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Things not to wear on an airplane


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Hand Grenade Buckle

Item No: 27672

Price: $7.98

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Hefty 100% pewter belt buckle shaped like a grenade will turn heads and command respect! Expertly crafted. Ring doubles as a key chain. 4.5" long.



You need to keep your humor in check, too. A British woman tried a little humor in one of our airports and faced a sticky, legal battle. It seems when the baggage checkers were checking her luggage, she told them to be careful with her luggage because there were three bombs in there. Asked to repeat herself twice, she repeated the same line each time.

Consular officials visit airport 'bomb' joke Briton

British officials are planning to meet a student who faces up to 15 years in a US jail after allegedly joking that she was taking bombs aboard an aircraft.


Consular officials in Florida were travelling to meet with 21-year-old Samantha Marson, who was arrested at Miami Airport, the British Embassy in Washington said.

Ms Marson, originally from Bridgnorth, Shropshire, is being held in custody until she can post bail of £2,700.

She was arrested on Saturday before boarding a London-bound British Airways flight at Miami airport.

Police said she told a Transportation Security Administration official during a baggage security check: "Hey be careful, I have three bombs in here." Asked to repeat herself, she allegedly made the same statement another two times.

Ms Marson was then arrested for making a false bomb report and was taken to Miami-Dade County Jail. She is scheduled to appear before a judge on February 6, where she will be asked to enter a plea, according to the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office.

A spokesman for the office said Ms Marson faced a maximum of 15 years in state prison if convicted of the crime.

Ms Marson's father, Jim, 75, has told today's Daily Express: "Samantha feels very much alone. She has pleaded with me to help bring her home. The whole thing is very frustrating for me and I don't know what I can do."

Meanwhile Ms Marson's local MP called on the US authorities to deal with her case more "appropriately".

Matthew Green, the Liberal Democrat MP for Ludlow, said her comments were "stupid but not worthy of weeks in prison".

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The line between Smart-a$$ and Dumba$$ is a very thin one. She crossed it about a mile.

And then after being given the chance to turn around or keep going, she kept on going - TWICE

LOL :lol::lol::lol:

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The line between Smart-a$$ and Dumba$$ is a very thin one. She crossed it about a mile.

And then after being given the chance to turn around or keep going, she kept on going - TWICE

LOL :lol::lol::lol:

That was the really sad part. They gave her two chances to realize what she was doing and she wouldn't correct herself or simply say, "Sorry. Very bad joke."

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