second worst behind MSU the way MSU played in week 1). This team escaped Arkansas State on a final drive to win the game. They have nobody returning and it showed. Petrino almost broke the record and almost ditched Arkansas for Texas A&M or something. Arkansas is BAAAAD. And whomever it was that predicted that Alabama wouldn't get past either Arkansas or Tennessee is going to be eating it in a few weeks.

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pchump, just go ahead and state the fact that you are a uater. WE all know anyway..........

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PC, you bit off a little much on the "most folks are comparing us to Bama" line of thinking. I couldn't care less what Alabama did against an overrated team with a bad coach (note to BG: I'm not degrading your win. You pulled an upset. You played great. Don't jack the thread). They didn't do anything that worried me. Clemson called 12 running plays the whole game. We won't be so dumb. We'll run it 30 times that game (at least), and I still think we'll control the line of scrimmage (on both sides of the ball). They don't concern me, and I didn't see anything on Saturday to make me think they should.

I was interested in our offense because I want us to be as good as we can be. I still maintain that Al Borges lost his job largely because he failed to do the things that made him so successful upon arrival: utilize the best talent in the best way. Borges did a poor job of using Kodi (the lack of confidence in Brandon in the second half lost us the MSU game). Borges lost Fannin (his best playmaker) in the shuffle. Borges didn't use Trott and McKenzie enough. He didn't take advantage of all the toys he had.

So far this very, very, very short season (which is not a good way to measure any aspect of our team)? I see the exact same problems. We didn't use Trott (who we've raved about for months). We didn't use Fannin (not even as effectively as we did in the bowl game). And we had a terrible concept of how to rotate QBs (which Franklin admitted). I think we'll get that stuff corrected, but I think it's fair to point out when some problems carry over from a regime that everyone was happy to replace.

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...Remember, I'm just expressing my response opinion and that's just one opinion coming from an :au::homer: - so don't take it personal.

No it isn't...I didn't say anything. :)


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pchump, just go ahead and state the fact that you are a uater. WE all know anyway..........

HippieTim is a Bammer....


You should never capitalize bammer, bammer.

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I will be much more worried if we don't use Fannin and Trott after LSU. I have a feeling that we aren't giving up those plays yet. The defense can learn to cover about any routes because their aren't that many different kinds, but I think with a great TE and a player like Mario we are holding what we have.

Robert Dunn has said that there were several things that could have been called that would have been TDs all night long, but there was no reason to tip the hand yet.

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:au: And whomever it was that predicted that Alabama wouldn't get past either Arkansas or Tennessee is going to be eating it in a few weeks.

Are you eating yours since you predicted Clemson to beat bama? That makes your comments somewhat hypocritical.

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All I am saying is that if Hell Froze over and we had the same play against USM and Bama lost to Tulane - we wouldn't hear much about our offense struggling because everyone would be happy that Bama lost.
This post has been edited by PChamp119: Today, 09:34 AM


Is that statement even real?

If we have the same play against USM, then I will be highly worried about :msu: , :lsu: , :ut: . What would bama losing to Tulane have to do with anything?

I'm sorry, I'm very new to this board. Is PChamp119 a bammer posing as part of the :au: family? I just really hope there is not any real auburn fans that think like this.

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pchump, just go ahead and state the fact that you are a uater. WE all know anyway..........

HippieTim is a Bammer....


You should never capitalize bammer, bammer.

Funny how the little things escape some and yet are so obvious to others..... ;)

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... to follow his assignments?

... to do what he's told?

...to play his position, even when he's not in the spotlight?

I love to watch Mario get the ball as much as anyone, but if he's not disciplined enough to play as a part of a TEAM where everyone does their job, every play - whether or not they get the ball - than CTT is right, he should sit until he pulls his head out....

The easy parts are where he is "struggling" all he has to do is try and the problem is solved.

Are the receivers doing their job, every play, when they drop passes?

Is Todd doing his job when he misses wide open receivers?

According to your logic we should make most of the offense sit for next week's game. I don't care what he's done. I would rather have him on the field.

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