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Two-faced Clark


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This article explains clearly why two-faced Clark is not qualified to be President. We have all seen his varying opinions regarding Iraq, and it was that flaw in his character that got him fired as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe.

From his NATO headquarters in Brussels, Clark wanted to wage the war more aggressively, but back in the Pentagon, Cohen and Shelton were more cautious. They would give Clark instructions on, for instance, the scale of the bombing campaign. "Clark would say, 'Uh-huh, gotcha'," says NEWSWEEK's source. But then he would pick up the phone and call [british Prime Minister] Tony Blair and [secretary of State] Madeleine [Albright]." As Clark knew full well, Blair and Albright were more hawkish than Shelton and Cohen. After talking to the State Department and NATO allies, Clark would have a different set of marching orders, says the source, who has spoken about the matter with both Cohen and Clark. "Then, about 1 o'clock, the Defense Department would hear what Clark was up to, and Cohen and Shelton would be furious."

As an ambitious officer, Clark gained a reputation among his peers for telling different people what they wanted to hear, without seeming to realize that his listeners might later compare notes and accuse Clark of being two-faced.

Can you imagine him doing this as President, our foreign policy would be in a real mess then?

The General: Did Clark Fail to Salute?

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Can you imagine him doing this as President, our foreign policy would be in a real mess then?

I think our foreign policy arrived at 'a real mess' a couple of years ago.

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I think our foreign policy arrived at 'a real mess' a couple of years ago.

So right, democracy breaking out in Iraq, Taliban defeated and out of power in Afghanistan, Libya crawling to the bargaining table, the United Kingdom standing shoulder to shoulder with the US, multi-lateral talks with North Korea, France and Germany's anti-US policies severly diminshed, Eastern European countries joining NATO, Pakistan and India at the bargaining table, Pakistan reigning in their extremist Islamics, refusing to sign away our economic freedom with the Kyoto agreement, refusing to sign away our personal freedom to the ICC; the actions taken by Bush since he took office have greatly STRENGTHENED our position in the world, not given it away as all of the Democratic candidates for President would love to do.

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I think our foreign policy arrived at 'a real mess' a couple of years ago.

So right, democracy breaking out in Iraq, Taliban defeated and out of power in Afghanistan, Libya crawling to the bargaining table, the United Kingdom standing shoulder to shoulder with the US, multi-lateral talks with North Korea, France and Germany's anti-US policies severly diminshed, Eastern European countries joining NATO, Pakistan and India at the bargaining table, Pakistan reigning in their extremist Islamics, refusing to sign away our economic freedom with the Kyoto agreement, refusing to sign away our personal freedom to the ICC; the actions taken by Bush since he took office have greatly STRENGTHENED our position in the world, not given it away as all of the Democratic candidates for President would love to do.

We have no "democracy breaking out in Iraq." Bush is still trying to figure out how to install a US-friendly puppet government like we did in Iran and South Africa. The Iraqi majority are protesting for open elections but Bush is denying that in favor of caucuses. Before the war, the idea was to let the Iraqi people decide what government they wanted, but I guess they wanted the wrong kind of government.

In Afghanistan, the government there is in peril of overthrow from the resurgent Taliban infiltrating from the land of our newfound allies, the Pakistanis. If that's not trouble enough, the Islam-controlled courts have already started dictating doctrine from the courts!!

Attacking Democracy from the Bench

It took just 10 days from the passage of Afghanistan's new Constitution for the country's Supreme Court to violate the word and spirit of that hopeful document. Without any case before the court, and based on no existing law, the court declared on Jan. 14 that a performance by the Afghan pop singer Salma on Kabul television was un-Islamic and therefore illegal. "We are opposed to women singing and dancing as a whole and it has to be stopped," said the deputy chief justice, Fazl Ahmad Manawi......

It's amazing the rosy picture that you paint about the continued destruction of our environment because of our refusal to sign the Kyoto treaty and how we suddenly have more clout because we treat our former allies like dirt. Our military is stretched so thin now that we're forcing reservists to stay in the military even after their contracted time is up. No one will step up to the plate and help us in our costly rebuild of Iraq. Our nation is facing a severe economic strain from the disastrous tax cuts, coupled with increased spending. Now Bush wants even more tax cuts and even more spending; Social Security reform (estimated $1 trillion over ten years, space station on the Moon and manned missions to Mars, numerous other social issues such as the $1 1/2 billion for promotion of marriage. Bush is like a teenager with a credit card..... and you think Wesley Clark, or ANY Democrat (excluding Joe Lieberman) could do worse!! We'll see in November.

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.... and you think Wesley Clark, or ANY Democrat (excluding Joe Lieberman) could do worse!! We'll see in November.

Yes, they would have done much worse, Saddam would still be in power, and I wouldn't be surprised if we were still talking and talking and talking in the UN about what to do in Afghanistan, begging their permission to take out the Taliban while 9/11 after 9/11 occurs across America. Save Clark, these guys running for the Democratic candidate for President are all spineless, and don't have what it takes to defend our country against terrorism, unless Koffi Annan shows up at the White House with a signed permission slip. Clark knew Saddam needed to go, said so many times, but now has put on his Democratic face because that's what he believes YOU want to hear. These guys would take us back to the days of Jimmy Carter so fast you would have thought they had invented a time machine.

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.... and you think Wesley Clark, or ANY Democrat (excluding Joe Lieberman) could do worse!! We'll see in November.

Yes, they would have done much worse, Saddam would still be in power, and I wouldn't be surprised if we were still talking and talking and talking in the UN about what to do in Afghanistan, begging their permission to take out the Taliban while 9/11 after 9/11 occurs across America. Save Clark, these guys running for the Democratic candidate for President are all spineless, and don't have what it takes to defend our country against terrorism, unless Koffi Annan shows up at the White House with a signed permission slip. Clark knew Saddam needed to go, said so many times, but now has put on his Democratic face because that's what he believes YOU want to hear. These guys would take us back to the days of Jimmy Carter so fast you would have thought they had invented a time machine.

SPINELESS??? John Kerry not only served in Vietnam, but served TWO duties. If he were spineless, he'd have used his family's political clout to get him in the Texas Air National Guard. Kerry was a decorated war hero, winning a Bronze Star, a a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts!!! Bush won a chance to campaign in Alabama and shirk what litle duty was required of him!!

In the 60s and 70s, the National Guard was the "legitimate" way to get out of military service overseas. When you got your draft notice, you simply ran out and joined the Guard. You had to do the basic training and become a weekend warrior for a number of years, but the Guard in those days never were required to fight overseas. Of course, there were many others;

Other priorities - Dick Cheney

ROTC - Donald Rumsfield, Bill Clinton

Anal cyst - Rush Limbaugh

College - Bill O'Reilly,Clarence Thomas

Unable to; All positions taken by blacks and hispanics - Tom Delay

Bad Knees - Dennis Hassert (Didn't keep him from wrestling in college though)

Selling self as a nutcase to draft board- Ted Nugent

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You don't have to be a Medal of Honor winner to serve as President, or lead this country in a time of crisis. Bush has proved his ability to lead, and take on those threats to our country directly, in the face of great political criticism. This current crop of Democratic candidates, while some in younger days served their country admirably, are now a batch of some very scared old men, afraid to do the right thing. That's the spine I am talking about. Being brave at 20 is a much different than being a strong political leader.

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You don't have to be a Medal of Honor winner to serve as President, or lead this country in a time of crisis. Bush has proved his ability to lead, and take on those threats to our country directly, in the face of great political criticism. This current crop of Democratic candidates, while some in younger days served their country admirably, are now a batch of some very scared old men, afraid to do the right thing. That's the spine I am talking about. Being brave at 20 is a much different than being a strong political leader.

Didn't Kerry vote to give war powers to Bush in both Afghanistan and Iraq? Please qualify your assertion that he's a very scared old man or spineless.

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.... and you think Wesley Clark, or ANY Democrat (excluding Joe Lieberman) could do worse!! We'll see in November.

Yes, they would have done much worse, Saddam would still be in power, and I wouldn't be surprised if we were still talking and talking and talking in the UN about what to do in Afghanistan, begging their permission to take out the Taliban while 9/11 after 9/11 occurs across America. Save Clark, these guys running for the Democratic candidate for President are all spineless, and don't have what it takes to defend our country against terrorism, unless Koffi Annan shows up at the White House with a signed permission slip. Clark knew Saddam needed to go, said so many times, but now has put on his Democratic face because that's what he believes YOU want to hear. These guys would take us back to the days of Jimmy Carter so fast you would have thought they had invented a time machine.

And...the sky is falling, too. It's funny to hear you call anyone scared!!! Everything you clamor about is geared toward your protection in some form or fashion. We need the Patriot Act to keep us safe. Saddam's gone, now we can feel safer. We need Dubya to keep us safe. Attack everyone first so we'll be safe. Lock everyone up in prison and execute them so we can be safe. Don't let the foreigners into our country for our safety and protection. A gun in every house so we'll be safe and secure. Bring back the nukes for safety's sake.

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And...the sky is falling, too. It's funny to hear you call anyone scared!!! Everything you clamor about is geared toward your protection in some form or fashion. We need the Patriot Act to keep us safe. Saddam's gone, now we can feel safer. We need Dubya to keep us safe. Attack everyone first so we'll be safe. Lock everyone up in prison and execute them so we can be safe. Don't let the foreigners into our country for our safety and protection. A gun in every house so we'll be safe and secure. Bring back the nukes for safety's sake.

Right, there is no threat to the USA or our western civilization values for democracy and justice, why don't we all just get along and be happy now?

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Didn't Kerry vote to give war powers to Bush in both Afghanistan and Iraq? Please qualify your assertion that he's a very scared old man or spineless.

Check out this quote from last summer, sounds like he is ready to cut and run to me, to give up on the Iraqi people, to give up our first and tremendous opportunity to bring democracy and justice to the Middle East. This guy wants to be President of the United States but he would give up this easily!!!??? I rest my case.

"It's time for the president to tell the truth -- that we lack sufficient forces to do the job of reconstruction in Iraq and withdraw in a reasonable period," he said.

Democrats step up criticism of Bush on Iraq

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\ Of course, there were many others;

Other priorities - Dick Cheney

ROTC - Donald Rumsfield, Bill Clinton

Anal cyst - Rush Limbaugh

College - Bill O'Reilly,Clarence Thomas

Unable to; All positions taken by blacks and hispanics - Tom Delay

Bad Knees - Dennis Hassert (Didn't keep him from wrestling in college though)

Selling self as a nutcase to draft board- Ted Nugent

Of course you left out questionable bad back

Howard Dean! :rolleyes:

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