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Oil for Saddam's backers.

DKW 86

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Nah, it's true...to an extent. GWB's grandfather had some ties with the Nazi's back in the 30s. Of course, so did a lot of other business people who had not fully come to know exactly what the Nazis were all about.

That's aside from the fact that trying to throw out the tired old liberal charge of "Nazi" when speaking of a conservative (in this instance, GWB) when it was his grandfather who had the ties would be like saying I'm a racist because my grandfather used the n-word.

Al, should I assume you also believe that Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice organizations are proponents of social Darwinism through eugenics because the founder of PP held such views? Or does that guilty by association card only work when speaking of a conservative?

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Yeah, it's kind of reminiscent of the Bush's financial ties with the Nazi's, isn't it?

The full extent of the attrocities committed by the Nazis were not known until after the war. There is no way the French, Chinese and those other countries and organizations could not have been fully aware of the tremendous loss of life and horrific human rights violations committed by Sadaam at the time of their dealings with Iraq.

Nice try, AL, but no cigar on that one.

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Yeah, it's kind of reminiscent of the Bush's financial ties with the Nazi's, isn't it?

The full extent of the attrocities committed by the Nazis were not known until after the war.

Bush's grandfather's assets were seized before the war was over and had nothing to do with the Holocaust. It had to do with companies not being allowed to do business with the Nazi's.

There is no way the French, Chinese and those other countries and organizations could not have been fully aware of the tremendous loss of life and horrific human rights violations committed by Sadaam at the time of their dealings with Iraq. 

Nice try, AL, but no cigar on that one.

You're right. And that's the same reason I've said in the past about Bush's claims of Saddam's gassing of the Kurds as an excuse to attack Iraq. We knew that was going on then but continued to support him anyway. Seems that puts us in the same boat, don't you think?

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Nah, it's true...to an extent. GWB's grandfather had some ties with the Nazi's back in the 30s. Of course, so did a lot of other business people who had not fully come to know exactly what the Nazis were all about.

That's aside from the fact that trying to throw out the tired old liberal charge of "Nazi" when speaking of a conservative (in this instance, GWB) when it was his grandfather who had the ties would be like saying I'm a racist because my grandfather used the n-word.

Al, should I assume you also believe that Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice organizations are proponents of social Darwinism through eugenics because the founder of PP held such views? Or does that guilty by association card only work when speaking of a conservative?

Like how he chose not to respond! :rolleyes:

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