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1959 Buick to Freedom...

DKW 86

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You seem to be romanticizing this which is odd because I thought conservatives hated illegal aliens. Or, is it just the Mexicans?

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I dont hate any of them. I am especially fond of Cubans too. A friend of mine went BHS and Au with me was Cuban National. I also know a Cuban here in Decatur. Great folks that learned the hard way about how a well intentioned political movement can destroy your life.

See Communism in Cuba.

There you go having to stereotype again.

I am sure we were the illegals to the indians way back when.

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I just remember a lot of talk about illegal immigrants and people wanting to close the borders. I guess you weren't in on that conversation.

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Man, they just don't make cars like that in Detroit anymore. The article said the Coast Guard intercepted & returned them to Cuba. A pity. You just know that someone so determined & ingenious to modify a 45-yr old automobile into a boat that can do 8 mph in open water would thrive in this country!

Re: your illegal immigrant crack. If we're going to have immigration laws to achieve the goal of limiting immigration, then shouldn't those laws be enforced? Otherwise, what's the point of even having a border?

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