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Franken and Freedom of Speech

DKW 86

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Body Slams a Protester

The Left Wingers should really be proud that Freedom of Speech for the Protester was violated so that a Man with $41M in the Bank would be able to speak his mind..... :rolleyes::lol:

I guess, in the Liberal World, it is only Free Speech if they agree with you.

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i haven't seen any other press on this...but ole al seems to have taken it upon himself to ensure peaceful assembly by being the 'enforcer' of free speech!

what a zoo.


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"I got down low and took his legs out," said Franken afterwards.

I think there may very well be a lawsuit coming for Franken. I hope so.

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:blink: ??????????????????

He violated the protester's freedom of speech so Dean's freedom of speech isn't violated? How the hell does that work? I hope someone sues his glasses off.

Also, Glenn Beck was telling a story last week about being in the airport - in Philly, I think - and was in line right behind Al Franken. The line for security was HUGE - wrapping around and around and upstairs and beyond, so a LOT of people were going to miss their flights or come damn close, but everyone was having to wait for a security screen - you know, THE LAW. So according to Glenn, Franken gets up to the ticket counter and looks at the line and asks the gate guy if he has to go stand in that line or if there is not some special line for "people like me"? The gate agent told him too bad, so sad, now go to the back of the line. So Beck checks in too, and gets in the security line, and Franken goes walking up and down the line, telling everyone he is Al Franken and could he please get in front of them so he won't miss his flight. Well, think about how friendly Philly Eagles fans are and you will get a general idea of how well his request was received. SO now Franken is in line BEHIND Glenn Beck, and Glenn siad he was PRAYING for God to miraculously provide him with a tape recorder, but since the miracle didn't occur, he took his picture with Franken and posted it on his website. Granted , this isn't proof that this occurred, but it certainly gives the story more creedence.

What a pompous prig. Like he is "somebody" - I consider him a washed up SNL comedian myself, who wasn't really that funny even on the shoe. Stuart Smiley? PUH-LEEZE. :roll:

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