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Kerry the Gigolo


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If Ann Coulter had ever made a movie, I would noew go out and buy it. See other thread.

Has he ever actually worked in the private sector? Does he have no experience in Business at all? Oh yeah, I see how he could create all these new jobs too......NOT!!! Reminds me of clueless AlGore, the man with no experience with Public Schools. How do the Dems only find these guys to run? Edwards, a parasitic leech of a trial lawyer?

This is what my research was turning up on Kerry. I call him "Stud Puppy." Hey, almost any man would be envious to have married almost a Billion Dollars of Women. That is some high priced "Action."

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Theresa the Ketchup Queen HAD to have a lot of money to land two husbands - she is decidedly unattractive, or at least has looked like warmed over soup every time I have seen her in public. With all that cash, you would think she would do something about that nose! WHERE do the Dems FIND these unattractive women? Dean's wife? PUH-LEEZE! I haven't seen the other candidates' wives, but I am not holding out much hope. Look at how Hillary appeared at the SOTU speech! TACKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa also has never wanted for anything in her life - she grew up privileged and never looked back. Laura Bush, on the other hand, actually WORKED as a librarian in a public school. And she always looks nice - very elegant.

Not counting Hollywood, not all publically pinko women are homely, but there certainly seem to be more of them than on the Republican side. Not that Lynne Cheney is anything to write home about, but still - at least she TRIES. I personally give points to anyone for effort - clean, neat, combed hair, a touch of lip color - too much to ask? I guess I am just a good Southern girl at heart, who until recently would not go to the grocery store for a loaf of bread without being presentable in public. I don't mean hat, gloves, full face makeup and a coordinated outfit, but I did make myself presentable. That is just how I was raised - a lady would NEVER EVER EVER go out of the house looking like she just rolled out of bed, much less appear on a national televised program or press conference!!! Granted, in the last month or so, I have reached my "don't give a damn how I look on the weekend since everyone looks at my belly anyway" but these are extreme circumstances, and I will revert back to normal in a few months, I am sure.

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Theresa the Ketchup Queen HAD to have a lot of money to land two husbands - she is decidedly unattractive, or at least has looked like warmed over soup every time I have seen her in public.  With all that cash, you would think she would do something about that nose!  WHERE do the Dems FIND these unattractive women?  Dean's wife?  PUH-LEEZE!  I haven't seen the other candidates' wives, but I am not holding out much hope.  Look at how Hillary appeared at the SOTU speech!  TACKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa also has never wanted for anything in her life - she grew up privileged and never looked back.  Laura Bush, on the other hand, actually WORKED as a librarian in a public school.  And she always looks nice - very elegant.

Not counting Hollywood, not all publically pinko women are homely, but there certainly seem to be more of them than on the Republican side.  Not that Lynne Cheney is anything to write home about, but still - at least she TRIES.  I personally give points to anyone for effort - clean, neat, combed hair, a touch of lip color - too much to ask?  I guess I am just a good Southern girl at heart, who until recently would not go to the grocery store for a loaf of bread without being presentable in public.  I don't mean hat, gloves, full face makeup and a coordinated outfit, but I did make myself presentable.  That is just how I was raised - a lady would NEVER EVER EVER go out of the house looking like she just rolled out of bed, much less appear on a national televised program or press conference!!!  Granted, in the last month or so, I have reached my "don't give a damn how I look on the weekend since everyone looks at my belly anyway" but these are extreme circumstances, and I will revert back to normal in a few months, I am sure.

Speaking of Teresa (comments edited by DKW):

(Profanity will not be tolerated. Argue, discuss, but do not curse! DKW)

Teresa the Tyrant

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Theresa the Ketchup Queen HAD to have a lot of money to land two husbands - she is decidedly unattractive, or at least has looked like warmed over soup every time I have seen her in public. With all that cash, you would think she would do something about that nose! WHERE do the Dems FIND these unattractive women? Dean's wife? PUH-LEEZE! I haven't seen the other candidates' wives, but I am not holding out much hope. Look at how Hillary appeared at the SOTU speech! TACKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa also has never wanted for anything in her life - she grew up privileged and never looked back. Laura Bush, on the other hand, actually WORKED as a librarian in a public school. And she always looks nice - very elegant.

Not counting Hollywood, not all publically pinko women are homely, but there certainly seem to be more of them than on the Republican side. Not that Lynne Cheney is anything to write home about, but still - at least she TRIES. I personally give points to anyone for effort - clean, neat, combed hair, a touch of lip color - too much to ask? I guess I am just a good Southern girl at heart, who until recently would not go to the grocery store for a loaf of bread without being presentable in public. I don't mean hat, gloves, full face makeup and a coordinated outfit, but I did make myself presentable. That is just how I was raised - a lady would NEVER EVER EVER go out of the house looking like she just rolled out of bed, much less appear on a national televised program or press conference!!! Granted, in the last month or so, I have reached my "don't give a damn how I look on the weekend since everyone looks at my belly anyway" but these are extreme circumstances, and I will revert back to normal in a few months, I am sure.

HAHAHAHA!!! How shallow!!! Tell me, was Barbara Bush one of those stunners or did you intentionally leave her out?

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Not counting Hollywood, not all publically pinko women are homely, but there certainly seem to be more of them than on the Republican side.  Not that Lynne Cheney is anything to write home about, but still - at least she TRIES.  I personally give points to anyone for effort - clean, neat, combed hair, a touch of lip color - too much to ask? 

HAHAHAHA!!! How shallow!!! Tell me, was Barbara Bush one of those stunners or did you intentionally leave her out?

I don't deny that was shallow - I am not above being shallow on occasion. So sue me.

Number 1 - I said NOT ALL publically pinko women are homely, but that there seemed to be more than Republican women. Conversely, that means not all Republican women are attractive either. I just attribute the "I don't give a damn about my appearance" to the feminist influence on the Dem party.

Number 2 - NO WHERE did I say that a first lady had to be a hottie or a stunner. If you will re-read my post, I said I give points for effort - clean, neat, combed hair, a touch of lip color. So far, we have not had a Republican first lady that went out in public looking like a hairy armpitted tree hugger. Class and elegance are what counts - not beauty. Neither Ketchup chick nor Dean's wife nor Hillary-as-Senator seem to have learned that lesson. There were moments where Hillary looked VERY NICE as First Lady - I remembered she looked stunning at the inagurations. But she has really slacked off since she entered the Senate, like she is afraid that looking feminine and attractive would diminish her aura of "power". :roll:

Number 3 - BACK OFF Barbara Bush. She looks fine for an 80-something (70-something at that time) - she ALWAYS looks neat, clean, well-groomed, and like she cared about her appearance. She still does. Now she is the First Lady of Houston and bad words about her are fighting words in this town, regardless of party affiliation.

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HAHAHAHA!!! How shallow!!! Tell me, was Barbara Bush one of those stunners or did you intentionally leave her out?

No Al not a stunner, but absolutely better looking than,,,,,,, :o



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HAHAHAHA!!! How shallow!!! Tell me, was Barbara Bush one of those stunners or did you intentionally leave her out?

No Al not a stunner, but absolutely better looking than,,,,,,, :o



OK, you take Babs, then.

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I'm pregnant and hormonal and I will call her whatever I want to, you adolescent neanderthal bonehead. :angry:

Love ya!! :)

It was a play on her attitude toward people who misspell or mispronounce her name. Did you read the article? It made a point of saying (Ta-ray-za).

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I'm pregnant and hormonal and I will call her whatever I want to, you adolescent neanderthal bonehead. :angry:

Love ya!!  :)

It was a play on her attitude toward people who misspell or mispronounce her name. Did you read the article? It made a point of saying (Ta-ray-za).

Yes, I caught that, and just maybe my mispelling was a deliberate slam...? ;)

Or maybe not, and I just wanted to snarl at you! :P

Love ya'!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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