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How many houses does Romney own?


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No surprise here...more of the same.

The former Massachusetts governor and failed Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and his wife Ann were in the process of purchasing a ocean front hideaway in La Jolla, a ritzy and divinely beach town just north of San Diego. Listing information for the well located property indicates the seller was willing to entertain offers between $12,000,000 and $14,000,876.

The Republican operators live primarily in Massachusetts and also own vacation homes in Deer Park, UT and a lake front house in New Hampshire.




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If McCain is the maverick he claims, how about he picks some one who is not a complete pander to the far right? And the odds of that happening are....

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If McCain is the maverick he claims, how about he picks some one who is not a complete pander to the far right? And the odds of that happening are....

Anyone short of a liberal democrat, in your mind, is a right wing panderer. So he can't win.

Afterall, you think he's an evil a**hole just because he's got money. I'm sure you didn't have a problem with how John Kerry came into his riches...I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Al Gore having MULTIPLE houses...or the Clintons being filthy stinkin rich.

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I think McCain is old, senile, and out of touch. It has nothing to do with him being an "a**hole because he has money."

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I think McCain is old, senile, and out of touch. It has nothing to do with him being an "a**hole because he has money."

Then why did this barrage of "out of touch" taglines not come out until after the top brass at the DNC told you he was out of touch?

Why haven't you been tooting this horn until AFTER the house comment came about?

Because, like you always are...you don't have an opinion until the DNC forms it for you.

You have no evidence of senility...you are just uncomfortable with the elderly. Why do you discriminate based on age? Isn't that just as bad as being a racist?

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McCain provided an example that he was out of touch and I commented at the appropriate time - I don't need the DNC's talking point to understand that, thank you very much.

Better question, why has this "got your goat" so?

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McCain provided an example that he was out of touch and I commented at the appropriate time - I don't need the DNC's talking point to understand that, thank you very much.

Better question, why has this "got your goat" so?

If you didn't need the talking point then why are you starting threads SLAMMING a guy for having a big house? Why are you making a POINT to say its a bad thing because this guy has a lot of money (just like Obama has a lot of money)...You are trying to draw a connection with being wealthy and being out of touch...While ignoring the fact that Obama and his running mate are super rich.

It's "got my goat" because socialism is bad. And the en vogue thing to do in america these days is to be mad a a guy because he's got more money than you.

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Just quit with the nonsense - this has nothing to do with socialism, class warfare, etc. Those tired old lines aren't going to work this year - you'd be better off if you just go ahead and purge them from your arguments now.

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Just quit with the nonsense - this has nothing to do with socialism, class warfare, etc. Those tired old lines aren't going to work this year - you'd be better off if you just go ahead and purge them from your arguments now.

How is slamming someone for making money not socialism?

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Above all the messianic slobbering over Obama, this ranks as one of your dumbest posts ever rir. And it's absolutely dizzying to keep up with your (non) logic. First you post about how it's more of the same based on nothing but the fact that he's got some expensive homes. Then when you're called on it, you shift over to "old and senile" with a side order of "pander to the far right", again based on nothing more than the man's wealth (because it's certainly not because of the Religious Right being big Romney fans).

If it's not about class warfare, then why are you popping off about Romney's houses? How about engaging ideas, red, instead of passing off the left-wing red meat as something it isn't? Do you not even perceive the irony of accusing BG of that when you start a thread like this?

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Titan - try to follow:

1) McCain's housing gaffe is indicative and additional fire power to a narrative that is quickly emerging: McCain is out of touch with blue collar/every day Americans. You don't think this issue is real? Did you notice the theme of the Obama/Biden announcement today? Notice their rolled up sleaves, no coat? How many times did you hear "scrappy Joe Biden from Scranton"? It is quickly becoming the narrative of this election season - wait and see.

2) The comment that McCain is old, senile and out of touch was in response to BG's assertion that I just don't like McCain because he's rich. Besides his policies (which are my primary disagreements) any personal dislikes I have about him have much more to do with those facts than his wealth. So for BG to some how to suggest that my dislike is based on some kind of class warfare/socialism views I supposedly hold is utter bullsh*t - and he knows it. He was just throwing the typical kitchen sink response at me from his side.

3) The Romney housing post is 100% relevant and associated to this larger conversation. If you can't understand why, I'm not sure I can help you - all I can say is wait until next weekend when (if) JM announces Romney as VP and see how this will fit into the larger picture.

If we need to take this conversation offline, I'd be more than happy to educate you on these matters and my beliefs further. However, in the mean time, using your authority to try to blow this off as just my personal bluster is ridiculous and I will not stand for it.

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Titan - try to follow:

1) McCain's housing gaffe is indicative and additional fire power to a narrative that is quickly emerging: McCain is out of touch with blue collar/every day Americans. You don't think this issue is real? Did you notice the theme of the Obama/Biden announcement today? Notice their rolled up sleaves, no coat? How many times did you hear "scrappy Joe Biden from Scranton"? It is quickly becoming the narrative of this election season - wait and see.

2) The comment that McCain is old, senile and out of touch was in response to BG's assertion that I just don't like McCain because he's rich. Besides his policies (which are my primary disagreements) any personal dislikes I have about him have much more to do with those facts than his wealth. So for BG to some how to suggest that my dislike is based on some kind of class warfare/socialism views I supposedly hold is utter bullsh*t - and he knows it. He was just throwing the typical kitchen sink response at me from his side.

3) The Romney housing post is 100% relevant and associated to this larger conversation. If you can't understand why, I'm not sure I can help you - all I can say is wait until next weekend when (if) JM announces Romney as VP and see how this will fit into the larger picture.

If we need to take this conversation offline, I'd be more than happy to educate you on these matters and my beliefs further. However, in the mean time, using your authority to try to blow this off as just my personal bluster is ridiculous and I will not stand for it.

red, let's get something straight. And I don't want to do it offline because I'm going to tackle this Amateur Hour bull**** head on in public. I'm not using "my authority." When I want to use my authority, no one will have to guess as to what my true intentions are. I will tell you in plain and straightforward language that I'm saying something from the position of an admin. So please can this persecution complex routine you've decided to pull out lately when talking to me. Having an opinion contrary to mine is not going to put you in any danger of me using my authority and shutting you down. But this isn't tiddlywinks either so put the big girl panties on and deal with having your opinions and arguments possibly blasted by me or others here.

Now, with that out of the way let's address this spin of yours.

1. It's not a "narrative" that's emerging in the general public. It's a narrative the Obama camp is pushing, but that's not the same thing. Frankly looking at the house Biden lives in and the $1 million mansion Mr. Arugula is in, not to mention the $4.2 million he made last year, I hardly think they are the ones to be pointing fingers. I listened to plenty of coverage today and you've got selective hearing.

2. When you post something about Romney's expensive houses, with dollar figures, with "more of the same", and completely oblivious apparently to your own candidate's wealth relative to the average American, it's quite logical to take it the way BG did.

3. The Romney post is only relevant to you and your band of merry men. It's desperate. Poor men and even middle class men basically don't run anymore. Sad, but true.

All of that said, I like Biden. Always have. He's got a good head on his shoulders and makes a lot of sense on many matters. But this constant stream of missions the home base keeps sending you on to pound the message boards with is getting kinda tired. Just talk like a normal person for heaven's sake. I've met fundy Baptists evangelizing on street corners less preachy than you.

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1) The Obama campaign may be pushing it but McCain keeps fueling their mesasge and it is of my opinion, that choosing Romney as a VP would do McCain no favors in this regard. You think my merry men are making all this up...I think I'll be vindicated in a few short works - we shall see. Again, I think it becomes the narrative of this campaign.

2) Obama is all of a sudden wealthy now because of two successful books? He might have money now but he has an entire life experience that is completely inline with the struggle most Americans face. He is a self-made man in its truest sense - to suggest otherwise is to not know his biography and the obstacles he over came to get to where he is. McCain can't even come close to saying the same or having the same connection/understanding with every day Americans.

3) See number one. Further, if Obama does not fit the story of a poor/middle class man who just made it through hard work and education, I don't know what does. Imagine the picture of Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Romney ... and think about the statements you are trying to make.

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3) See number one. Further, if Obama does not fit the story of a poor/middle class man who just made it through hard work and education, I don't know what does. Imagine the picture of Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Romney ... and think about the statements you are trying to make.

So McCain was born into money? He had a silver spoon? That's funny, I thought he came from a long line of career military men.

And the point still stands. None of the mention of homes and money came until after the Obama campaign ran a commercial about McCain's comment about the houses.

Because Obama rolled up his sleeves in a presser he's more in touch with the working class? Where do Michelle's $600 earrings fit into that?

Mitt Romney had a perfect SAT score, went to college for two years, was a missionary for 3, finished college and worked his way up to earn his money. What's wrong with that? How is that any different from how Obama earned his money? Why is he out of touch and Obama isn't?

At first it had nothing to do with HOW they earned their money. It had EVERYTHING TO DO with the fact that they HAD money. Because early this week, you were told to be a good little soldier and pound that into the pavement. Now you are changing your tune because one: you know Obama is a REALLY wealthy guy, and two: you know you are engaging in class warfare and have been called out on it...before I called you on it, you were basically saying being wealthy is bad and should disqualify you for office.

John McCain went to the US Naval academy and served in the military until he retired in 1981. 23 years of military service...so for the first 45 years of his life, he was earning a middle to upper middle class salary.

I think that entitles him to be well informed on what it's like to be an average Joe. Don't you?

Oh that's right. Military service is for elitists. Serving your country doesn't count.

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You put words in my mouth just like you put artificial facts in your head.

After all that in my response...THIS is what you return with?

Answer the question...how does serving in the military for 23 years, being raised in a military family, and serving in the senate for 26 years make you less in touch with the common man than a Obama? Or how about the guy who got a perfect SAT score, went to college, became a missionary, went back to the company where he interned and climbed the corp ladder...what's wrong with that story?

Again, it has nothing to do with any of that. It's the fact that they are wealthy...thus by default, the bad guy.

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Again, it has nothing to do with any of that. It's the fact that they are wealthy and Republican...thus by default, the bad guy.

Rich liberals get a pass.

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You can spin and excuse statements like this all day long if wish:

- "I don't think I need to tell you that there are jobs that Americans will not do....I'll offer anybody here fifty dollars an hour if you'll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So, ok, sign up! Ok, when you sign up, you sign up, and you'll be there for the whole season, the whole season, ok, not just one day. Because you can't do it, my friend."

Of course, $50/hr translates to about $100,000 a year.

- Where do you move from middle class to rich? JM: "If you're just talking about income, how about five million?"

- "I think the economy is fundamentally strong"

- How many houses do you own? JM: ""I think — I'll have my staff get to you"

- Senator McCain, are Americans better off than they were eight years ago? JM: "I think you could argue that Americans overall are better off"

This all wouldn't have been such a big deal had McCain not spent the last few months insisting that he is the salt of the Earth and that Barack Obama is some sort of 'celebrity elitist,' out of touch with the typical American. McCain himself staked his campaign on the notion that being 'elitist' is unforgivable and now he finds himself hoisted with his own petard.

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- Where do you move from middle class to rich? JM: "If you're just talking about income, how about five million?"

Why do you continue to be intentionally deceitful and take this comment out of context?

- "I think the economy is fundamentally strong"

It is fundamentally strong. And if you will wait a few, you'll see how well america fares when compared to the rest of the world in their economic downturns.

- How many houses do you own? JM: ""I think — I'll have my staff get to you"

Again, this is only a problem if you think being wealthy is a problem.

"I think you could argue that Americans overall are better off"

I responded to this, and you failed to acknowledge my response...why is that?

Why do you keep ignoring my points and go back to generic talking points?

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It has nothing to do with general talking points or me ignoring your points. You see McCain in one way, I and a lot of Americans see him in a completely different light. Again, there is nothing wrong with his service, his story, or his wealth. But there is a strong narrative, which he keeps reinforcing by these stupid statements (and possibly choices - i.e., Romney), that he is out of touch with most Americans. Period.

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Why don't you approach the question of McCain being an "elitist" and "out of touch" because of how he came up (23 years in service and 26 years in senate) vs how Obama came up?

What about 23 years of service in the military makes him out of touch with America?

How does not knowing how many investment properties your wife has (because you signed a prenup that keeps her $$ separate) make you out of touch with America?

Why do you not think America's economy is fundamentally strong? At is core, the American economy is thought to be strong by even the staunches of liberal economists.

Why is it not safe to say we are better off than we were 8 years ago...when in what you guys call a recession (or a TERRIBLE economic state) we have a higher dow, lower unemployment, and more wealth than we did 8 years ago when the economy was JUST about to crash?

ie in our WORST economic run in the last 8 years, the metrics are still better than they were when we were at the peak before a dot com crash...

I'd really appreciate you touching on all these points.

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