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How many houses does Romney own?


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I think McCain is old, senile, and out of touch. It has nothing to do with him being an "a**hole because he has money."

Wow. So much disrespect and blind loathing for a true American hero.


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I think McCain is old, senile, and out of touch. It has nothing to do with him being an "a**hole because he has money."

I think Obama is inexperienced, naive, and out of touch + full of crap.

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I think McCain is old, senile, and out of touch. It has nothing to do with him being an "a**hole because he has money."

I think Obama is inexperienced, naive, and out of touch + full of crap.

Add to that runinred63, is a whiney ass little Obamaphile and it's even worse.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

RIR, believe me, we are all tired of the democrats nominating candidates that tend toward socialism. Yet, they continue to do so (since the 1970s) and lose presidential election after presidential election. And as long as they the democrats continue this trend, we will continue to use "those same old tired lines" to point out the obvious.

The democrats could have nominated almost anybody and had a cake walk to the white house. Yet, they chose to nominate the most liberal member of the senate. Now, the democrats are stuck in a close race with McCain because of their inability to grasp the concept that Americans do not want there type of nanny government. Obama may well go on to win this election, but it is not because Americans are embracing his liberalism, it is because they are rebelling against Bush's leadership skills.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Please please please educate yourself on the facts and quit with the out right lies. If you want to act like TM, we'll treat you like him.


The liberals on this board treat everyone that beats back liberal garbage and Obama garbage with logic like we are evil people.

I read that. I would ask why did he get Rezko to help him with the deal if he wasn't cashing in on a political favor?

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Dang, I am looked down on by a wanna be socialist, who loves and wants higher taxes. Who thinks that what makes America great and its citizens prosperous are more and bigger government projects.

One who has an unnatural affection for Obama. I also have it on good authority that he has a picture of Obama on the ceiling over his bed.

I know. I know you really didn't need that thought in your minds. But I have heard it is true.

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More taxes? Only for those making more than ~250k and I'll make an exception for you as well TM. Bigger government? How about a balanced budget - something your boy Bush didn't give us in 8 years.

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How about a balanced budget - something your boy Bush didn't give us in 8 years.

Tell us about Obama's plan to balance the budget!! Come on, Obama Boy, tell us.

"The budget can't be balanced and I have no intention of trying." Barack Obama

Tell us what he really meant by that.

One other thing, Bush is not running? No matter how you want to lie and spin it.

Tell us about Obama's plan to balance the budget!! Come on, Obama Boy, tell us.

"The budget can't be balanced and I have no intention of trying." Barack Obama

Tell us what he really meant by that.

More taxes? Only for those making more than ~250k

That's a lie and you know it. Under Obama's plans the only people not paying higher taxes will be the ones not paying taxes.

Not only does Obama say he won’t eliminate the deficit in his first term, as McCain aims to do, he frankly says he’s not sure he’d bring it down at all in four years, considering his own spending plans.

“I do not make a promise that we can reduce it by 2013 because I think it is important for us to make some critical investments right now in America’s families,” Obama told reporters this week when asked if he’d match McCain’s pledge.

So what is more important in tough economic times? For the government to spend more to help hard-hit Americans or to eliminate a deficit that can lead to higher borrowing costs and slow the economy?

Come on Obamaboy, tell us again how your messiah plans to balance the budget.

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Just quit with the nonsense - this has nothing to do with socialism, class warfare, etc. Those tired old lines aren't going to work this year - you'd be better off if you just go ahead and purge them from your arguments now.

How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?

Why don't you pose that question to the guy who said this:

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
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I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Yeah and I can quote "A man who doesn't work doesn't eat"

We can go round and round. But at the end of the day, being bitter because someone has more money than you...or inciting hatred among the masses because you can point your finger at a guy who's realized the American dream makes you petty.

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I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Yeah and I can quote "A man who doesn't work doesn't eat"

We can go round and round. But at the end of the day, being bitter because someone has more money than you...or inciting hatred among the masses because you can point your finger at a guy who's realized the American dream makes you petty.

There's a ton of room between being rich and not eating because you don't work. You make it sound like those two concepts are somehow contradictory. They're not by a longshot. Do you always dismiss the word of Christ so quickly, or just when it doesn't suit your politics?

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Why don't you pose that question to the guy who said this:

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

A bit out of context don't you think?

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Just quit with the nonsense - this has nothing to do with socialism, class warfare, etc. Those tired old lines aren't going to work this year - you'd be better off if you just go ahead and purge them from your arguments now.

How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?

Why don't you pose that question to the guy who said this:

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

A bit out of context don't you think?

In response to this question, "How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?-- no-- unless you think Christ is a socialist.

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I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Yeah and I can quote "A man who doesn't work doesn't eat"

We can go round and round. But at the end of the day, being bitter because someone has more money than you...or inciting hatred among the masses because you can point your finger at a guy who's realized the American dream makes you petty.

There's a ton of room between being rich and not eating because you don't work. You make it sound like those two concepts are somehow contradictory. They're not by a longshot. Do you always dismiss the word of Christ so quickly, or just when it doesn't suit your politics?

Hmm. A dimocratic Christian. I love oxymorons.

From a CHRISTIAN perspective, Christ would not vote for a candidate that supports baby killing. This would be a one issue race for him. So you might want to keep your "word of Christ" quote out of this one.

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the word 'SOCALIST' now up to 7 and wait, we've just added the word elitist.Also CCTAU has enlightened us by telling us that Democarats can't be Christians.

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Just quit with the nonsense - this has nothing to do with socialism, class warfare, etc. Those tired old lines aren't going to work this year - you'd be better off if you just go ahead and purge them from your arguments now.

How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?

Why don't you pose that question to the guy who said this:

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

A bit out of context don't you think?

In response to this question, "How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?-- no-- unless you think Christ is a socialist.

Christ wasn't saying that a rich man would have trouble simply because he was rich. Mamonas refers to excessive materialism or greed as a negative influence or a false god. Not sure that fits in here.

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I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Yeah and I can quote "A man who doesn't work doesn't eat"

We can go round and round. But at the end of the day, being bitter because someone has more money than you...or inciting hatred among the masses because you can point your finger at a guy who's realized the American dream makes you petty.

There's a ton of room between being rich and not eating because you don't work. You make it sound like those two concepts are somehow contradictory. They're not by a longshot. Do you always dismiss the word of Christ so quickly, or just when it doesn't suit your politics?

Hmm. A dimocratic Christian. I love oxymorons.

From a CHRISTIAN perspective, Christ would not vote for a candidate that supports baby killing. This would be a one issue race for him. So you might want to keep your "word of Christ" quote out of this one.

Christ wouldn't support a state that killed it's citizens. He would teach against people seeking abortions. He wouldn't be out there advocating legislation and wouldn't care who sat on the Supreme Court. You would denounce him harshly and quickly.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Another one of them Republicans who is proud of being ignorant. :rolleyes:

You are willfully ignorant if you don't believe there was something fishy in that deal. Yeah, all the legal paperwork makes it look nice and clean, but why would he include Rezko of all people in the deal if he wasn't cashing in on tit-for-tat political favor?

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Another one of them Republicans who is proud of being ignorant. :rolleyes:

You are willfully ignorant if you don't believe there was something fishy in that deal. Yeah, all the legal paperwork makes it look nice and clean, but why would he include Rezko of all people in the deal if he wasn't cashing in on tit-for-tat political favor?

You have no facts. Rezko didn't pay a dime for Obama's house. You're a shameless liar.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Another one of them Republicans who is proud of being ignorant. :rolleyes:

You are willfully ignorant if you don't believe there was something fishy in that deal. Yeah, all the legal paperwork makes it look nice and clean, but why would he include Rezko of all people in the deal if he wasn't cashing in on tit-for-tat political favor?

You have no facts. Rezko didn't pay a dime for Obama's house. You're a shameless liar.

I didn't lie about anything. I'm skeptical of the "it's clean" explanation.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Another one of them Republicans who is proud of being ignorant. :rolleyes:

You are willfully ignorant if you don't believe there was something fishy in that deal. Yeah, all the legal paperwork makes it look nice and clean, but why would he include Rezko of all people in the deal if he wasn't cashing in on tit-for-tat political favor?

You have no facts. Rezko didn't pay a dime for Obama's house. You're a shameless liar.

I didn't lie about anything. I'm skeptical of the "it's clean" explanation.

This is a lie:

How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

McCain tells a lie in an ad, and you lap it up uncritically like a good little Stepford Republican. Rezko's wife bought an adjacent lot and sold part of it to the Obamas. She later sold the rest for a profit. Here's the facts, not that you care about facts:


And I'm not the least bit skeptical of the fact that you're a shameless liar.

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How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

Another one of them Republicans who is proud of being ignorant. :rolleyes:

You are willfully ignorant if you don't believe there was something fishy in that deal. Yeah, all the legal paperwork makes it look nice and clean, but why would he include Rezko of all people in the deal if he wasn't cashing in on tit-for-tat political favor?

You have no facts. Rezko didn't pay a dime for Obama's house. You're a shameless liar.

I didn't lie about anything. I'm skeptical of the "it's clean" explanation.

This is a lie:

How many houses has Tony Rezko bought Obama?

McCain tells a lie in an ad, and you lap it up uncritically like a good little Stepford Republican. Rezko's wife bought an adjacent lot and sold part of it to the Obamas. She later sold the rest for a profit. Here's the facts, not that you care about facts:


And I'm not the least bit skeptical of the fact that you're a shameless liar.

How can a question be a lie? It's a question, not a statement.

If I were to say that the answer to that question is 20, then that would be a lie.

I keep having to educate you on the definition of simple words, like "fact" or "lie". This brings into question what you really mean when you are typing your posts.

Since you mean question when you say lie, are you calling me a shameless questioner in your code language? In that case, you are correct. I am not ashamed to question your Obamessiah.

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