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Where the Candidiates stand


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Is there a website one could go to to compare the Democratic candidates on where they stand on important issues, ideas for America, etc.? Is there one that compares them to GWB?

I'm looking for something rather objective if possible.

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Does it really matter to you where they stand?

I asked didn't I? Is there a problem? :huh:

How's your buddy Dean doing? You sure don't seem to be as high on him as you once were. You all but promised everyone here on the board that he would win the Presidential Election in '04. He doesn't look as though he will win his party's nomination. Too bad. :rolleyes:

Look, I asked a serious question. If you have nothing better to contribute to this then, Buh-Bye, Now! :)

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Just seems kind of odd.

Dean's getting beaten up. I still like him and have every confidence in him but I'm only one vote. If the majority of Democrats think otherwise then I'll gladly vote for the nominee, Dean or otherwise. As I've said before, ANY of the Democratic candidates would be better than four more years of what we've got now.

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Where do the 2004 hopefuls stand on Jobs?

A major point of debate in the 2004 Presidential election is the country's job outlook. Many voters want to know what the Presidential hopefuls will do to improve the nation's employment situation.

Here's an overview of the candidates' positions on jobs based on information from their respective web sites and CNN.com.

Wesley Clark


"The government cannot create millions of jobs. But if the government establishes the right conditions and incentives, I have no doubt that America's businesses, large and small, can."


Forty-year military career in the Army. Earned numerous medals, commendations, and badges, including a Silver Star, Legions of Merit, and a Purple Heart. Most recently served as commander in chief of U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander.

On Jobs

* Invest $100 billion over two years to jumpstart job creation without increasing the deficit.

* Invest in homeland security and create jobs in the process.

* Help states in fiscal crisis by creating a fund to relieve pressure on state budgets, and avoiding property tax increases and tuition hikes.

* Promote incentives in job creation and remove barriers to job growth, particularly manufacturing.

Howard Dean


"America's working families deserve the truth. This is no ordinary downturn. This isn't simply a normal business cycle downturn. We are the victims of Enron Economics. We've been sold a bill of goods and like the Enron shareholders, we're the ones left holding the bag."


Twenty years in elected office in Vermont, including governor, 1991-2003. During his 11 years as governor, he balanced the budget every year, did not rely on layoffs of state employees as a solution to budget shortfalls, tens of thousands of new jobs were created, and as an important step towards achieving a livable wage, signed two increases to the state minimum wage.

On Jobs

* The first part of his three-tiered plan for America focuses on the economy and jobs.

* Raise minimum wage.

* Expand unemployment insurance.

* Invest in job creating infrastructure (roads, schools, etc.).

John Edwards


"In a generation, the American Dream of building something better is being replaced with the dream of just getting by. We cannot let this happen to America."


U.S. senator from North Carolina, elected 1998. He has supported minimum wage increases, protection of workplace safety laws and a strong OSHA, and defended the rights of workers to unionize.

On Jobs

* Plans to create five million new jobs in first two years in office.

* Encourage business investment and maintain fiscal discipline.

* Create good jobs and bring jobs back to communities that have lost them.

John Kerry


"As President, I will fight to strengthen important industries here at home, invest in our people not in corporate tax giveaways, and will lead in the technologies of the future so that we can grow the economy on a sustained and sustainable basis."


U.S. senator from Massachusetts, elected 1984. Introduced the Putting Americans First Act, legislation which would provide a short-term enhanced safety net for Americans losing their jobs by extending unemployment insurance benefits for an additional 13 weeks, allowing part-time workers to claim some unemployment benefits, and creating a new benefit to help recently displaced workers continue to afford health insurance. Proposed the Technology Education and Training Act of 2001, would provide a tax credit for businesses offering IT training and enable individuals enrolled in certified IT training to take advantage of the Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning credits, and has also cosponsored efforts to extend and expand upon the tax exclusion for employer-provided education assistance.

On Jobs

* Assist small businesses; train workers; infrastructure jobs;

* Kerry has proposed creating jobs through a new manufacturing jobs credit, by investing in new energy industries, restoring technology, and stopping layoffs in education.

* Revive American manufacturing;

* State tax relief and education fund to create jobs and stop painful budget cuts; provide tax relief to middle class families;

* Close pay gap and protect the American worker.

Dennis Kucinich


"I intend to lead the way to restore our cities by having a new WPA-type program to rebuild our bridges, our roads, our water systems, our sewer systems, to build new energy systems. We can rebuild America! We can put millions and more back to work."


Ohio state senator 1994-96; U.S. representative, elected 1996. In 2001, introduced the bill, Rebuilding America's Infrastructure, to provide state and local governments with the funds needed to rebuild schools, bridges and roads, water treatment and sewer systems, and to provide funds for new school construction, mass transit systems and expanding the information superhighway to underserved populations.

On Jobs

* $300 billion for infrastructure and tech jobs.

* Institute a living wage.

* Rescind NAFTA.

* Reverse tax cuts that benefit the already well-to-do, and retain an estate tax.

Joe Lieberman


"Innovation equals income--higher income for America's working families. That is why, as President, I will set a new goal for America: to achieve a steady rate of 3 percent growth productivity each year with incomes rising, not falling, and millions of new jobs created, not lost."


Elected U.S. senator, 1988; Democratic nominee for vice president, 2000.

Served as co-chair of the Senate Manufacturing Task Force. Recently released a comprehensive report on the crisis in U.S. manufacturing and made over 50 policy recommendations, including enforcing trade agreements, enhancing worker training, and involving the Defense Department in the manufacturing sector's revival.

On Jobs

* Work with the private sector to create 10 million new jobs.

* Make America the world leader in advanced manufacturing again.

* More research and development funds for more high-tech jobs.

* Lay the foundation for the private sector to produce high-wage jobs.

Al Sharpton


"I think that when you look at an economy and when you look at an administration that has led toward deregulation, when we not only have the top-level income-bracket people paying less percentage-wise of taxes, you have businesses that can form offshore companies, paying no tax at all, to lecture working-class, average, middle-class Americans on how they can do more when you have the Enrons of the world operating offshore, doing nothing, I think is an insult to the intelligence of the American people."


Ordained minister, 1964-present; founder civil rights group National Action Network, 1991-present; candidate for U.S. Senate, 1992, 1994; candidate for New York mayor, 1997

On Jobs

* $250 billion infrastructure improvement plan.

* Need federal laws to protect workers, not state-by-state.

George W. Bush


"When we talk about job creation and job growth, it's important to understand, we have come through a lot, which speaks really to the greatness of America."


Texas governor, 1994-2000; U.S. President, elected 2000. Instituted 2001, 2003 tax cuts with the purpose of keeping the economy going.

On Jobs

* Jobs and Growth Act of 2003 aims to create jobs and grow the economy by speeding up the 2001 tax cuts to increase the pace of economic recovery and job creation;

* Encouraging job-creating investment in America's businesses by providing dividend and capital gains tax relief and giving small businesses incentives to grow.

* Provide $20 billion in aid to States for necessary services tax relief to allow American people to keep more of their own money to spend, save and invest;

* Encourage individuals and businesses to make new investments that will lead to economic growth and job creation;

* Deliver critical help to unemployed citizens.



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