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Dean pulls within three!

DKW 86

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I'm assuming that Dean will be easier to defeat than Kerry? A Kerry/Edwards ticket would get wide support all over and have a better chance of winning for the democrats than Dean/ whoever.

What do you think?

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how exciting!

i'm really enjoying the watching...i guess because i don't truly have a dog in the fight.

i'm very surprised to see dean closing the gap, after seeing the poll this weekend where kerry had more nationwide support than bush *i forget how it was worded, but kerry had 49% to bush's 46% or so*...

i thought that would be all any dem needed to throw their full unwavering support behind the k-machine.

i guess the ABB (anybody but bush) sentiment isn't as strong as originally thought.

yet, my comments are tainted by the fact that i feel kerry is much more electable than the deanominator.

meanwhile, edwards keeps arising...this is gonna be real interesting if it stays nip & tuck for a month or more...we truly could have a convention where no one candidate holds a majority.

how exciting would that be!


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...we truly could have a convention where no one candidate holds a majority.

Would the democrat candidate then be chosen by Bill Clinton, Algore or Ted Kennedy? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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...we truly could have a convention where no one candidate holds a majority.

Would the democrat candidate then be chosen by Bill Clinton, Algore or Ted Kennedy? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

i'm just assuming, at that point, hillary will annoint herself the candidate.

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