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Did Auburn freshman DeRon Furr leave football team because he was bullied?

DKW 86

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You have to be a blind AU apologist if you don't think all this stinks a bit.

Um, no you don't.

No matter who is really at fault whatever happened doesn't seem to be handled well when the coaches can only say no comment, and a kid is leaving school with no explanation.

Has it occurred to you that the coaches are saying no comment not to cover anything up, but to keep from getting into anything that might reflect badly on DeRon? Or are the anti-AU goggles filtering such possiblities out?

Give me a break.

No, you give us one.

I don't aggree that the guy writing the article should have done so, but whatever. There is too much that no one actually knows so it gives room for people to postulate.

In my humble opinion, this sucks.

And in my humble opinion, not everything is your God-given right to know.

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You have to be a blind AU apologist if you don't think all this stinks a bit.

Um, no you don't.

No matter who is really at fault whatever happened doesn't seem to be handled well when the coaches can only say no comment, and a kid is leaving school with no explanation.

Has it occurred to you that the coaches are saying no comment not to cover anything up, but to keep from getting into anything that might reflect badly on DeRon? Or are the anti-AU goggles filtering such possiblities out?

Give me a break.

No, you give us one.

I don't aggree that the guy writing the article should have done so, but whatever. There is too much that no one actually knows so it gives room for people to postulate.

In my humble opinion, this sucks.

And in my humble opinion, not everything is your God-given right to know.


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The article is a joke but it will be forgotten about it a week...and to be honest its probably one of the best things to happen...some of the freshmen now know it's not a joke, its about hard work and everyone picks it up a notch and recruits that aren't a team player will be thinking twice about coming to AU.

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Yes, I can imagine that they may be covering up something to help Derron look better, but does that actually matter in the end?

In the end the facts remain.

We don't know what happened, the media doesn't know, and the coaches aren't talking.

The fact that all of that is hanging over the events of 2 or more students getting into a fight and one of them leaving the school right after it happened looks really bad.

I don't need to know what happened, in fact no where in anything I have posted have I said I must know. The basic point I am making with my seemingly anti-AU goggles (seemingly being worn because I am not aggreeing with YOUR opinion) is that from the outside it looks bad and that it is bad.

When a student gets his butt kicked for whatever reason and he ends up leaving the school, the coaches and captains failed somewhere to help this kid. You can't tell me that the coaches or team captains were absolutely unaware the kid was having issues if it got to this point.

I haven't asked for anything nor do I want anything. I just think this reflects poorly on AU and its a sad event. The quiet over the issue is most likely mandated by the school to avoid legal issues, but it still stinks.

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Yes, I can imagine that they may be covering up something to help Derron look better, but does that actually matter in the end?

In the end the facts remain.

We don't know what happened, the media doesn't know, and the coaches aren't talking.

The fact that all of that is hanging over the events of 2 or more students getting into a fight and one of them leaving the school right after it happened looks really bad.

I don't need to know what happened, in fact no where in anything I have posted have I said I must know. The basic point I am making with my seemingly anti-AU goggles (seemingly being worn because I am not aggreeing with YOUR opinion) is that from the outside it looks bad and that it is bad.

No, the "anti-AU goggles" comment came because instead of simply saying that it can look bad from the outside since no one is talking, you said "this stinks a bit" and " its a problem" and "If there is something to hide in this situation than maybe we should be upset.", not because you disagreed with me.

When a student gets his butt kicked for whatever reason and he ends up leaving the school, the coaches and captains failed somewhere to help this kid. You can't tell me that the coaches or team captains were absolutely unaware the kid was having issues if it got to this point.

Aaaand we're back to blaming coaches and/or players for a kid's decisions. But you're not displaying anti-AU tendencies or anything even though you give no consideration to the possibility that the kid had attitude issues and that despite people trying to talk to him, he wasn't listening.

I haven't asked for anything nor do I want anything. I just think this reflects poorly on AU and its a sad event. The quiet over the issue is most likely mandated by the school to avoid legal issues, but it still stinks.

Or again, instead of assuming something sinister or related to "legal issues", one could simply say that CTT is taking the high road instead of dogging a kid in public. That would be the thing a neutral observer might say.

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Or again, instead of assuming something sinister or related to "legal issues", one could simply say that CTT is taking the high road instead of dogging a kid in public. That would be the thing a neutral observer might say.

It seemed Deron's family was trying to take the "dog the coaches road" to begin with. I think that the silence (silence meaning telling everyone that Deron had a decision to make on his own) was just a way of not "dogging" any player or coach be it Furr or ZE. I think that the mature actions of CCT & staff may have lead to the change in Furr's dads actions and words since he turned around and thanked them for the opportunity, yada yada yada.

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Or again, instead of assuming something sinister or related to "legal issues", one could simply say that CTT is taking the high road instead of dogging a kid in public. That would be the thing a neutral observer might say.

It seemed Deron's family was trying to take the "dog the coaches road" to begin with. I think that the silence (silence meaning telling everyone that Deron had a decision to make on his own) was just a way of not "dogging" any player or coach be it Furr or ZE. I think that the mature actions of CCT & staff may have lead to the change in Furr's dads actions and words since he turned around and thanked them for the opportunity, yada yada yada.

You beat me to the punch. Fanatic, have you read his father's comments after his son left the team and the University? He thanked Auburn and the staff for the opportunity. Pure speculation on my part, but I think there was some ongoing problem with DF that came to a head when the scuffle occurred. It appears that all parties involved took the high road and parted ways. That doesn't mean there's some internal "Problem" on this team. It more likely means that it was just an unfortunate situation where DF and this program weren't meant to be.

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Exactly - AUesquire hit the nail on the head. DF and his parents are probably glad no one is talking because if it was heavily publicized DF might have a harder time transferring - who wants to either recruit a kid with a work ethic problem, or as a kid to show up with that kind of reputation?

As for Football Fanatics posts - those sound exactly like the kinds of statements that PC fanatics and liberals like to make. Not to dive into politics, but sometimes what you "think" you have a right to know about doesn't mean squat. Teams handle their own issues - I very seriously doubt you have EVER played football at ANY level with comments like that. My youngest son's 6 year old pee wee team gets on players that are loafing on the practice field, I can't even imagine what the drive and pressure must be like at Auburn's practice gearing up for the season. rather than trying to fix all of the injustices at Auburn's football practice why don't you solve world hunger or go and free Tibet? One player leaving the team after failing to perform and getting his butt kicked is not a problem.

As for the article, I really think the only person that should be offended is DF. I would be pissed if someone wrote that I got "bullied" at football practice - LOL!!!

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I have one phrase for some of you older posters (In my 40's here :big: ) that will say it all. If someone screwed up, wasn't putting out at practice, had an attitude problem...this was adjusted with a little


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I have one phrase for some of you older posters (In my 40's here :big: ) that will say it all. If someone screwed up, wasn't putting out at practice, had an attitude problem...this was adjusted with a little


It is a shame we had to even have the discussion.

BTW, anyone know why Prowler and FootballFanatic share the same ips?

Things that make you go hhhhmmmmm..... ;)

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I have one phrase for some of you older posters (In my 40's here :big: ) that will say it all. If someone screwed up, wasn't putting out at practice, had an attitude problem...this was adjusted with a little


Thanks, now my body will ache and I will have nightmares about the 'tude I showed ONCE at practice.

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Bull in the ring was always an early season "attitude adjustment tool" ;) I also was quite fond of the "Machine gun drill"

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I have one phrase for some of you older posters (In my 40's here :big: ) that will say it all. If someone screwed up, wasn't putting out at practice, had an attitude problem...this was adjusted with a little


It is a shame we had to even have the discussion.

BTW, anyone know why Prowler and FootballFanatic share the same ips?

Things that make you go hhhhmmmmm..... ;)

Yeah and Prowler is posting on Auburn Undercover as a bama fan. Also, runswithscissors (posting as an Auburn fan) disappeared in a hurry from AU Undercover when I mentioned IPS.

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I still think RWS posted his true age when registering for AU Undercover, at

least it coinsides with his post on this forum. :poke:

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Whatever happened, DeRon, his parents, the other players involved, and the coaches all took the high road. Everyone wished everyone else well and parted ways. Too bad all those doing the speculating about exactly what happened didn't just STFU and move on also. The kid wanted to play QB and the team needed him somewhere else. Obviously he is a great athlete or we wouldn't have signed him in the first place. We should all hope he goes somewhere else and has a great career, as long its not Bammer, UGA, LSU, or someone else we play.

Melick is still an idiot trying to make something out of nothing to sell newspapers. I guess he's taking lessons from Finescum. :no:

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I have one phrase for some of you older posters (In my 40's here :big: ) that will say it all. If someone screwed up, wasn't putting out at practice, had an attitude problem...this was adjusted with a little


It is a shame we had to even have the discussion.

BTW, anyone know why Prowler and FootballFanatic share the same ips?

Things that make you go hhhhmmmmm..... ;)

Yeah and Prowler is posting on Auburn Undercover as a bama fan. Also, runswithscissors (posting as an Auburn fan) disappeared in a hurry from AU Undercover when I mentioned IPS.

check my IPs all day long.....i have one from home and one from work where i get to play on the OC3 line :big:

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Whatever happened, DeRon, his parents, the other players involved, and the coaches all took the high road. Everyone wished everyone else well and parted ways. Too bad all those doing the speculating about exactly what happened didn't just STFU and move on also. The kid wanted to play QB and the team needed him somewhere else. Obviously he is a great athlete or we wouldn't have signed him in the first place. We should all hope he goes somewhere else and has a great career, as long its not Bammer, UGA, LSU, or someone else we play.

Melick is still an idiot trying to make something out of nothing to sell newspapers. I guess he's taking lessons from Finescum. :no:

Well said. It just did not work out for him at Auburn, just as sometimes a job we take does not work out as well as hoped. All this speculating and rumors about the kid's work ethic, attitude, toughness, etc is really ridiculous. How many of us worked hard enough to get a Div-1 scholarship and then take college summer classes right after graduating high school? Just based on those facts alone, I would gather that the kid's work ethic seems to be much better then the majority of other 18 year olds. So, instead of trashing an 18 year old just because things did not work at with him at Auburn, let's wish him well and move on.

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Shouldn't this Deron Furr issue be a NON-ISSUE by now? Let's let it go. It's over. He's gone.

Perfect answer.

If Auburn fans would leave it alone, it would disappear faster. Now that the media has seen that Auburn will get all riled up over the subject, they're going to continue to use it. It's what I like to call a "Finebaum." Finebaum is notorious for taking non-issues and rumors and using them to rile people up. Once people are upset, they listen more and more because they think the entire southeast is having the same feelings that Finebaum is trying to portray.

Ray Melick pulled a Finebaum, and he's loving it. Everybody needs to let it go.

If there WAS an actual problem, we would be hearing about possible investigations.

If there's NOT a problem, then who cares?

Once again, let it go.

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check my IPs all day long.....i have one from home and one from work where i get to play on the OC3 line :big:

Yeah and runswithscissors is a very common handle :poke:

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check my IPs all day long.....i have one from home and one from work where i get to play on the OC3 line :big:

Yeah and runswithscissors is a very common handle :poke:

well then check my IPs....it must concern you horribly since this is like the 3rd thread you've brought it up in. either check my IPs and let us all know the results or quit accusing me of being a 15 year old. your choice. i'll even help you out some....my home IP is from the gulftelephone.net domain and my work comes back to a .gov address hosted by Southern Light Fiber.

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Okay, I think we have beat the dead horse enough here.



I am killing this thread.

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