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McCain unsure how many houses he owns


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hmm, at :13 that is such a small house that is in foreclosure huh?

i guess they had no time to find a smaller house that's in foreclosure, so they were stuck with using this modest size house in the ad trying to prove who is actually out of touch with the folks.


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I once again ask, after a meaningless post by RIR has been made:


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I once again ask, after a meaningless post by RIR has been made:


0, zip, nada, zero. Is picking nits a future Olympic sport?

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By posting a page which won't open? Oh yeah, you really nailed it, brah.


It opens.

Wow...1 cherry picked Obama suporter and 1 Ron Paul supporter, agreeing w/ ....Obama?


So, where is the clinging to the guns and religion? WHERE are they upset over folks who don't look like them ? Looks like a big bait and switch on your part. Nice try.

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I once again ask, after a meaningless post by RIR has been made:


What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

Someone not knowing how many homes or what kind of car he owns, resonates with many voters. Maybe that other crap I listed above did, too.

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Finally TigerAl says something that makes sense. You are ABSOLUTELY correct... most people know how many houses they own.

Of course:

"Most people" don't have millions of dollars and own 7-10 homes and multiple businesses and provide the infrastructure for the U.S. and world economy and have the most experience of ANY presidential candidate to lead the country. I agree that "most people" know how many houses they own. What does that have to do with anything. I don't think that "most people" should be president.

Hey, Slick, and we're still waiting on you to make sense. For a candidate to win, "most people" have to vote for him. "Most people" have trouble relating to a guy who doesn't know how many homes he and his wife own. "Most people" think that a guy who doesn't know how many homes he owns can't possibly understand their own economic hardship-- especially when his comments further illustrate that fact.

Thanks for the nickname. If you say I am slick then I must be. Is the purpose of the president to be someone you can relate to? Do you think that having only one house would make him more electable? Do you think either of the candidates can relate to my or your economic hardships? Get real. Do I think that McCain is very rich...yes. What does that have to do with anything? I sincerely do not understand what the issue is.

If you think that he is too rich to be president just say so. If you think he is too stupid or senile to be president just say so. If you are just talking about some useless drivel to distract everyone from his vastly superior experience just say so.

You seemed to be calling me Red, so I thought we were just handing out nicknames.

You can't understand the issue. I get it. If McCain agreed with you, he'd be laughing it off.

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How many of McCain's houses were bought with dirty money?

All of them:

Following his discharge in 1945, Hensley and his brother went back to work for Marley in his United Sales Company in Phoenix and United Distributors in Tucson.[4][5] In 1948, both brothers were prosecuted by the federal government and convicted of falsifying liquor records to conceal illegal distribution of whiskey against post-war rationing regulations.[11][7] Jim Hensley received a six-month suspended sentence while his brother received a year in federal prison.[11] In 1953, Jim Hensley and Marley were charged by federal prosecutors with falsifying liquor records.[11] Defended by future Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, they were acquitted.[11][7]

In December 1952,[5] the Hensley brothers bought into the Ruidoso Downs racetrack in New Mexico, with Eugene running it and Jim returning to Phoenix.[4] In a May 1953 hearing before the New Mexico State Racing Commission, the Hensley brothers concealed the existence an equal partner, Clarence "Teak" Baldwin, who had been banned from any ownership role due to illegal bookmaking activities.[12] A 1953 New Mexico State Police investigation found further that Kemper Marley was a financial backer for bookmakers and had connections with Baldwin and with the bookmaking operations of organized crime,[12] a conclusion echoed decades later by the Arizona Project investigative reporting team.[13] The Hensley brothers gained their Ruidoso Downs racetrack license in 1953, as no New Mexico law barred convicted felons from race track ownership,[14] although in 1955 new Governor of New Mexico John F. Simms would say he was "appalled" by the previous administration's decision to do so.[14] Previous Governor Edwin L. Mechem had defended the approval, saying that the Hensleys had been under constant surveillance and deserved continued attention, but that no action was taken against them because the investigation showed that as race tracks go, all laws apparently were being observed.[15] Jim Hensley would sell his interest in Ruidoso Downs to his brother Eugene in 1955.


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Finally TigerAl says something that makes sense. You are ABSOLUTELY correct... most people know how many houses they own.

Of course:

"Most people" don't have millions of dollars and own 7-10 homes and multiple businesses and provide the infrastructure for the U.S. and world economy and have the most experience of ANY presidential candidate to lead the country. I agree that "most people" know how many houses they own. What does that have to do with anything. I don't think that "most people" should be president.

Hey, Slick, and we're still waiting on you to make sense. For a candidate to win, "most people" have to vote for him. "Most people" have trouble relating to a guy who doesn't know how many homes he and his wife own. "Most people" think that a guy who doesn't know how many homes he owns can't possibly understand their own economic hardship-- especially when his comments further illustrate that fact.

Thanks for the nickname. If you say I am slick then I must be. Is the purpose of the president to be someone you can relate to? Do you think that having only one house would make him more electable? Do you think either of the candidates can relate to my or your economic hardships? Get real. Do I think that McCain is very rich...yes. What does that have to do with anything? I sincerely do not understand what the issue is.

If you think that he is too rich to be president just say so. If you think he is too stupid or senile to be president just say so. If you are just talking about some useless drivel to distract everyone from his vastly superior experience just say so.

You seemed to be calling me Red, so I thought we were just handing out nicknames.

You can't understand the issue. I get it. If McCain agreed with you, he'd be laughing it off.

Red was short for runinred who seems to be a regular contributor here. I apologize for your thinking I was calling you a name. Maybe I am not smart enough to understand the issue and maybe you are not smart enough to explain it so that I can understand. All I wanted to know is how the number of houses he owns or his knowledge of the houses has ANYTHING to do with his ability to be president. I can only assume that this is one of the many MEANINGLESS issues that you would rather discuss instead of the real issues.

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Three words "out of touch". It's pretty hard to identify with mainstream America when your life is so far removed from it. The statement was so indicative of some one who is completely out of touch with what people are struggling with day in and day out. And further, who honestly answers a question like that? Not 99.99999% of America, I can promise you that. It speaks to a lot more about JM than most are willing to admit and it very well might be the grocery scanner, "no new taxes", swift boat of this election.

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Three words "out of touch." It's pretty hard to identify with mainstream America when your life is so far removed from it. And further, who honestly answers a question like that? It speaks to a lot more about JM than most are willing to admit.

You are so right. John McCain is completely out of touch with mainstream America. So is Obama. So is every single senator and representative and aide. No republican or democrat or independent is trying to elect someone like himself/herself, instead I think we are trying to elect the person who will improve the country in whatever ways we think is important.

You just said "And further, who honestly answers a question like that?" You hit the nail on the head--he answered honestly, he did not know or the explaination was more trouble than it was worth (for example one of the homes actually has 3 buildings, is that one or three?) The fact that he answered honestly reassures some of us more than the fact that he did not know the answer bothers us. Most of us understand that the number of houses either candidate owns or whether they know how many houses they own has anything to do with how well either would function as president. Focus on important issues.

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No, he answered it that way b/c he knew that the truth, would not sound good/poll well/etc.. So he tried to dodge the question by saying, "you'll have to ask my staff/I'll have to get back with you/etc." Well as we've seen, it blew up right in his face.

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Finally TigerAl says something that makes sense. You are ABSOLUTELY correct... most people know how many houses they own.

Of course:

"Most people" don't have millions of dollars and own 7-10 homes and multiple businesses and provide the infrastructure for the U.S. and world economy and have the most experience of ANY presidential candidate to lead the country. I agree that "most people" know how many houses they own. What does that have to do with anything. I don't think that "most people" should be president.

Hey, Slick, and we're still waiting on you to make sense. For a candidate to win, "most people" have to vote for him. "Most people" have trouble relating to a guy who doesn't know how many homes he and his wife own. "Most people" think that a guy who doesn't know how many homes he owns can't possibly understand their own economic hardship-- especially when his comments further illustrate that fact.

Thanks for the nickname. If you say I am slick then I must be. Is the purpose of the president to be someone you can relate to? Do you think that having only one house would make him more electable? Do you think either of the candidates can relate to my or your economic hardships? Get real. Do I think that McCain is very rich...yes. What does that have to do with anything? I sincerely do not understand what the issue is.

If you think that he is too rich to be president just say so. If you think he is too stupid or senile to be president just say so. If you are just talking about some useless drivel to distract everyone from his vastly superior experience just say so.

You seemed to be calling me Red, so I thought we were just handing out nicknames.

You can't understand the issue. I get it. If McCain agreed with you, he'd be laughing it off.

Red was short for runinred who seems to be a regular contributor here. I apologize for your thinking I was calling you a name. Maybe I am not smart enough to understand the issue and maybe you are not smart enough to explain it so that I can understand. All I wanted to know is how the number of houses he owns or his knowledge of the houses has ANYTHING to do with his ability to be president. I can only assume that this is one of the many MEANINGLESS issues that you would rather discuss instead of the real issues.

As I said to Ranger above, in case you missed it:

What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

Someone not knowing how many homes or what kind of car he owns, resonates with many voters. Maybe that other crap I listed above did, too.

Meaningless distractions are the primary tools of Republicans-- why else put Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an ad? Are you truly blind to these concerns when your guy does the same thing? I don't recall you decrying the meaninglessness of McCain's "celeb ads."

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Brian Rogers, McCain's spokesman, said:

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people “cling” to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans? “The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

The truth is that McCain isn't out of touch with "ordinary people" because he's rich, he's out of touch with his own domestic arrangements because he cares little about material things, and for many years has devoted his extraordinary energies not to enjoying his wife's money, but to serving the American people. Given the number of nights he's spent in hotels or on military bases over the last few years, it's no wonder he hasn't seen much of his wife's condos.

But never underestimate lib dims willingness to demagogue and lie about something anything.

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What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

I absolutely agree that the above is also meaningless. Just like McCains houses it has nothing to do with anyone's ability to be president. I do not even know why you brought it up on this thread. If some of the other posters here who do not want Obama to be president use the same techniques that you are using then I suppose they are being just as petty as you.

Meaningless distractions are the primary tools of Republicans-- why else put Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an ad? Are you truly blind to these concerns when your guy does the same thing? I don't recall you decrying the meaninglessness of McCain's "celeb ads."

Once again, I agree that both sides are discussing some meaningless issues. I do not care enough about the meaningless issues to go back and count and see which side is discussing it the most. My take on the Paris Hilton/Britney Spears ad is that Obama is more of a celebrity than a leader, that he is a facade without much substance. If that is true then it is very relevant to his ability to be president. The ad may be false or it may be true, but it is not meaningless.

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Brian Rogers, McCain's spokesman, said:

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people “cling” to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans? “The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

The truth is that McCain isn't out of touch with "ordinary people" because he's rich, he's out of touch with his own domestic arrangements because he cares little about material things, and for many years has devoted his extraordinary energies not to enjoying his wife's money, but to serving the American people. Given the number of nights he's spent in hotels or on military bases over the last few years, it's no wonder he hasn't seen much of his wife's condos.

But never underestimate lib dims willingness to demagogue and lie about something anything.

Well said TM. Many here will not believe it, and we can't prove it, but that does not mean we are not right!

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What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

I absolutely agree that the above is also meaningless. Just like McCains houses it has nothing to do with anyone's ability to be president. I do not even know why you brought it up on this thread. If some of the other posters here who do not want Obama to be president use the same techniques that you are using then I suppose they are being just as petty as you.

Are you sure you're a doctor? Most doctors I know have less trouble comprehending really simple things. Since you do, here it is again:

What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

Someone not knowing how many homes or what kind of car he owns, resonates with many voters. Maybe that other crap I listed above did, too.

Meaningless distractions are the primary tools of Republicans-- why else put Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an ad? Are you truly blind to these concerns when your guy does the same thing? I don't recall you decrying the meaninglessness of McCain's "celeb ads."

Once again, I agree that both sides are discussing some meaningless issues. I do not care enough about the meaningless issues to go back and count and see which side is discussing it the most. My take on the Paris Hilton/Britney Spears ad is that Obama is more of a celebrity than a leader, that he is a facade without much substance. If that is true then it is very relevant to his ability to be president. The ad may be false or it may be true, but it is not meaningless.

Glad to see your hypocrisy is intact and no less than most other Republicans. Paris Hilton is somehow relevant to Obama, but McCain's memory, ability to understand his own finances, and his ability to relate to the economic hardship many Americans are facing is not. :rolleyes:

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Brian Rogers, McCain's spokesman, said:

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people “cling” to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans? “The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

The truth is that McCain isn't out of touch with "ordinary people" because he's rich, he's out of touch with his own domestic arrangements because he cares little about material things, and for many years has devoted his extraordinary energies not to enjoying his wife's money, but to serving the American people. Given the number of nights he's spent in hotels or on military bases over the last few years, it's no wonder he hasn't seen much of his wife's condos.

But never underestimate lib dims willingness to demagogue and lie about something anything.

Well said TM. Many here will not believe it, and we can't prove it, but that does not mean we are not right!

According to McCain, people making 4 million a year are middle class. Obama went to his home state to visit his ailing grandmother. Only a Republican would see that as negative. But here goes Dr. Tom, praising what he criticizes when applied to his guy.

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Brian Rogers, McCain's spokesman, said:

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people “cling” to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans? “The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

The truth is that McCain isn't out of touch with "ordinary people" because he's rich, he's out of touch with his own domestic arrangements because he cares little about material things, and for many years has devoted his extraordinary energies not to enjoying his wife's money, but to serving the American people. Given the number of nights he's spent in hotels or on military bases over the last few years, it's no wonder he hasn't seen much of his wife's condos.

But never underestimate lib dims willingness to demagogue and lie about something anything.

Well said TM. Many here will not believe it, and we can't prove it, but that does not mean we are not right!

According to McCain, people making 4 million a year are middle class. Obama went to his home state to visit his ailing grandmother. Only a Republican would see that as negative. But here goes Dr. Tom, praising what he criticizes when applied to his guy.

Am I missing some posts? I do not know anything about Obama going to his grandmother's house. But if he did then I commend him for it. I agree with Tigermike that McCain's motive for his position to a large degree is to serve the American public. That was the WHOLE intent of my post. Anything else in the post written or implied by me or inferred by you was incorrect. Once again, I have no idea where the grandmother thing came from, but I will go back and read this thread to see where I criticized anyone for anything to do with a grandmother. One of us (or both) is losing it.

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What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

I absolutely agree that the above is also meaningless. Just like McCains houses it has nothing to do with anyone's ability to be president. I do not even know why you brought it up on this thread. If some of the other posters here who do not want Obama to be president use the same techniques that you are using then I suppose they are being just as petty as you.

Are you sure you're a doctor? Most doctors I know have less trouble comprehending really simple things. Since you do, here it is again:

What does saying Obama is "an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type" have to do with issues? Saying Kerry "looks French?" Showing Kerry windsurf? Showing Dukakis riding in a tank?

Someone not knowing how many homes or what kind of car he owns, resonates with many voters. Maybe that other crap I listed above did, too.

Meaningless distractions are the primary tools of Republicans-- why else put Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an ad? Are you truly blind to these concerns when your guy does the same thing? I don't recall you decrying the meaninglessness of McCain's "celeb ads."

Once again, I agree that both sides are discussing some meaningless issues. I do not care enough about the meaningless issues to go back and count and see which side is discussing it the most. My take on the Paris Hilton/Britney Spears ad is that Obama is more of a celebrity than a leader, that he is a facade without much substance. If that is true then it is very relevant to his ability to be president. The ad may be false or it may be true, but it is not meaningless.

Glad to see your hypocrisy is intact and no less than most other Republicans. Paris Hilton is somehow relevant to Obama, but McCain's memory, ability to understand his own finances, and his ability to relate to the economic hardship many Americans are facing is not. :rolleyes:

You have made the second reference that I have seen (I certainly may have missed some) that McCain's not knowing how many houses he owns was due to his memory or his ability to understand financial matters. If that is why it is such important issue to you and the other Obama supporters then YOU HAVE A VERY VALID POINT. I have been asking for days for you all to explain what the big deal is and this is the first time I have read that from you. Thank you for explaining it so that I can understand. I have serious concerns about McCain's age, too.

Believe it or not, I am not on here trying to be obnoxious. I am just concerned about the country like you are. It is my belief that McCain's and Obama's wealth is irrelevant, but their mental capacity certainly is not. Now that you see that I can learn if you talk very slowly, I would appreciate it if you would explain why my above post is hypocrisy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still say the number of houses owned by McCain is irrelevant. Just as the number of mansions owned by the Ted Kennedy. but if you have something against people who own more than one house, the other Perpetrators are not hard to find. Take Charlie Rangel for instance... Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee

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Brian Rogers, McCain's spokesman, said:

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people “cling” to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans? “The reality is that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes and opposition to producing more energy here at home as gas prices skyrocket show he’s completely out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.”

The truth is that McCain isn't out of touch with "ordinary people" because he's rich, he's out of touch with his own domestic arrangements because he cares little about material things, and for many years has devoted his extraordinary energies not to enjoying his wife's money, but to serving the American people. Given the number of nights he's spent in hotels or on military bases over the last few years, it's no wonder he hasn't seen much of his wife's condos.

But never underestimate lib dims willingness to demagogue and lie about something anything.

Well said TM. Many here will not believe it, and we can't prove it, but that does not mean we are not right!

According to McCain, people making 4 million a year are middle class. Obama went to his home state to visit his ailing grandmother. Only a Republican would see that as negative. But here goes Dr. Tom, praising what he criticizes when applied to his guy.

According to common knowlege (which you have none it appears), McCain made that remark and joked about people like you making it an issue! Much the same with the "100 years in Iraq" deal that seems to pour out of the mouths of babes.

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