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Virginia GOP denounces No Child Left Behind Act


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The Republican-controlled Virginia House of Delegates sharply criticized President Bush's signature education program Friday, calling the No Child Left Behind Act an unfunded mandate that threatens to undermine the state's own efforts to improve students' performance.

By a vote of 98 to 1, the House passed a resolution calling on Congress to exempt states like Virginia from the program's requirements. The law "represents the most sweeping intrusions into state and local control of education in the history of the United States," the resolution says, and will cost "literally millions of dollars that Virginia does not have."

Officials in other states also have complained about the effects of the act, signed into law in 2002. But Friday's action in the House represents one of the strongest formal criticisms to date from a legislative chamber controlled by the president's own party.

No Republicans voted against the resolution, a fact that House Education Chairman James H. Dillard II (R-Fairfax) said is proof that "the damn law is ludicrous."


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Dubya's running afoul of a lot of members of his own party that still remember what conservatism is.

Conservative Republicans Push for Slowdown in U.S. Spending

WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 — A day after President Bush vowed to submit an austere budget and halve the deficit in five years, conservatives in his own party said on Wednesday that they were not satisfied and stepped up their campaign to force the White House and Republican leaders on Capitol Hill to do more to hold down the growth of government spending.

Forty Republican House members gathered to hash out how to press Mr. Bush and the Congressional leadership to deal with spending increases that they say are running out of control and a deficit that is reaching alarming proportions.

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Slowdown in US TAXING and SPENDING would suit me and every Conservative I know.

Throwing away the NCLB Act seems like a really great idea. That way we could go back to the old Liberal system we have used the last 30-40 years that has gotten our Education system into the great shape we now find it in. :rolleyes: I mean we only gave it a try for 30-40 years. I say we should go back to the ole "throw more money at a failed system thing" the Dems are so in favor of. :rolleyes:

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Slowdown in US TAXING and SPENDING would suit me and every Conservative I know.

Throwing away the NCLB Act seems like a really great idea. That way we could go back to the old Liberal system we have used the last 30-40 years that has gotten our Education system into the great shape we now find it in. :rolleyes: I mean we only gave it a try for 30-40 years. I say we should go back to the ole "throw more money at a failed system thing" the Dems are so in favor of. :rolleyes:

Results my man!! I don't think our nation is uneducated or less educated than any other nation. Do you? I would assume that the system worked for those who wanted an education, wouldn't you? Where'd you say you went to school? Did you not receive an adequate education? The main difference in the 30-40 years that the Democrats controlled the Congress is that we paid for our programs as we went instead of piling it up for our children and grandchildren.

Of course, you need a BIG set of blinders to not realize that with a half trillion dollar annual budget deficit already, a 400 billion dollar increase in Medicare spending, an estimated trillion dollars for Social Security reform, a space station on the Moon and manned missions to mars, along with all of the other spending bills (pork) piled into upcoming budgets, Bush ain't gonna reduce the deficit by half within five years!! At least some of our nation's Republican leaders are starting to come to their senses!!

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Results my man!! I don't think our nation is uneducated or less educated than any other nation. Do you? I would assume that the system worked for those who wanted an education, wouldn't you? Where'd you say you went to school? Did you not receive an adequate education?

When I went to college, 1981, only 20% of high school grads could find the college they were attending on a map of the US! I have had to hire many during my career in mgt. If you think that our educational system is good, you need to get out more often. You want to know why foreigners do so well in our colleges? It is because MANY other countrie have superior ed sysytems. I was on a mission trip in Belize, they use the Catholic Ed System there. They are far superior to our own schools, IN BELIZE! :blink:

US ranks 11th in reading.

18th in Math. 14th in Science. And we are doing okay?

The main difference in the 30-40 years that the Democrats controlled the Congress is that we paid for our programs as we went instead of piling it up for our children and grandchildren.

We ran deficits for years and years under the Dems and got basically a second rate Education for it. Now they just want more of the same. No new ideas for the Dems, just same old same old.

Of course, you need a BIG set of blinders to not realize that with a half trillion dollar annual budget deficit already, a 400 billion dollar increase in Medicare spending, an estimated trillion dollars for Social Security reform, a space station on the Moon and manned missions to mars, along with all of the other spending bills (pork) piled into upcoming budgets, Bush ain't gonna reduce the deficit by half within five years!! At least some of our nation's Republican leaders are starting to come to their senses!!

I would be the first to enjoy a balanced budget. But the deficit now is more than just one man's or one party's fault. I want all the graft and corruption out of the fed govt, that would give us a tax cut to get the economy going and a budget surplus, but unfortunately not one Dem or Republican will even mention cutting the waste. :blink:

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Youre right ...the liberals are still mad about that tax cut though. I mean it would have been okay if it were a tax cut for those who didn't pay any taxes last year...THEY should get MORE free money from the government.

I hate the fact that according to the democrats...I'M rich...and therefore should be paying TONS of taxes...so they can give it all away to those who don't even PAY taxes.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I see no Dems responded to the facts of a failed Ed system in the US. Then again I NEVER THOUGHT ONE OF YOU WOULD. I guess mediocrity in the classroom is ok with you.

Face it to be a Dem in America means you favor a failed ED system and want desperately to go back to it.

Bush finally got a Bi-Partisan Bill passed and all the Dems want to do is go back to the failed system.

How d**n typical.

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Slowdown in US TAXING and SPENDING would suit me and every Conservative I know.

Throwing away the NCLB Act seems like a really great idea. That way we could go back to the old Liberal system we have used the last 30-40 years that has gotten our Education system into the great shape we now find it in. :rolleyes: I mean we only gave it a try for 30-40 years. I say we should go back to the ole "throw more money at a failed system thing" the Dems are so in favor of. :rolleyes:

Results my man!! I don't think our nation is uneducated or less educated than any other nation. Do you? I would assume that the system worked for those who wanted an education, wouldn't you? Where'd you say you went to school? Did you not receive an adequate education? The main difference in the 30-40 years that the Democrats controlled the Congress is that we paid for our programs as we went instead of piling it up for our children and grandchildren.

Of course, you need a BIG set of blinders to not realize that with a half trillion dollar annual budget deficit already, a 400 billion dollar increase in Medicare spending, an estimated trillion dollars for Social Security reform, a space station on the Moon and manned missions to mars, along with all of the other spending bills (pork) piled into upcoming budgets, Bush ain't gonna reduce the deficit by half within five years!! At least some of our nation's Republican leaders are starting to come to their senses!!

Results my man!! I don't think our nation is uneducated or less educated than any other nation. Do you? I would assume that the system worked for those who wanted an education, wouldn't you? Where'd you say you went to school? Did you not receive an adequate education?

Totally CLUELESS, Typial Democrat...

The main difference in the 30-40 years that the Democrats controlled the Congress is that we paid for our programs as we went (LIE) instead of piling it up for our children and grandchildren

I am sorry, all those deficits during the years when the HOR was controlled by the Dems must be obscuring your view of the TRUTH. How typical...

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I see no Dems responded to the facts of a failed Ed system in the US. Then again I NEVER THOUGHT ONE OF YOU WOULD. I guess mediocrity in the classroom is ok with you.

Face it to be a Dem in America means you favor a failed ED system and want desperately to go back to it.

Bush finally got a Bi-Partisan Bill passed and all the Dems want to do is go back to the failed system.

How d**n typical.

No, actually most of us thought this attack to discredit the nation's education system was a lame thread and simply spent our time responding to other more pertinent issues. The fact remains that Bush didn't even put enough money in the education budget for the states to implement his No Child Left behind Mandate. (remember when republicans used to rail against the federal government giving mandates to the states and not providing the funding for them?) Dubya was more concerned that the health care industry was suffering from prices rising to slowly and included billions of dollars of welfare for them in his Medicid overhaul bill instead of investing it in our children.

BTW, Virginia isn't the only state to drop NCLB.

Arizona may defy schools mandate

PHOENIX - Arizona lawmakers are mirroring efforts from Utah to Maine by pushing to abandon President Bush’s plan to hold schools more accountable.......

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