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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

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"What is it exactly that the vice president does all day?" Sarah Palin

Heaven help us.

Serious Question...what is the context of this? I have seen it on a handful of sites, all quoting a Jonathan Alter piece from Newsweek but none give any context other than it was off-handedly made in July to a CNBC anchor.

The VP usually does not know the role until the president identifies where the VP is needed. So in all honesty, what does a VP do? Many different VPs over the years have taken on many different roles. I see her more as a domestic entity as opposed to a more foreign role. But that will be for the president to decide.

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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

it's as if they want to make this election for vice president, rather than the actual president. i don't know if Obama or his campaign really want to go there.

It would be like Clinton giving a heated lecture to Bush about pardons.

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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

I have to say it again.

The democrats have stuffed a young heartbeat directly between experience and the presidency.

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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

You are losing your grip on reality. Obama doesn't have much. Reagan had none. Clinton had none. Bush had none. Palin has none.

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Since when did Barack Obama value experience so highly?

Obama camp, Dems belittle Palin pick

Barack Obama's campaign is blasting John McCain for putting "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

The scathing description of Sarah Palin, from Obama spokesman Bill Burton, comes as Democrats scramble to gather a response to a selection that nobody in the political world expected.

"Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same," added Burton.

Democrats will likely push the inexperience line against Palin as they race to comb oppo files from Wasilla to Juneau.

Jim Jordan, a veteran Democratic strategist, told Politico, "After his attacks on Obama's readiness for the job, it'll be amusing to hear a 71-year-old with a history of health problems justify this decision."

"She's a talent, but that's the end of the experience message from John McCain."


That was a desperate statement!

Here’s Barack Obama on his massive foreign-policy credentials:

To counter opponents’ accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia. Now he has added a new personal detail to that résumé: a trip to Pakistan while a college student.

Obama has argued that his rivals’ longer official record is no substitute for his real-life grass-roots experience. “Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton and Senator McCain,”

Obama also spoke about having traveled to Pakistan in the early 1980s. Because of that trip, which he did not mention in either of his autobiographical books,,,

Mr. Obama’s advisers acknowledge that there are gaps in his experience,,, (No Sh_t!)


Wow. So his mother took him to live in Indonesia when he was eight, and he took a trip in college. Meanwhile, Palin has governed a state surrounded by foreign nations. Which has the practical experience in foreign policy and diplomacy?

During the entire primary campaign, Obama kept telling voters that his judgment overruled his lack of experience. Now, suddenly, it doesn’t — but that puts Barack Obama at the same level as Sarah Palin, or even below, as Palin has the executive experience that Obama lacks. Moreover, Palin has spent her time in politics actually accomplishing reform and challenging the political machine in her own party. Did Obama do that?

And let’s not forget that Palin is running for the Vice Presidency. Obama, with his complete lack of the experience his campaign now suddenly believes is crucial for the job, wants to be President.

“We already know what Barack Obama thinks about small town America. But the bitterness of the Obama campaign’s knee jerk attack says more about them than anything else.” McCain spokesman.

BTW - What are the Hillary voters saying? Check this out.

The Hillary Clinton Forum: We're Voting McCain/Palin Now

PS: There is now a user/pass to get access to the forum. Sadly, it's too late to protect Barry from embarrassment, because I already have the comments =D


It's obvious, by running the Obama/Biden ticket, the Democrats have stuffed a young heartbeat directly between experience and the presidency.

Surronded by 'foreign nations'? Canada and the North Pole.? What ,is Santa Claus a threat?

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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

You are losing your grip on reality. Obama doesn't have much. Reagan had none. Clinton had none. Bush had none. Palin has none.

Correction: Obama has none. I was being generous with giving a speech. That's not foreign policy experience. Both Palin and Obama have visited the troops over there, so fit that's experience, both have that much.

But besides all that, I'm not saying that I personally hold this issue up as the reason to vote or not vote for anyone. I just find it dripping with irony that the Obama campaign would make that a criticism of the veep candidate when their own presidential candidate has no more experience than she does.

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Surronded by 'foreign nations'? Canada and the North Pole.? What ,is Santa Claus a threat?

Um, Russia is 2.5 miles from Alaska at their closest points.

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I got to say, the Obama campaign has got some serious nerve to put out this statement:

But the Obama campaign calls her a candidate with "the thinnest foreign policy experience in history"

No, aside from a trip to Germany to give a speech, your MAIN CANDIDATE has the thinnest foreign policy experience in history.

You are losing your grip on reality. Obama doesn't have much. Reagan had none. Clinton had none. Bush had none. Palin has none.

Correction: Obama has none. I was being generous with giving a speech. That's not foreign policy experience. Both Palin and Obama have visited the troops over there, so fit that's experience, both have that much.

But besides all that, I'm not saying that I personally hold this issue up as the reason to vote or not vote for anyone. I just find it dripping with irony that the Obama campaign would make that a criticism of the veep candidate when their own presidential candidate has no more experience than she does.

I repeat, who highjacked Titan's account?

If Senate committees don't count, then McCain has none.

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Surronded by 'foreign nations'? Canada and the North Pole.? What ,is Santa Claus a threat?

Um, Russia is 2.5 miles from Alaska at their closest points.

He said "surrounded".

You just gotta love the spin. First it's how important the VP job is.Only a heartbeat away from President. Experience matters, blah,blah.

Now it's the Vice President is not a very important job, anyway.

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I step out for a few hours, and the Ozombies go into full panic mode. Marching orders must have arrived.


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Surronded by 'foreign nations'? Canada and the North Pole.? What ,is Santa Claus a threat?

Um, Russia is 2.5 miles from Alaska at their closest points.

He said "surrounded".

You just gotta love the spin. First it's how important the VP job is.Only a heartbeat away from President. Experience matters, blah,blah.

Now it's the Vice President is not a very important job, anyway.

Palin is protecting the USA from Russia!

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He said "surrounded".


Canada on one border. Russia on the other. No border shared with the US. The rest is water. "Surrounded" is not exactly way off.

You just gotta love the spin. First it's how important the VP job is. Only a heartbeat away from President. Experience matters, blah,blah.

I've heard that talked about in relation to the two candidates at the top of the ticket. I haven't heard anyone talking about it with regard to the VP.

Now it's the Vice President is not a very important job, anyway.

Nice try. It's not that it's not important. It's that it's not AS important as the President.

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He said "surrounded".


Canada on one border. Russia on the other. No border shared with the US. The rest is water. "Surrounded" is not exactly way off.

Yeah it is. It's surrounded by water...and ice.

You just gotta love the spin. First it's how important the VP job is. Only a heartbeat away from President. Experience matters, blah,blah.

I've heard that talked about in relation to the two candidates at the top of the ticket. I haven't heard anyone talking about it with regard to the VP.

Now it's the Vice President is not a very important job, anyway.

Nice try. It's not that it's not important. It's that it's not AS important as the President.

Until the President croaks. Which has happened, you know.

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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.

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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.


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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.

At least you got part of the picture right.

So what would you call the One's stunt when he choose Biden?

Obama: "What to do, what to do? Maybe if I choose Joe Biden everyone will see how qualified I am to be president. Yeah that's it, Joe Biden." "But wait I better make the announcement at 9: pm on Friday night so it won't be on the news much."

McCain: "They call me Mavrick. I like to rattle the cage and would like to change some things. Yeah I will choose Sarah Palin. She has stood up to party bosses on both sides of the asile. Yep Sarah Palin it is. And I need to make the announcement early in the day so people have plenty of time to talk about it."

Obama: "Hey I made a speech last night."

Almost every person in the U.S.: "Who cares, McCain just choose Sarah Palin as his VP candidate!"



"Leave Barrack alone!"

TEX: "All of you shut up!" 5583_118182251716.jpg

Barack: "Yeah he's got experience."

Joe: "What ever he says, he the boss."


Sarah Palin: "The Democrats are for change. "Did you know I was eight years old when Joe Biden first went into the senate?" "That's change you can't believe in."

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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.

At least you got part of the picture right.

So what would you call the One's stunt when he choose Biden?

Obama: "What to do, what to do? Maybe if I choose Joe Biden everyone will see how qualified I am to be president. Yeah that's it, Joe Biden." "But wait I better make the announcement at 9: pm on Friday night so it won't be on the news much."

McCain: "They call me Mavrick. I like to rattle the cage and would like to change some things. Yeah I will choose Sarah Palin. She has stood up to party bosses on both sides of the asile. Yep Sarah Palin it is. And I need to make the announcement early in the day so people have plenty of time to talk about it."

Obama: "Hey I made a speech last night."

Almost every person in the U.S.: "Who cares, McCain just choose Sarah Palin as his VP candidate!"



"Leave Barrack alone!"

TEX: "All of you shut up!" 5583_118182251716.jpg

Barack: "Yeah he's got experience."

Joe: "What ever he says, he the boss."


Sarah Palin: "The Democrats are for change. "Did you know I was eight years old when Joe Biden first went into the senate?" "That's change you can't believe in."

Did my mom give you my picture? B)

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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.


Not exactly.

Was it a pick made with getting women to take a second look at McCain? Yes.

Was it a pick to help solidify his conservative base? Yes.

Was it a pick to bolster his maverick image with someone else who has bucked their own party in the past? Yes.

Was it a pick intended to surprise and steal some of the spotlight from Obama after his big night? Yes.

But continue to view things in the myopic way that you choose to.

I read several places that Obama's first choice would have been Kathleen Sebelius. That was who he wanted. But his campaign knew that foreign policy experience, according to their internal polling, was still a bigger obstacle for him than they hoped it would be after the Germany and Iraq visits. So he picked someone that he felt filled a gap in his own resume and would get those for whom foreign policy experience was a big deal to be willing to give him a chance. He chose the person he could stomach (sorry Hillary) that gave him the best chance to win.

So why is it wrong for McCain to choose someone he feels can help him with certain groups of voters and "fill in the gaps" they perceive in his resume?

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He said "surrounded".


Canada on one border. Russia on the other. No border shared with the US. The rest is water. "Surrounded" is not exactly way off.

You just gotta love the spin. First it's how important the VP job is. Only a heartbeat away from President. Experience matters, blah,blah.

I've heard that talked about in relation to the two candidates at the top of the ticket. I haven't heard anyone talking about it with regard to the VP.

Now it's the Vice President is not a very important job, anyway.

Nice try. It's not that it's not important. It's that it's not AS important as the President.

Your right, I'M wrong. I have heard lately that the Canadians are still mad about that ole French and Indian War thing.

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How about we cut the nonsense and finally call this what this was: a political stunt aimed at getting women votes - period. If that does not tell you every thing you will ever need to know about McCain, I don't know what will.


Not exactly.

Was it a pick made with getting women to take a second look at McCain? Yes.

Was it a pick to help solidify his conservative base? Yes.

Was it a pick to bolster his maverick image with someone else who has bucked their own party in the past? Yes.

Was it a pick intended to surprise and steal some of the spotlight from Obama after his big night? Yes.

But continue to view things in the myopic way that you choose to.

Titan, you're a bright guy, and generally reasonable, but on this thread you are acting like a typical one-issue voter. She supports your key issue, so you rationalize and excuse everything else.

Was she picked because McCain thought she was the best prepared person to be a heartbeat away from the President? Was she even in the top 50? Get serious.

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Titan, you're a bright guy, and generally reasonable, but on this thread you are acting like a typical one-issue voter. She supports your key issue, so you rationalize and excuse everything else.

Was she picked because McCain thought she was the best prepared person to be a heartbeat away from the President? Was she even in the top 50? Get serious.

She's just as prepared to be a heartbeat away as Obama is to be the man on day one. You seriously think Obama is SO much more prepared to lead the country based on less than one term in the US Senate, one term as a state legislator and being a community organizer? And he's not a heartbeat away, he's the guy at the top.

Yes, she supports my key issue. It just so happens to be a life and death issue, so it's not exactly like I'm taking this stance over her view on CAFE standards for automobiles, but whatever.

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This part of my post got lost in the shuffle because I added it while Tex was answering it:

I read several places that Obama's first choice would have been Kathleen Sebelius. That was who he wanted. But his campaign knew that foreign policy experience, according to their internal polling, was still a bigger obstacle for him than they hoped it would be after the Germany and Iraq visits. So he picked someone that he felt filled a gap in his own resume and would get those for whom foreign policy experience was a big deal to be willing to give him a chance. He chose the person he could stomach (sorry Hillary) that gave him the best chance to win.

So why is it wrong for McCain to choose someone he feels can help him with certain groups of voters and "fill in the gaps" they perceive in his resume?

How would Sebelius have been "ready on day one" to be a heartbeat away? She wouldn't have been. She has as much foreign policy experience as me. But that's who Obama wanted. He chose strategically, as did McCain.

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Titan, you're a bright guy, and generally reasonable, but on this thread you are acting like a typical one-issue voter. She supports your key issue, so you rationalize and excuse everything else.

Was she picked because McCain thought she was the best prepared person to be a heartbeat away from the President? Was she even in the top 50? Get serious.

She's just as prepared to be a heartbeat away as Obama is to be the man on day one. You seriously think Obama is SO much more prepared to lead the country based on less than one term in the US Senate, one term as a state legislator and being a community organizer? And he's not a heartbeat away, he's the guy at the top.

Yes, she supports my key issue. It just so happens to be a life and death issue, so it's not exactly like I'm taking this stance over her view on CAFE standards for automobiles, but whatever.

If you don't think McCain's hunger for conflict isn't a "life or death" issue, you're fooling yourself.

I really don't mind you or others criticizing Obama's experience, but try to get your facts right. You're still not there. Get better sources. CAFE standards for automobiles are probably further reaching than you seem to appreciate, too. If we had followed on the path to lessened dependence on foreign oil abandoned by Reagan in the 80s, terrorists would have far less of our money funding their activities now.

But, yes, Obama is much more qualified to federal office than she is. If you really think she has educated herself on world events/security issues and the complexity of the world in which we live, you have proven my point. The world is a complex place. A person who is a presidential candidate as long as you claim he has been is constantly scrutinized and questioned and needs to be prepared. I have no idea what her potential is. It has occurred to me that her potential could easily be short-circuited if she isn't really prepared for what she is getting into.

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