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HS Student Suspended For Anti-CSA Flag Petition


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Serves her right. If she wanted to circulate the petition she should have gotten it approved. She admitted she knew she would get in trouble for doing the petition without approval but didn't expect the 10 day suspension she got.

To me 10 days does seem a tiny bit harsh, but after knowingly disregarding the procedures for what she was doing, I say tough poop. Maybe she'll learn a lesson.

This doesn't seem like a confederate flag or racial issue but a following the rules issue.

I wonder if this would have gotten the needless attention it has if it had been a petition to save the whales??? :roll:

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She should have asked for permission first. There's no reason not to go through that formality, even if you think they'll say no. And she should have asked them to consider the Confederate flag shirt as "disruptive". It sounds like she asked around, but didn't make a formal request to have them add it to their list of disruptive attire. At least then you have shown that you tried to operate in good faith. If they shut her down, then circulate the petition and you have a stronger case.

That said, a 10 day suspension for circulating a petition is ridiculous. I've seen kids get less for fighting and cheating...issues of much more critical importance than gathering signatures over an issue of principle. She should have gotten a verbal or written reprimand at worst. Punishments should be somewhat proportionate to the offense.

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Both of you have made the point well. People regularly get far shorter suspensions for offenses involving violence.

A 10-day suspension over a petition? Something is very, very wrong here. Apparently, a petition is worse than fighting. :rolleyes:

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