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What's happened to our recruiting?


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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

I really don't care what others (you) think, I'm human and humans make mistakes. I simply post my opinion. Isn't that what this board is for??? It would also help if yall had a spell check button which ya'll seem to lack.

first we know how to spell. secondly, in case you missed it, there's this thing out there called the internet. On the internet are sites where information is stored. One of those sites would be http://dictionary.com Use it.

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Nothing has happened, its just that now Bama is off probation and has a coach that can really recruit. I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread seeing is to how bama can not get everybody. Defense same way its CTT's specialty.

This is a grammatical nightmare.

Listen, we don't have to be Rhodes scholars to post, but some simple grammatical precision is appreciated. For example, your "seeing is to how" is cumbersome and makes no sense. You could have said the same thing in fewer words and without sounding like you are a Bammer. See the sentence below:

I feel like Auburn will still get good players for their spread since bama can not get everybody.

Isn't that nice? It's succinct, efficient, and grammatically intelligent (if not conceptually intelligent).

Next week, we'll talk about a special way to separate thoughts. It's called a "period." That's right. Those dots on the paper are there for a reason.

Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! :rolleyes:

You neglected to use a comma after the word 'wow'. You also misspelled 'grammar'. Did they offer eighth grade grammar at the middle school you attended, or were you able to take the 'raising fightin' roosters' course as an elective?

The Grammar Police on our board do not make arrests, but you have been fined $190 for your peccadillos. Please drop your money order in the tip jar on your way out the door.

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first we know how to spell. secondly, in case you missed it, there's this thing out there called the internet. On the internet are sites where information is stored. One of those sites would be http://dictionary.com Use it.

There are several errors here, but we can work it out.

Here is a better and more efficient way of writing your statement:

First, we know how to spell correctly. Secondly, in case you missed it, there's a thing out there called the internet. On the internet there are sites where information can be found. One of those sites is here: http//dictionary.com . Use it.

Your first attempt lacked capitalization for the first words of two sentences, a comma after the introductory statement, and a colon before giving the URL address. The addition of the adverb (correctly) clarifies your statement. He knows how to spell, but he does it incorrectly. I also changed a couple of verbs and an article for clarity.


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Wow I did not realize the grammer police roamed this board!!! rolleyes.gif

Grammar police or not, if you want your posts to be taken seriously you should make them intelligible. If you don't care enough about what you write to use proper spelling and grammar, why should we care enough to read it?

I really don't care what others (you) think, I'm human and humans make mistakes. I simply post my opinion. Isn't that what this board is for??? It would also help if yall had a spell check button which ya'll seem to lack.

Whut is y'all...ignernt? :poke:


Ya'll, we are in alabama, that is a common word down here. duh!!!!

Duh...obviously missed the humor. And since I'm from Selma, originally, and live in Duluth, Ga now, I do make use of the contraction quite frequently.

Bamars...good grief. :no:


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Duh...obviously missed the humor. And since I'm from Selma, originally, and live in Duluth, Ga now, I do make use of the contraction quite frequently.

Bamars...good grief. :no:


do you know any of the Grindle folks from Selma?

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Duh...obviously missed the humor. And since I'm from Selma, originally, and live in Duluth, Ga now, I do make use of the contraction quite frequently.

Bamars...good grief. :no:


do you know any of the Grindle folks from Selma?

No Sir...'fraid not. Go there for my "Chappelle" family reunions on July 4ths, but that's about it. Haven't lived there since I was a child. Went to school in Huntsville, back in the day. :)


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Fear not the Grammar Police. Great grammar is not a prerequisite to the expression of great thought. While I agree it is most helpful, I hope posts are not hammered for grammar to the extent that posters quit posting.

If I worried about grammar, I'd never post.

That said, I do not mean to imply that the post at issue or any other post on this board ever constituted a "great thought."


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