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Obama campaign finally admits NRLC is telling the truth


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There's no out for Obama here. He lied. He's lied before and he lied about this.

Obama is a liar.

Americans won't vote for a liar.

Then McCain is in serious trouble. His political life has been a lie for the last several years.

There's no out for Obama here. He lied. He's lied before and he lied about this.

Obama is a liar.

Americans won't vote for a liar.

RiR...you know that mindless Right Wing crap I was referring to...?

TT... you're too morally and intellectually handicapped to deal w/ my comments. The best you can muster is some sycophantic reply as you remark to your grade school level intellectual buddy of some lame ass 'inside' joke, which is neither.

Obama lied when he said his father owes Ted Kennedy for being brought over here from Africa, because the Kennedy's helped sponsor Africans being brought over here to the states. Only one small problem. The claim that Obama's father was among those isn't true. He was over here a full year before the Kennedy's got involved.

Obama is a liar.

"I didn't decide to run for president to start a national crusade for the political reforms I believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In truth, I wanted to be president because it had become my ambition to be president. . . . In truth, I'd had the ambition for a long time."

That ambition led McCain into a moral lapse that appalled him. It involved an ongoing dispute in South Carolina over the tradition of flying the Confederate battle flag atop the state capitol, in Columbia. In a television interview, McCain said the flag was "offensive," and he appeared sympathetic to its critics. His aides were alarmed, fearing the consequences in the upcoming South Carolina primary, and they wrote a damage-control statement that McCain read repeatedly before television cameras. "I understand both sides," McCain said. "Some view the flag as a symbol of slavery. Others view it as a symbol of heritage. Personally, I see the battle flag as a symbol of heritage."

But that, McCain wrote a year later, was "a lie." The flag symbolized both slavery and the South's secession from "the country I love," and "should be lowered forever from the staff atop South Carolina's capitol."

"I had promised to tell the truth no matter what," McCain wrote in the book. "When I broke it, I had not just been dishonest, I had been a coward, and I had severed my own interests from my country's. That was what made the lie unforgivable."


When he starts to think he might lose, McCain gets desperate-- principles go out the window and he lies his a$$ off. Later, he can sometimes see it, like he did after lying so much in 2000. But make no mistake-- it's his default. But you don't really care that he lies, do you? I understand you far too well. You're a grossly unprincipled guy who is convinced he's principled.

I have to say that McCain has the guts to admit to his mis-steps. Obama portrays little in this area so far.

I think you guys are getting way to personal, by the way. Just an observation.

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McCain called his change of opinion a 'lie'. Might sell well w/ focus groups, I don't know. I personally wouldn't apologize for the Confederate flag OR not voting for MLK Jr's holiday. But in a real world, a man needs votes, so he does what he can. So I ask you, what advantage did Obama get in LYING about his father's method of getting over here ? It had nothing to do w/ Kennedy,and is all the more inspiring, if that's the tact he wants to go with....but to involve another Democrat in the charade.... well, as they say - birds of a feather......

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McCain called his change of opinion a 'lie'. Might sell well w/ focus groups, I don't know. I personally wouldn't apologize for the Confederate flag OR not voting for MLK Jr's holiday. But in a real world, a man needs votes, so he does what he can. So I ask you, what advantage did Obama get in LYING about his father's method of getting over here ? It had nothing to do w/ Kennedy,and is all the more inspiring, if that's the tact he wants to go with....but to involve another Democrat in the charade.... well, as they say - birds of a feather......

You call a mistake by someone you hate a "lie" and a lie by someone you like a "mistake."

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Not being in favor of contraception, or believing that condoms give people too much of a feeling of invulnerability is not a reason to discount what she testified to. She's a registered RN and saw these things happen in Illinois hospitals. Numerous nurses worked with her and could easily contradict her testimony. Not one has suggested she's done anything but testify truthfully in over 5 years since the federal BAIPA act was passed with her testimony as a part of the Congressional debate.

She noted that other African countries that are promoting abstinence and monogamous relationships more heavily are seeing much more success in combating the spread of AIDS than those whose primary focus is on condoms and posted a link for people to donate for more of them. She's not even saying that they shouldn't or can't use condoms. She just noted that the three countries doing better at combating it have emphasized abstinence and monogamy more than condoms while Tanzania has done the reverse.

That's not radical. That's common sense.

I'm sticking with the extremist assessment:


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It is only common sense on how abstinence and monogamous programs will lower STD and pregnancy rates over the promotion of condom use.

When promoting condom use, you are not teaching to have the will power to stay away from the tempation of having casual sex with multiple partners. So, let's say you are "in the mood" and catch yourself without a condom and your partner does not have one for you. What are the odds that you are going to back off and not have sex if you have not been assisted/educated in the philosophy of abstinence? Not very likely, because you are still being sexually active and the fact that you do not have a condom is probably going to stop you.

I am not against promoting the use of condoms by any means. I think both abstinence and condom use should be taught together equally, not one less then the other.

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Not being in favor of contraception, or believing that condoms give people too much of a feeling of invulnerability is not a reason to discount what she testified to. She's a registered RN and saw these things happen in Illinois hospitals. Numerous nurses worked with her and could easily contradict her testimony. Not one has suggested she's done anything but testify truthfully in over 5 years since the federal BAIPA act was passed with her testimony as a part of the Congressional debate.

She noted that other African countries that are promoting abstinence and monogamous relationships more heavily are seeing much more success in combating the spread of AIDS than those whose primary focus is on condoms and posted a link for people to donate for more of them. She's not even saying that they shouldn't or can't use condoms. She just noted that the three countries doing better at combating it have emphasized abstinence and monogamy more than condoms while Tanzania has done the reverse.

That's not radical. That's common sense.

I'm sticking with the extremist assessment:


I realized that after Titan brought her into several other threads and I read some of her articles.

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