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runinred, you still haven't explained how having such an "inexperienced" person "one heartbeat from the presidency" is as bad or worse than having someone AT LEAST as inexperienced actually being the President.

I think the question could be reversed. With as much of an emphasis as McCain put on Obama's inexperience, he goes out and gets someone with even less experience - she's been the gov since 2006. Are we at an inexperience stalemate here? We could go back and forth forever.

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runinred, you still haven't explained how having such an "inexperienced" person "one heartbeat from the presidency" is as bad or worse than having someone AT LEAST as inexperienced actually being the President.

I think the question could be reversed. With as much of an emphasis as McCain put on Obama's inexperience, he goes out and gets someone with even less experience - she's been the gov since 2006. Are we at an inexperience stalemate here? We could go back and forth forever.

Well, I've never slighted Obama for his inexperience. But to act like she has less experience than Obama is crazy. It's a push at worst. She actually has executive experience, something of which Obama has none.

However, as I said, it's a little different to put someone short on experience in the VP slot versus making them the presidential candidate.

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Palin HAS Exec level experience.

Barak h. Obama has...well...has he ever had a JOB?

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America loves a leader with balls. And as far as anyone can tell, this is the ballsiest move EVER in politics.

Those women disenchanted with the "one" and how the dim party did Hitlary, will now have a candidate who is just as tough and has proven to not be just another rubber stamper. Big Brass Ones.

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Sums it up:

In an issued statement, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Palin is significantly mismatched to Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden and said the prospect of her becoming president is "troubling."

"It is a real role of the dice and shows how John McCain, Karl Rove et al realize what a strong position the Obama-Biden team and Democrats in general are in in this election," Schumer said. "Certainly the choice of Palin puts to rest any argument about inexperience on the Democratic team and while Palin is a fine person, her lack of experience makes the thought of her assuming the presidency troubling. I particularly look forward to the Biden-Palin debate in Missouri.”

The Obama campaign also told CNN Friday the choice of Palin takes the question of experience "off the table."

"Experience is being taken off the table considering you're putting someone within a heartbeat of the presidency with the thinnest foreign policy experience in history," spokesman Bill Burton said.

Update: Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the 4th ranking House Democrat, said in a statement the choice of Palin "shows political panic."

"Is this really who the Republican Party wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? Given Sarah Palin's lack of experience on every front and on nearly every issue, this Vice Presidential pick doesn't show judgment: it shows political panic," he said.


Again, people are dancing in Democratic circles - very telling. Even my Mom, a life long conservative, called me and said, "what in the hell is McCain thinking?" Barring some sort of scandal, this election is over my friends. Bring on the election, the rest is a formality.

Might I remind you that this same type of game over attitude was uttered when Dan Quayle was chosen to be the VP nominee. Game over indeed. Quayle got shredded in the debates but it didn't hurt Bush Sr.

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runinred, you still haven't explained how having such an "inexperienced" person "one heartbeat from the presidency" is as bad or worse than having someone AT LEAST as inexperienced actually being the President.

I think the question could be reversed. With as much of an emphasis as McCain put on Obama's inexperience, he goes out and gets someone with even less experience - she's been the gov since 2006. Are we at an inexperience stalemate here? We could go back and forth forever.

Well, I've never slighted Obama for his inexperience. But to act like she has less experience than Obama is crazy. It's a push at worst. She actually has executive experience, something of which Obama has none.

However, as I said, it's a little different to put someone short on experience in the VP slot versus making them the presidential candidate.

I won't try to argue that Obama isn't inexperienced. I'm just curious to see if we'll ever hear another word out of McCain's mouth about inexperience. I mean, that's been one of his main arguments against Obama. I think it just shows that now it's just about picking a running mate that will help you get elected and not necessarily picking the best person for the job. And I really don't think you can make an argument against that the fact she was picked to try to get the Hillary votes.

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Guys, spin aside, the headlines might as well read "Obama Who?"

McCain has sssooo outflanked the Obama Campaign it is scary. McCain just nuked a whole convention's worth of bounce in under one news cycle. Obama got "Saddleback'ed" and now "Palin'ed." This is a real fight now. With all the HRC supporters still infintely pissed, this could be very bad news for Obama.


She nails down Abortion, Guns, and Jesus for McCain. She is an excellent pick. Energized the base. Wow!

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I won't try to argue that Obama isn't inexperienced. I'm just curious to see if we'll ever hear another word out of McCain's mouth about inexperience. I mean, that's been one of his main arguments against Obama. I think it just shows that now it's just about picking a running mate that will help you get elected and not necessarily picking the best person for the job. And I really don't think you can make an argument against that the fact she was picked to try to get the Hillary votes.

Well, McCain can still make the inexperienced charge because it's McCain vs Obama at the top of the ticket.

But I agree, this was a strategic pick all the way, but not just about Hillary voters. I think it was threefold. I think there's the appeal to women voters. I think he picked her to solidify the conservative base. And I think it was to blunt some of the advantage Obama had on his ticket not being "two more white guys" thereby stealing a little of Obama's thunder after last night.

After that, it doesn't hurt for her to bolster his maverick/take on wasteful spending image, but I think the top three reasons were his aim.

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I'll also note that her youngest has Down Syndrome. She was informed of this in December, 5-6 months before the child was to be born. Statistics show that about 80% of babies in the womb diagnosed with Down's end up being aborted.

Governor Palin chose life:

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin told the Associated Press, speaking of herself and her husband, Todd. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The day after the birth, the Palins released the following statement: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."


Being a mom of a child with Down's Syndrome is one of the many reasons I am really excited about her being on the ticket. I have a close friend whom knew before her child was born that she had Down's Syndrome and the thought of abortion never crossed her mind. That kid is a wonderful blessing to everyone whom comes in contact with her. I am hoping if elected Palin will be able to use her position to bring more awareness to the issue of Down's Syndrome. On a side note I have noticed people on this board and people I come in contact with on a daily basis that use the word "retarded" regularly. I must admit I used to use the word quite often, that is until my friend's daughter came along. The word "retarded" is very offensive to those parents of Down's Syndrome children. Most parents prefer their children to be labeled "special needs."

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Sarah Palin


Vanesa Kensington...From "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery"



She is a conservative AND a Babe. Yeah, really bad choice by McCain. B)

But she is married to a real guy. Union member, she was too, Deadliest Catch Fisherman and Oil field Roughneck. World Champion Snowmobiler.


Yeah, these folks are going to be hard to stand up and support... :lol:

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Have they at least told her what the job entails?

You still don't get it do you.

You dims claim one of the single most important issues of this election is energy.

We will DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW. The American public WANTS it and the economy demands it. Who better to lead this charge than the woman who has been on the forefront of the oil scene for a while now.

That will be Sarah Palin's job as VP.

Dim's are too stupid to see that they are outflanked everywhere they turn.

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I love the way she rattled off her list of accomplishments at the press conference. They had dukakis on hannity and colmes and he was on a obama praising roll and hannity pressed to to name JUST ONE specific accomplishment for obama as a state or national senator. He couldn't and ended up stuttering and stammering trying to.

This womans experience as a mayor and governor definfitely trump obamas experience in my book. Hell you can't even count the last year and a half in the senate for obama while he has been running for pres. She is the only pres or vp candidate with any executive experience. Did I mention as a republican gov. of alska she has a 64% approval rating?

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The word "retarded" is very offensive to those parents of Down's Syndrome children. Most parents prefer their children to be labeled "special needs."

We don't call their children retarded. We call perfectly normal stupid people retarded. There is a difference.

I have a good friend with a Down's child. I would never refer to him as retarded. Now I may call his older brother retarded if he does something wrong. Down's parents cannot claim retarded as their own. It has been used in a thousand different ways that have nothing to do with their child.

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runinred, you still haven't explained how having such an "inexperienced" person "one heartbeat from the presidency" is as bad or worse than having someone AT LEAST as inexperienced actually being the President.

And he won't, because he can't. At least if she had to step in she has executive experience.

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Have they at least told her what the job entails?

You still don't get it do you.

You dims claim one of the single most important issues of this election is energy.

We will DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW. The American public WANTS it and the economy demands it. Who better to lead this charge than the woman who has been on the forefront of the oil scene for a while now.

That will be Sarah Palin's job as VP.

Dim's are too stupid to see that they are outflanked everywhere they turn.

I'm not opposed to drilling here and never said I was. Even if we do drill here and now it will be very hard to bring the cost of oil down below $100 due to the cost of production right now, which probably won't be going down anytime soon. http://money.cnn.com/2008/08/21/news/econo...sion=2008082203

I'm all for keeping oil money here, but at the same time, I want to do all that we can to get off of oil and use clean, renewable energy sources, which I think is more important in the long run. Unfortunately there is no immediate answer to this problem we have though.

My quip was based on the fact that in that clip I posted, she said she wouldn't answer if she would be willing to be the VP because she said she really wasn't sure what the VP did. That's not the kind of person I want to be 2nd in command.

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I'll also note that her youngest has Down Syndrome. She was informed of this in December, 5-6 months before the child was to be born. Statistics show that about 80% of babies in the womb diagnosed with Down's end up being aborted.

Governor Palin chose life:

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin told the Associated Press, speaking of herself and her husband, Todd. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The day after the birth, the Palins released the following statement: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."


Being a mom of a child with Down's Syndrome is one of the many reasons I am really excited about her being on the ticket. I have a close friend whom knew before her child was born that she had Down's Syndrome and the thought of abortion never crossed her mind. That kid is a wonderful blessing to everyone whom comes in contact with her. I am hoping if elected Palin will be able to use her position to bring more awareness to the issue of Down's Syndrome. On a side note I have noticed people on this board and people I come in contact with on a daily basis that use the word "retarded" regularly. I must admit I used to use the word quite often, that is until my friend's daughter came along. The word "retarded" is very offensive to those parents of Down's Syndrome children. Most parents prefer their children to be labeled "special needs."

Because of a chromosomel misshap she is now qualified to be vice president?

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Sarah Palin


Vanesa Kensington...From "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery"



She is a conservative AND a Babe. Yeah, really bad choice by McCain. B)

But she is married to a real guy. Union member, she was too, Deadliest Catch Fisherman and Oil field Roughneck. World Champion Snowmobiler.


Yeah, these folks are going to be hard to stand up and support... :lol:

And Obama choose an old white guy with hair plugs.

In fact I have heard Obama picked Biden just because of his hair. It seems the dims are still a little touchy over all the jokes about Edwards hair.


But then the jokes could have been because John Kerry thought Edwards was better looking than Theresa.



"Congratulations John for being the poster boy for family values." Your friend Barrack.

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I'll also note that her youngest has Down Syndrome. She was informed of this in December, 5-6 months before the child was to be born. Statistics show that about 80% of babies in the womb diagnosed with Down's end up being aborted.

Governor Palin chose life:

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin told the Associated Press, speaking of herself and her husband, Todd. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The day after the birth, the Palins released the following statement: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."


Being a mom of a child with Down's Syndrome is one of the many reasons I am really excited about her being on the ticket. I have a close friend whom knew before her child was born that she had Down's Syndrome and the thought of abortion never crossed her mind. That kid is a wonderful blessing to everyone whom comes in contact with her. I am hoping if elected Palin will be able to use her position to bring more awareness to the issue of Down's Syndrome. On a side note I have noticed people on this board and people I come in contact with on a daily basis that use the word "retarded" regularly. I must admit I used to use the word quite often, that is until my friend's daughter came along. The word "retarded" is very offensive to those parents of Down's Syndrome children. Most parents prefer their children to be labeled "special needs."

Because of a chromosomel misshap she is now qualified to be vice president?

Now that's retarded!

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I'll also note that her youngest has Down Syndrome. She was informed of this in December, 5-6 months before the child was to be born. Statistics show that about 80% of babies in the womb diagnosed with Down's end up being aborted.

Governor Palin chose life:

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin told the Associated Press, speaking of herself and her husband, Todd. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The day after the birth, the Palins released the following statement: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."


Being a mom of a child with Down's Syndrome is one of the many reasons I am really excited about her being on the ticket. I have a close friend whom knew before her child was born that she had Down's Syndrome and the thought of abortion never crossed her mind. That kid is a wonderful blessing to everyone whom comes in contact with her. I am hoping if elected Palin will be able to use her position to bring more awareness to the issue of Down's Syndrome. On a side note I have noticed people on this board and people I come in contact with on a daily basis that use the word "retarded" regularly. I must admit I used to use the word quite often, that is until my friend's daughter came along. The word "retarded" is very offensive to those parents of Down's Syndrome children. Most parents prefer their children to be labeled "special needs."

That's interesting. That's basically the same way I was with gay people until I met my wife's uncle(who walked her down the aisle and is more of a father to her than her biological father) and his partner.

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Since when did Barack Obama value experience so highly?

Obama camp, Dems belittle Palin pick

Barack Obama's campaign is blasting John McCain for putting "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

The scathing description of Sarah Palin, from Obama spokesman Bill Burton, comes as Democrats scramble to gather a response to a selection that nobody in the political world expected.

"Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same," added Burton.

Democrats will likely push the inexperience line against Palin as they race to comb oppo files from Wasilla to Juneau.

Jim Jordan, a veteran Democratic strategist, told Politico, "After his attacks on Obama's readiness for the job, it'll be amusing to hear a 71-year-old with a history of health problems justify this decision."

"She's a talent, but that's the end of the experience message from John McCain."


That was a desperate statement!

Here’s Barack Obama on his massive foreign-policy credentials:

To counter opponents’ accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia. Now he has added a new personal detail to that résumé: a trip to Pakistan while a college student.

Obama has argued that his rivals’ longer official record is no substitute for his real-life grass-roots experience. “Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton and Senator McCain,”

Obama also spoke about having traveled to Pakistan in the early 1980s. Because of that trip, which he did not mention in either of his autobiographical books,,,

Mr. Obama’s advisers acknowledge that there are gaps in his experience,,, (No Sh_t!)


Wow. So his mother took him to live in Indonesia when he was eight, and he took a trip in college. Meanwhile, Palin has governed a state surrounded by foreign nations. Which has the practical experience in foreign policy and diplomacy?

During the entire primary campaign, Obama kept telling voters that his judgment overruled his lack of experience. Now, suddenly, it doesn’t — but that puts Barack Obama at the same level as Sarah Palin, or even below, as Palin has the executive experience that Obama lacks. Moreover, Palin has spent her time in politics actually accomplishing reform and challenging the political machine in her own party. Did Obama do that?

And let’s not forget that Palin is running for the Vice Presidency. Obama, with his complete lack of the experience his campaign now suddenly believes is crucial for the job, wants to be President.

“We already know what Barack Obama thinks about small town America. But the bitterness of the Obama campaign’s knee jerk attack says more about them than anything else.” McCain spokesman.

BTW - What are the Hillary voters saying? Check this out.

The Hillary Clinton Forum: We're Voting McCain/Palin Now

PS: There is now a user/pass to get access to the forum. Sadly, it's too late to protect Barry from embarrassment, because I already have the comments =D


It's obvious, by running the Obama/Biden ticket, the Democrats have stuffed a young heartbeat directly between experience and the presidency.

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My impression from what I've seen and heard today; Palin is the anti-Obama, she seems to be motived to serve the public and is not motived by this huge ego, someone who will say and do anything to get there.

I think as she gets more exposure this weekend and next week, even on CNN and MSNBC, average Joe and Suzy America will really connect with her background and motivation; where she comes from (not Harvard, or 30+ years in the Senate), and will see someone so much more genuine than any of the top Democrats (meaning Hillary too).

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McCain will present Palin as the VP choice today in Dayton, OH.

Texas.....there's no way you can sugar coat this choice. Your candidate has no grounds to dispute experience.

Huh? Other way around. Your candidate just lost his best argument.

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