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Titan, you're a bright guy, and generally reasonable, but on this thread you are acting like a typical one-issue voter. She supports your key issue, so you rationalize and excuse everything else.

Was she picked because McCain thought she was the best prepared person to be a heartbeat away from the President? Was she even in the top 50? Get serious.

Nail meet hammer.

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Karl Rove a few weeks ago:

"I think [Obama's] going to make an intensely political choice, not a governing choice," Rove said. "He's going to view this through the prism of a candidate, not through the prism of president; that is to say, he's going to pick somebody that he thinks will on the margin help him in a state like Indiana or Missouri or Virginia. He's not going to be thinking big and broad about the responsibilities of president."

Rove singled out Virginia governor Tim Kaine, also a Face The Nation guest, as an example of such a pick.

"With all due respect again to Governor Kaine, he's been a governor for three years, he's been able but undistinguished," Rove said. "I don't think people could really name a big, important thing that he's done. He was mayor of the 105th largest city in America."

His coming BS spin should be interesting.

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I almost feel sorry for Palin. The attacks are coming and they will be incredibly cruel. The attacks on her child with Down's Syndrome are going to be legend by the time they are done. Now, the Obama Campaign isnt going to do it themselves but their accomplices in the press will certainly bash her 24/7 for not aborting the child. Abortion is a sacrement to the Liberal mindset and cannot be questioned.

One of the most ridiculous things you have ever said.

Come back in 2 months and document this predicted attack on her for not aborting. :rolleyes::no:

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DENVER -- American voters on Friday began learning about Sarah Palin. But the selection of an obscure Alaska governor as the Republican vice presidential nominee also offers clues about the leadership style of the man who placed her on the ticket.

Though John McCain clearly concluded that Palin could attract female voters and grab his campaign some Barack Obama-style media buzz, he also is taking a risk that in elevating a largely unknown figure, he undermines the central theme of his candidacy that he puts "country first," above political calculations.

For a candidate known to possess a quick temper and an unpredictable political streak, the decision raises questions about how McCain would lead -- whether his decisions would flow from careful deliberations or gut checks in which short-term considerations or feelings outweigh the long view.

"Americans like risk-takers, but they also want to know that in times of crisis, you're going to be calm," said Matthew Dowd, who was a senior campaign strategist for President Bush but is neutral in the McCain-Obama race.

"Americans don't necessarily want somebody in a time of crisis to be overly emotional," Dowd said. "That's the balance that John McCain's going to have to show the public."

The Palin risk also has the potential to reap big rewards.

Her presence on the ticket as a strongly antiabortion mother of five -- her infant son has Down syndrome -- promises to energize evangelical voters who have been skeptical of McCain.

Already, some top conservative Christian leaders who criticized McCain in the past have proclaimed enthusiasm for the pick.

Moreover, as a hunter, a member of the National Rifle Assn. and an avid snowmobiler, Palin appeals to many facets of the GOP base.

McCain's choice of Palin strikes a contrast with Obama's running-mate selection of Joe Biden, a longtime U.S. senator whose foreign policy credentials and working-class roots seemed to fill important gaps in Obama's resume and political style.

That is not to say that voters always want the deliberative approach. McCain's popularity stems partly from his independent style, whereas Obama has been accused of being too professorial and failing to connect with middle-class voters on a personal level.

Still, for McCain, who turned 72 on Friday and has had bouts with the most serious form of skin cancer, the priority in his running-mate selection was picking someone voters could envision becoming commander in chief should something befall him as president.

Or so it had seemed.

As of midweek, according to GOP sources, Republicans believed that the Arizona senator had narrowed his choices to more-seasoned contenders: Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

Pawlenty, popular with conservatives, was viewed as the safe bet; Lieberman, the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee, would have angered the party base but was generally considered qualified.

How McCain settled on Palin, whom he first met six months ago, remains a mystery outside his small inner circle of advisors.

She doesn't seem an ideal fit for a campaign that has focused intensely on foreign policy expertise and has attacked Obama for his relative lack of experience in that area.

At 44, she is three years younger than Obama and 21 years younger than Biden. She was elected governor in 2006 and formerly was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 7,000 or so.

McCain apparently made his decision after a telephone conversation with Palin last weekend and a face-to-face meeting Thursday at his home in Sedona, Ariz.

"On its face, it looks like a gut decision," said a Republican strategist who requested anonymity when discussing McCain's judgment. "But it also speaks to a very hyper-political decision. Obviously, he doesn't have any history with Sarah Palin. He doesn't know her. It seems to be a calculated push toward gaining women voters."

Another Republican with close ties to the McCain campaign said Friday that the pick reflected McCain's penchant for going with his gut -- even if such gambles can lead him to the wrong choice. The Republican felt uncomfortable repeating talking points distributed by the McCain campaign, which argued that Palin's role as commander of the Alaska National Guard and her Army son's imminent deployment to Iraq makes her "ready to be president" and helps her "understand what it takes to lead our nation." :rotflol:

"This is a guy who takes big gambles," said the Republican, who requested anonymity when talking about McCain. "But we're talking about somebody who is 72 running for president, and I don't know if you gamble with those decisions, do you? It's not like he was 20 points behind."

The surprise pick underscored a go-it-alone style that often has alienated McCain's Senate colleagues -- and left them scratching their heads.

Many Republicans struggled Friday to praise McCain's choice, simply because they knew little about Palin. In one awkward exchange on CNN, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who had been mentioned as a dark-horse candidate, said she didn't know the Alaska governor.

Hutchison was one of several Republican women who had been mentioned as possible running mates for McCain, including former business executives Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina.

Democrats on Friday said McCain had passed over more qualified contenders, such as Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine.

Polls show that McCain could improve his standing among women.

Though he is winning 47% of the white female vote, there is room for him to exploit the disaffection of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton backers who have not warmed to Obama. And Palin could win McCain more support from working-class women.

But it is not clear that Palin would pull in voters who had been drawn to Clinton's advocacy for women's rights -- including abortion rights -- and her decades of experience.

Palin began her courtship of that constituency Friday, invoking the legacy of Geraldine Ferraro, who, as the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 1984, became the first woman to run on a national major-party ticket. Palin also pledged to finish Clinton's work and "shatter that glass ceiling once and for all."

If she succeeds in drawing more female voters and gains acceptance as a potential commander in chief, Palin's selection will have paid off. But if her image wilts under the most intense scrutiny of her life, McCain's gut could prove to be his downfall.


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Wow, she shops in a real grocery store and is dressed like...a hockey mom.

Really damn refreshing to see her not be a career politician.

BTW, with all the responses to this thread from the Libs is beginning to look a little desperate.

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Wow, she shops in a real grocery store and is dressed like...a hockey mom.

Really damn refreshing to see her not be a career politician.

That seals it. Great choice! :rolleyes:

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Wow, she shops in a real grocery store and is dressed like...a hockey mom.

Really damn refreshing to see her not be a career politician.

BTW, with all the responses to this thread from the Libs is beginning to look a little desperate.

Wasn't this taken when she was down and out of work still clinging to God and her guns?

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Wow, she shops in a real grocery store and is dressed like...a hockey mom.

Really damn refreshing to see her not be a career politician.

That seals it. Great choice! :rolleyes:

God forbid a real person run for the highest offices of the land. According to the Democrats, only someone with a law degree (that's never really been used) and a career in legislative politics is smart enough to decide what is best for the rest of us.

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I almost feel sorry for Palin. The attacks are coming and they will be incredibly cruel. The attacks on her child with Down's Syndrome are going to be legend by the time they are done. Now, the Obama Campaign isnt going to do it themselves but their accomplices in the press will certainly bash her 24/7 for not aborting the child. Abortion is a sacrement to the Liberal mindset and cannot be questioned.

One of the most ridiculous things you have ever said.

Come back in 2 months and document this predicted attack on her for not aborting. :rolleyes::no:

BS Tex and you know it. Check out KOS, d underground, HUFPO, it's already started. The dim base at their best.

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Wow, she shops in a real grocery store and is dressed like...a hockey mom.

Really damn refreshing to see her not be a career politician.

That seals it. Great choice! :rolleyes:

God forbid a real person run for the highest offices of the land. According to the Democrats, only someone with a law degree (that's never really been used) and a career in legislative politics is smart enough to decide what is best for the rest of us.

Why are the dims scared of the Sarah Palin choice as VP? Because she thinks and acts like most Americans do or would like to, and she does it with a smile on her face. She’s the ultimate “one of us.”

And make no mistake about it. The dims are scared.

Titan, you're a bright guy, and generally reasonable, but on this thread you are acting like a typical one-issue voter. She supports your key issue, so you rationalize and excuse everything else.

Was she picked because McCain thought she was the best prepared person to be a heartbeat away from the President? Was she even in the top 50? Get serious.

Nail meet hammer.

Now there is a Freudian slip of epic proportions. rr dreaming of Obama nailing him again.

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I almost feel sorry for Palin. The attacks are coming and they will be incredibly cruel. The attacks on her child with Down's Syndrome are going to be legend by the time they are done. Now, the Obama Campaign isnt going to do it themselves but their accomplices in the press will certainly bash her 24/7 for not aborting the child. Abortion is a sacrement to the Liberal mindset and cannot be questioned.

One of the most ridiculous things you have ever said.

Come back in 2 months and document this predicted attack on her for not aborting. :rolleyes::no:

BS Tex and you know it. Check out KOS, d underground, HUFPO, it's already started. The dim base at their best.

Come back in two months hand show where the press has done what David claims is inevitable.

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I almost feel sorry for Palin. The attacks are coming and they will be incredibly cruel. The attacks on her child with Down's Syndrome are going to be legend by the time they are done. Now, the Obama Campaign isnt going to do it themselves but their accomplices in the press will certainly bash her 24/7 for not aborting the child. Abortion is a sacrement to the Liberal mindset and cannot be questioned.

One of the most ridiculous things you have ever said.

Come back in 2 months and document this predicted attack on her for not aborting. :rolleyes::no:

BS Tex and you know it. Check out KOS, d underground, HUFPO, it's already started. The dim base at their best.

Come back in two months hand show where the press has done what David claims is inevitable.

How about today?

It's already started

Sarah Palin's judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags.

Irresponsible decisions like hers dilutes the viability of the American Gene Pool. No wonder why we are falling farther and farther behind in an increasingly competitive global economic environment.

Her OB should have cut her tubes after her first child!!!

Posted by: paul Curooke


Caught on live audio: The media sexist insults begin

Received a disturbing tip this morning from a reader in Denver, whose secretary was listening to a live news feed this morning as the media awaited the McCain/Palin announcement. You won’t be surprised by what was said about Gov. Palin and who apparently said it. Expect more of this. A lot more.

"My secretary was just listening to channel 7 news on the thedenverchannel.com online.

The news guys had the audio on and did not know it.

They commented that they think McCain and Palin must be sleeping together.

They commented about Sara(h) Palin’s nice ass.

They said a lot of very unseemly things.

This seems like a big deal and they should be called on it. My secretary sent them an e-mail and they immediately cut off the audio…

…For myself, as the father of a little girl who I want recognized for her accomplishments and hard work, it was pretty offensive."

A senior news editor at Denver’s ABC 7 said the feed was a CNN pool feed and that the camera was among a group of news photographers.

Today, I am ashamed to be a DU member

Advertisements [?]I've been here a long time. Not a prolific poster, but a prolific reader. And from what I've read today, I don't belong here anymore.

Women being bashed for their right to choose having a family and a career with the support of their spouse.

Women being called sluts, bimbos and brood mares.

Women having their appearance dissected and witchhunts for compromising photos.

Innocent young girls being slandered with rumors & innuendos.

Enough. I want to win. But I don't want to win this way. And if you do, then I don't want any part of it.


Just a sampling, I really don't care to wade in the cess pools.

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I almost feel sorry for Palin. The attacks are coming and they will be incredibly cruel. The attacks on her child with Down's Syndrome are going to be legend by the time they are done. Now, the Obama Campaign isnt going to do it themselves but their accomplices in the press will certainly bash her 24/7 for not aborting the child. Abortion is a sacrement to the Liberal mindset and cannot be questioned.

One of the most ridiculous things you have ever said.

Come back in 2 months and document this predicted attack on her for not aborting. :rolleyes::no:

BS Tex and you know it. Check out KOS, d underground, HUFPO, it's already started. The dim base at their best.

Come back in two months hand show where the press has done what David claims is inevitable.

How about today?

It's already started

Sarah Palin's judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags.

Irresponsible decisions like hers dilutes the viability of the American Gene Pool. No wonder why we are falling farther and farther behind in an increasingly competitive global economic environment.

Her OB should have cut her tubes after her first child!!!

Posted by: paul Curooke


Caught on live audio: The media sexist insults begin

Received a disturbing tip this morning from a reader in Denver, whose secretary was listening to a live news feed this morning as the media awaited the McCain/Palin announcement. You won’t be surprised by what was said about Gov. Palin and who apparently said it. Expect more of this. A lot more.

"My secretary was just listening to channel 7 news on the thedenverchannel.com online.

The news guys had the audio on and did not know it.

They commented that they think McCain and Palin must be sleeping together.

They commented about Sara(h) Palin’s nice ass.

They said a lot of very unseemly things.

This seems like a big deal and they should be called on it. My secretary sent them an e-mail and they immediately cut off the audio…

…For myself, as the father of a little girl who I want recognized for her accomplishments and hard work, it was pretty offensive."

A senior news editor at Denver’s ABC 7 said the feed was a CNN pool feed and that the camera was among a group of news photographers.

Today, I am ashamed to be a DU member

Advertisements [?]I've been here a long time. Not a prolific poster, but a prolific reader. And from what I've read today, I don't belong here anymore.

Women being bashed for their right to choose having a family and a career with the support of their spouse.

Women being called sluts, bimbos and brood mares.

Women having their appearance dissected and witchhunts for compromising photos.

Innocent young girls being slandered with rumors & innuendos.

Enough. I want to win. But I don't want to win this way. And if you do, then I don't want any part of it.


Just a sampling, I really don't care to wade in the cess pools.

The claim was what the press would do. You find a few anonymous nuts on a website that could be the Republicans here posing as Dems to give folks something to be outraged about.

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The claim was what the press would do. You find a few anonymous nuts on a website that could be the Republicans here posing as Dems to give folks something to be outraged about.

Caught on live audio: The media sexist insults begin

Received a disturbing tip this morning from a reader in Denver, whose secretary was listening to a live news feed this morning as the media awaited the McCain/Palin announcement. You won’t be surprised by what was said about Gov. Palin and who apparently said it. Expect more of this. A lot more.

"My secretary was just listening to channel 7 news on the thedenverchannel.com online.

The news guys had the audio on and did not know it.

They commented that they think McCain and Palin must be sleeping together.

They commented about Sara(h) Palin’s nice ass.

They said a lot of very unseemly things.

This seems like a big deal and they should be called on it. My secretary sent them an e-mail and they immediately cut off the audio…

…For myself, as the father of a little girl who I want recognized for her accomplishments and hard work, it was pretty offensive."

A senior news editor at Denver’s ABC 7 said the feed was a CNN pool feed and that the camera was among a group of news photographers.

This was what?

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The claim was what the press would do. You find a few anonymous nuts on a website that could be the Republicans here posing as Dems to give folks something to be outraged about.

Caught on live audio: The media sexist insults begin

Received a disturbing tip this morning from a reader in Denver, whose secretary was listening to a live news feed this morning as the media awaited the McCain/Palin announcement. You won’t be surprised by what was said about Gov. Palin and who apparently said it. Expect more of this. A lot more.

"My secretary was just listening to channel 7 news on the thedenverchannel.com online.

The news guys had the audio on and did not know it.

They commented that they think McCain and Palin must be sleeping together.

They commented about Sara(h) Palin’s nice ass.

They said a lot of very unseemly things.

This seems like a big deal and they should be called on it. My secretary sent them an e-mail and they immediately cut off the audio…

…For myself, as the father of a little girl who I want recognized for her accomplishments and hard work, it was pretty offensive."

A senior news editor at Denver’s ABC 7 said the feed was a CNN pool feed and that the camera was among a group of news photographers.

This was what?

A total change of subject by you in an effort to obfuscate that fact that your wrong. B)

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The claim was what the press would do. You find a few anonymous nuts on a website that could be the Republicans here posing as Dems to give folks something to be outraged about.

Caught on live audio: The media sexist insults begin

Received a disturbing tip this morning from a reader in Denver, whose secretary was listening to a live news feed this morning as the media awaited the McCain/Palin announcement. You won’t be surprised by what was said about Gov. Palin and who apparently said it. Expect more of this. A lot more.

"My secretary was just listening to channel 7 news on the thedenverchannel.com online.

The news guys had the audio on and did not know it.

They commented that they think McCain and Palin must be sleeping together.

They commented about Sara(h) Palin’s nice ass.

They said a lot of very unseemly things.

This seems like a big deal and they should be called on it. My secretary sent them an e-mail and they immediately cut off the audio…

…For myself, as the father of a little girl who I want recognized for her accomplishments and hard work, it was pretty offensive."

A senior news editor at Denver’s ABC 7 said the feed was a CNN pool feed and that the camera was among a group of news photographers.

This was what?

A total change of subject by you in an effort to obfuscate that fact that your wrong. B)

El Wrongo, again.

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Here's some info on a VP who lacked experience, but when called on to serve, did pretty darn good.

Harry S Truman

During his few weeks as Vice President, Harry S Truman scarcely saw President Roosevelt, and received no briefing on the development of the atomic bomb or the unfolding difficulties with Soviet Russia. Suddenly these and a host of other wartime problems became Truman's to solve when, on April 12, 1945, he became President. He told reporters, "I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me."

Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri, in 1884. He grew up in Independence, and for 12 years prospered as a Missouri farmer.

He went to France during World War I as a captain in the Field Artillery. Returning, he married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace, and opened a haberdashery in Kansas City.

Active in the Democratic Party, Truman was elected a judge of the Jackson County Court (an administrative position) in 1922. He became a Senator in 1934. During World War II he headed the Senate war investigating committee, checking into waste and corruption and saving perhaps as much as 15 billion dollars.

As President, Truman made some of the most crucial decisions in history. Soon after V-E Day, the war against Japan had reached its final stage. An urgent plea to Japan to surrender was rejected. Truman, after consultations with his advisers, ordered atomic bombs dropped on cities devoted to war work. Two were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japanese surrender quickly followed.

In June 1945 Truman witnessed the signing of the charter of the United Nations, hopefully established to preserve peace.

Thus far, he had followed his predecessor's policies, but he soon developed his own. He presented to Congress a 21-point program, proposing the expansion of Social Security, a full-employment program, a permanent Fair Employment Practices Act, and public housing and slum clearance. The program, Truman wrote, "symbolizes for me my assumption of the office of President in my own right." It became known as the Fair Deal.

Dangers and crises marked the foreign scene as Truman campaigned successfully in 1948. In foreign affairs he was already providing his most effective leadership.

In 1947 as the Soviet Union pressured Turkey and, through guerrillas, threatened to take over Greece, he asked Congress to aid the two countries, enunciating the program that bears his name--the Truman Doctrine. The Marshall Plan, named for his Secretary of State, stimulated spectacular economic recovery in war-torn western Europe.

When the Russians blockaded the western sectors of Berlin in 1948, Truman created a massive airlift to supply Berliners until the Russians backed down. Meanwhile, he was negotiating a military alliance to protect Western nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, established in 1949.

In June 1950, when the Communist government of North Korea attacked South Korea, Truman conferred promptly with his military advisers. There was, he wrote, "complete, almost unspoken acceptance on the part of everyone that whatever had to be done to meet this aggression had to be done. There was no suggestion from anyone that either the United Nations or the United States could back away from it."

A long, discouraging struggle ensued as U.N. forces held a line above the old boundary of South Korea. Truman kept the war a limited one, rather than risk a major conflict with China and perhaps Russia.

Deciding not to run again, he retired to Independence; at age 88, he died December 26, 1972, after a stubborn fight for life.


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