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You can't get more middle-class, down to earth, average American that this. Go ahead dims, attack. America will turn it's back on you in a heart-beat.

Her husband, Todd Palin, is part Yup'ik Eskimo, and is a blue-collar North Slope oil worker who competes in the Iron Dog, a 1,900-mile snowmobile race. The couple lives in Wasilla. They have five children, the youngest of whom was born in April with Down syndrome.


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You can't get more middle-class, down to earth, average American that this. Go ahead dims, attack. America will turn it's back on you in a heart-beat.

Her husband, Todd Palin, is part Yup'ik Eskimo, and is a blue-collar North Slope oil worker who competes in the Iron Dog, a 1,900-mile snowmobile race. The couple lives in Wasilla. They have five children, the youngest of whom was born in April with Down syndrome.


You forgot to mention that her son enlisted in the Army. And she is a NRA Gold Card Member.

They have five children, including a son who enlisted in the Army last year.

Sarah Palin is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and takes part in two of the state's popular pastimes -- fishing and hunting

Communist News Network

The "magic negro" and "Joe Blow" are in a tight spot now.

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Off the top, she has more experience and more integrity than did Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

Sending out e-mails calling Obama a Muslim-$1.50

Mailing out fliers trying to link Obama to lobbiest-$2.00

Purchasing the "Obama Nation" $15.00

Seeing how many times one can interject the words "socialist and elitist"-$7.50

watching you guys spin this -"PRICLESS"

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I hope he picks her. Biden will chew her up in one debate and that will be all the impact it has on the campaign.

How much do you know about her debating skills?

For example:

Biden: "Governor Palin, who is our best strategic partner in curbing Russian aggression? What nations are most opposed, and most supportive, of U.S. development of a missile defense system? Given the situations in Zimbabwe and Kenya in the last year, what must we do to help developing Nations transition to stable democracies in the next 4 years? What non-Supreme court judges would you point to as a model of your judicial philosophy? Etc. etc."

I bet, as she is the Governor of Alaska which happens to be where part of our missile defense system is located, she knows much more about that system that you might think.

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I'll also note that her youngest has Down Syndrome. She was informed of this in December, 5-6 months before the child was to be born. Statistics show that about 80% of babies in the womb diagnosed with Down's end up being aborted.

Governor Palin chose life:

"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin told the Associated Press, speaking of herself and her husband, Todd. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."

The day after the birth, the Palins released the following statement: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."


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At least as qualified, actually more qualified experience-wise, than Obama.


You laugh, yet you cannot refute it. When it comes to executive experience...holding a role where you understand the buck stops with you and you're not just one of the legislative crowd, she's got him beat hands down. Mayor > Community organizer. Governor > Senator. Even if I was being charitable it's a wash.

Put it this way. If the GOP ticket were reversed so that it was Palin-McCain, in exactly what way would the Dems have an edge in experience? They wouldn't. If anything, the GOP ticket would have a slight edge. Now, given the fact that the GOP isn't putting the less experienced person at the top of the ticket, it tilts even more in their favor.

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Time it takes to use webster.com so you know it's not spelled "lobbiest" - 11.3 seconds.

Bah-zing :thumbsup: Good one BG

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Sums it up:

In an issued statement, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Palin is significantly mismatched to Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden and said the prospect of her becoming president is "troubling."

"It is a real role of the dice and shows how John McCain, Karl Rove et al realize what a strong position the Obama-Biden team and Democrats in general are in in this election," Schumer said. "Certainly the choice of Palin puts to rest any argument about inexperience on the Democratic team and while Palin is a fine person, her lack of experience makes the thought of her assuming the presidency troubling. I particularly look forward to the Biden-Palin debate in Missouri.”

The Obama campaign also told CNN Friday the choice of Palin takes the question of experience "off the table."

"Experience is being taken off the table considering you're putting someone within a heartbeat of the presidency with the thinnest foreign policy experience in history," spokesman Bill Burton said.

Update: Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the 4th ranking House Democrat, said in a statement the choice of Palin "shows political panic."

"Is this really who the Republican Party wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? Given Sarah Palin's lack of experience on every front and on nearly every issue, this Vice Presidential pick doesn't show judgment: it shows political panic," he said.


Again, people are dancing in Democratic circles - very telling. Even my Mom, a life long conservative, called me and said, "what in the hell is McCain thinking?" Barring some sort of scandal, this election is over my friends. Bring on the election, the rest is a formality.

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They hope it takes experience off the table. But as I said, it's one thing to have less experience at the VP slot. It's another to put someone with AT BEST the same lack of experience in the top slot.

I find it funny that they keep saying "is this the person they want one heartbeat away from the presidency" when they are putting up someone with the same or less experience at the top guy. Who do they think they're kidding?

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Sums it up:

In an issued statement, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Palin is significantly mismatched to Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden and said the prospect of her becoming president is "troubling."

"It is a real role of the dice and shows how John McCain, Karl Rove et al realize what a strong position the Obama-Biden team and Democrats in general are in in this election," Schumer said. "Certainly the choice of Palin puts to rest any argument about inexperience on the Democratic team and while Palin is a fine person, her lack of experience makes the thought of her assuming the presidency troubling. I particularly look forward to the Biden-Palin debate in Missouri.”

The Obama campaign also told CNN Friday the choice of Palin takes the question of experience "off the table."

"Experience is being taken off the table considering you're putting someone within a heartbeat of the presidency with the thinnest foreign policy experience in history," spokesman Bill Burton said.

Update: Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the 4th ranking House Democrat, said in a statement the choice of Palin "shows political panic."

"Is this really who the Republican Party wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? Given Sarah Palin's lack of experience on every front and on nearly every issue, this Vice Presidential pick doesn't show judgment: it shows political panic," he said.


Again, people are dancing in Democratic circles - very telling. Even my Mom, a life long conservative, called me and said, "what in the hell is McCain" thinking. Barring some sort of scandal, this election is over my friends. Bring on the election, the rest is a formality.

Just the opposite...the dems are scared.

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"Experience is being taken off the table considering you're putting someone within a heartbeat of the presidency with the thinnest foreign policy experience in history," spokesman Bill Burton said.

I think this is a funny statement too. What foreign policy experience does Obama have...speaking in Germany once and having a Kenyan father he barely knows? And he wouldn't just be a "heartbeat away" from the presidency, he'd be the frickin' President!

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She is what America IS. A hard working (woman) that has her priorities STRAIGHT and does not change according to the prevailing political winds. I have spoken to THREE democrat women today that said they will now vote for McCain. There are thousands more that are saying the same thing today.

We now have a winning GOP ticket. I no it hurts libs....I know it hurts....

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I hope he picks her. Biden will chew her up in one debate and that will be all the impact it has on the campaign.


What is the most important quality of a VP: being able to step in and be ready to lead if some thing were to happen to the President. Experience, ready to lead, what? Palin, seriously? Some thing tells me they are high fiving in the Obama headquarters in Chicago.

So ObamaBoy says experience matters. What a friggin joke you are.

At least as qualified, actually more qualified experience-wise, than Obama.


Yeah being a community organizer is really, really hard isn't it.

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I hope he picks her. Biden will chew her up in one debate and that will be all the impact it has on the campaign.

How much do you know about her debating skills?

For example:

Biden: "Governor Palin, who is our best strategic partner in curbing Russian aggression? What nations are most opposed, and most supportive, of U.S. development of a missile defense system? Given the situations in Zimbabwe and Kenya in the last year, what must we do to help developing Nations transition to stable democracies in the next 4 years? What non-Supreme court judges would you point to as a model of your judicial philosophy? Etc. etc."

In the debates that matter most your inexperienced senator will go up against the exact same obstacles that she will face in debating Biden.

Our VP pick has as much experienceas governor as your pres. pick has sentorial experience.

Your glee party is unfounded and will be short lived.

But the FACT that Joe Bidens son is a lobbyist and Senator Biden has helped sonny boy out is not a problem. I just love dimocrat logic.

Off the top, she has more experience and more integrity than did Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

Sending out e-mails calling Obama a Muslim-$1.50

Mailing out fliers trying to link Obama to lobbiest-$2.00

Purchasing the "Obama Nation" $15.00

Seeing how many times one can interject the words "socialist and elitist"-$7.50

watching you guys spin this -"PRICLESS"

See above.

Oh yeah and as BG pointed out, learn to spell.

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Guys, spin aside, the headlines might as well read "Obama Who?"

McCain has sssooo outflanked the Obama Campaign it is scary. McCain just nuked a whole convention's worth of bounce in under one news cycle. Obama got "Saddleback'ed" and now "Palin'ed." This is a real fight now. With all the HRC supporters still infintely pissed, this could be very bad news for Obama.

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Guys, spin aside, the headlines might as well read "Obama Who?"

McCain has sssooo outflanked the Obama Campaign it is scary. McCain just nuked a whole convention's worth of bounce in under one news cycle. Obama got "Saddleback'ed" and now "Palin'ed." This is a real fight now. With all the HRC supporters still infintely pissed, this could be very bad news for Obama.


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Guys, spin aside, the headlines might as well read "Obama Who?"

McCain has sssooo outflanked the Obama Campaign it is scary. McCain just nuked a whole convention's worth of bounce in under one news cycle. Obama got "Saddleback'ed" and now "Palin'ed." This is a real fight now. With all the HRC supporters still infintely pissed, this could be very bad news for Obama.


He who laughs last, laughs best.

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runinred, you still haven't explained how having such an "inexperienced" person "one heartbeat from the presidency" is as bad or worse than having someone AT LEAST as inexperienced actually being the President.

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