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For real.tigeral pretends to show such great respect for the flag code then offers to shove it up someones butt. I'd say shoving the flag code up someones butt is much more disrespectful for the flag in general than anything GWB did.

Of course he doesn't really buy into what he was selling he just saw an opportunity to take a swipe at GWB and took it. Partisan politics at its worst. How very shameful. I'd say to use the flag to take an unfounded swipe at a president is pretty disgusting.

EXACTLY! I was worried I was the only one who saw noticed.

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Is there some Hypocrite Award that we can give to Tiger Al for this one. Surely even the other Obama supporters agree that Tiger Al is being a MORON for acting like GWB holding up a flag backward for a few seconds matters even a little bit. Surely Tiger Al is smart enough to realize that what happened was a very simple mistake that was quickly corrected instead of being a planned defamatory action against our flag and our nation.

What a complete idiot!!!

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You must realize the depth of als hate and the depths he will stoop to to try and get a lick in on him. Then it all makes sense and you just kinda feel for the guy.

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Is there some Hypocrite Award that we can give to Tiger Al for this one. Surely even the other Obama supporters agree that Tiger Al is being a MORON for acting like GWB holding up a flag backward for a few seconds matters even a little bit. Surely Tiger Al is smart enough to realize that what happened was a very simple mistake that was quickly corrected instead of being a planned defamatory action against our flag and our nation.

What a complete idiot!!!

If all I was talking about was him holding the flag up backwards then, yes, it would be silly. If you've followed this thread from its beginning then you know that's not the only issue. We have four examples of him either displaying the flag improperly or desecrating it; Bush displayed it backwards, he showed it disrespect by using it as a drumstick, he desecrated it by writing on it and by standing on it. I'm not simply saying I think these are wrong or putting it forth as my opinion. This is what the flag code says. That's the standard I'm holding his actions to. I find his behavior disturbing on several levels.

As president of the United States, our leader, he should know better. He should, by default, hold OUR symbols in the highest regard. How do we know how our flag should be treated? We can look to the flag code. It spells out, sometimes in painstaking detail, how it should be treated. After eight years in office, he either is unaware that these details exist or he doesn't care. As I indicated in my first post, his holding it up backwards is no big deal and Laura had the presence of mind to correct him. She gets it. As I also said in my first post, I saw the flag being improperly displayed in a bar, pointed that out to the manager and he fixed it. He didn't know there was a right way. No problem. I guess that we'll all just have to disagree that if we have standards, President Bush should be expected to follow them, too.

I also find this disturbing because Bush and republicans have led efforts to make certain behavior toward the flag a crime. He's indicated that he believes that respect should be paid to the flag. republicans appear to feel so strongly about the flag that they claim outrage when some people don't wear flag pins. I'll set aside for the moment that many of those "outraged" weren't wearing flag pins themselves. If we take them at face value, that the flag deserves the highest honor, then why is unfair or MORONIC to point out when they dishonor the flag and expect them to live up to their stated standards? Sadly, it seems that, to these kinds of people, the flag is used solely as some twisted kind of litmus test for patriotism and true respect for the flag is beneath them.

Lastly, I find it very telling how you and your friends have seized primarily on the least of Bush's four offenses-displaying it backwards-as if it were the most serious. It's not. Yet, you and your friends have attempted to contort logic and reason to defend it as if it were the most serious. All of this in spite of the fact that I've referred you to an absolutely neutral source, the flag code, that shows his errors. Writing on the flag isn't left up to interpretation. It expressly says, "Don't do it!" But, I'm a hypocrite. Standing on top of the flag isn't left up to interpretation. The flag code expressly says, "Don't do it!" But, that makes me moronic. You and your friends have run the gamut in blind defense of Bush from claiming it was innocent mistakes to he did nothing wrong to blaming Barack Obama, all in an effort to minimize, excuse, deflect and/or deny what the flag code says in regard to Bush's actions. And then you claim that I'm a complete idiot.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

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I have never amde any remark about Obama and lapel pins. I think it is a complete non-issue--just like if Bush made a simple mistake and held it up backward. I think Bush made a mistake. I am quite sure that he has made others. The only issue I addressed is that you are being moronic and are being a complete idiot if you think there is more to it than that.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

Your preposterous denials are humorous. Keep those denials coming. You lose even more credibility (if that's possible)with each one.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

Your preposterous denials are humorous. Keep those denials coming. You lose even more credibility (if that's possible)with each one.

Your STILL silly assumptions STILL aren't my problem.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

Your preposterous denials are humorous. Keep those denials coming. You lose even more credibility (if that's possible)with each one.

Your STILL silly assumptions STILL aren't my problem.

And you practically non-existent credibility and integrity continue to crumble and fade away.

Funny how you STILL feel the need to deny. Hiding something? lol. Thats okay al, you can quit denying, everyone knows what you meant. It's not like that phrase hasn't been around for a long time and we all know what is meant when it is used. Let go man. You'll feel better and cleaner.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

Your preposterous denials are humorous. Keep those denials coming. You lose even more credibility (if that's possible)with each one.

Your STILL silly assumptions STILL aren't my problem.

And you practically non-existent credibility and integrity continue to crumble and fade away.

Funny how you STILL feel the need to deny. Hiding something? lol. Thats okay al, you can quit denying, everyone knows what you meant. It's not like that phrase hasn't been around for a long time and we all know what is meant when it is used. Let go man. You'll feel better and cleaner.

Tiger 88 has been safely placed in a cone of ignorance.

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All that hard and devious work pissed away by the offer to shove the flag code which you claimed to hold in high esteem up someones butt. Shameful! and a giveaway afa your true motives here. Better luck next time.

Your silly assumptions aren't my problem.

Your preposterous denials are humorous. Keep those denials coming. You lose even more credibility (if that's possible)with each one.

Your STILL silly assumptions STILL aren't my problem.

And you practically non-existent credibility and integrity continue to crumble and fade away.

Funny how you STILL feel the need to deny. Hiding something? lol. Thats okay al, you can quit denying, everyone knows what you meant. It's not like that phrase hasn't been around for a long time and we all know what is meant when it is used. Let go man. You'll feel better and cleaner.

Tiger 88 has been safely placed in a cone of ignorance.

Thats almost funny tex. What is funny is that you got beaten down in other arguments then feel the need to sneak in here and take a pot shot and run. Now that's funny.

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I vote this as the most ignorant thread in recent months. Debating flag code over a short miscue by the President holding the flag at a sporting event.

Proper display and handling of the flag is a big pet peeve of mine also. Just ask my wife because I complain whenever I see it publicly displayed incorrectly or I see a tattered flag being flown. I actually serve flag duty sometimes at my American Legion post and we are real strict about the handling and care of the flag. However, I also understand during sporting events and celebrations people are holding flags and waving them to be patriotic and I am not going to bash them if they accidentally violate some sort of the flag code in their enthusiasm.

Al, I am curious about something. Since you are being such a stickler for flag code, with you being liberal, don't you probably support the right for somebody to burn the flag in demonstration?

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I vote this as the most ignorant thread in recent months. Debating flag code over a short miscue by the President holding the flag at a sporting event.

You either didn't read this entire thread or you've fallen in line with your friends and chosen the least of the infractions to represent all of them. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and re-post this link: LINK

From the Flag Code:

No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing.

Proper display and handling of the flag is a big pet peeve of mine also. Just ask my wife because I complain whenever I see it publicly displayed incorrectly or I see a tattered flag being flown. I actually serve flag duty sometimes at my American Legion post and we are real strict about the handling and care of the flag. However, I also understand during sporting events and celebrations people are holding flags and waving them to be patriotic and I am not going to bash them if they accidentally violate some sort of the flag code in their enthusiasm.

I agree. We've been talking about more than holding it up incorrectly at a sporting event.


From the Flag Code:

The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.


The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

Al, I am curious about something. Since you are being such a stickler for flag code, with you being liberal, don't you probably support the right for somebody to burn the flag in demonstration?

I support everyone's 1st Amendment rights and burning the flag in protest is included. It's not a form of protest I could ever imagine myself engaging in, but, it is considered free speech. However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example, as a member of the military, I'm not allowed to do it and can be punished under several sections of the UCMJ.

We're not talking about burning the flag, though. We're not talking about some person showing disrespect, intentionally or not, to the flag. We're talking about the President of the United States showing varying degrees of disrespect, intentionally or not, ranging from displaying it backwards to slapping it on his leg to writing on it to standing on top of it on the floor. While I don't expect Bush to know every jot and tittle of the flag code, it'd be nice to see some awareness of it as it reasonably applies to him, especially when he's rightfully claimed that we should have the utmost respect for it. He's the President and I don't think it's too much to ask that he demonstrate the same level of respect he asks of us when it comes to respecting the flag. You guys evidently think it is.

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Ranger -- I've noticed you tend to chime in on this board every blue moon with the same line. It goes some thing like "this thread/post is the most ignorant of the day/month/year/ever..." And it always is in response to a post that does not fall in line with your ideology. You hardly ever argue any thing on the merits. Rather you put forward this bully-style egotistical dogma that I suppose, is your attempt at reducing oppositional thought into submission. It screams of Bush/Rove politics. You need a new schtick - it's getting old.

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