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Kerry lead widens in N.H. surveys

Voters over 65 back him 2 to 1, MSNBC poll shows

Dean's scream

Pollster Dick Bennett of the American Research Group of Manchester said the latest tracking polls in New Hampshire indicated that voters were taken aback by Dean’s outburst in his Iowa speech, which has been widely broadcast. “That thing has legs,” he said.

Andrew Smith, a political scientist and pollster at the University of New Hampshire, said: “I think it crystallized a lot of the concerns voters in Iowa had, as well as voters in New Hampshire had, about Dean’s potential temperament as a president. My sense is that this will go down with Edmund Muskie supposedly crying in front of the [Manchester] Union Leader [in 1972] and Bob Dole telling George Bush to ‘stop lying about my record’ [in 1988].”

Since arriving in New Hampshire, however, Dean has been calm and collected. Tuesday, he explained the speech by saying: “You’ve got to have some fun in this business.”

Supporters, meanwhile, said Dean simply wanted to offer encouragement to volunteers who worked hard for him in Iowa, only to be disappointed by his third-place finish.


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Dean's scream

Pollster Dick Bennett of the American Research Group of Manchester said the latest tracking polls in New Hampshire indicated that voters were taken aback by Dean’s outburst in his Iowa speech, which has been widely broadcast. “That thing has legs,” he said.

Andrew Smith, a political scientist and pollster at the University of New Hampshire, said: “I think it crystallized a lot of the concerns voters in Iowa had, as well as voters in New Hampshire had, about Dean’s potential temperament as a president. My sense is that this will go down with Edmund Muskie supposedly crying in front of the [Manchester] Union Leader [in 1972] and Bob Dole telling George Bush to ‘stop lying about my record’ [in 1988].”

Since arriving in New Hampshire, however, Dean has been calm and collected. Tuesday, he explained the speech by saying: “You’ve got to have some fun in this business.”

Supporters, meanwhile, said Dean simply wanted to offer encouragement to volunteers who worked hard for him in Iowa, only to be disappointed by his third-place finish.


I have watched it many times and I honestly don't see where what he did was a glimpse into his psyche that reveals a bad temperament. He may've looked a little silly to some, but I mean, he was smiling and the audience loved it. Would we accuse a Baptist preacher of having a bad temper when he gives an emotional sermon? No. I think this is just some people trying to create an issue and, as Jenny likes to say, this is a non-issue.

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I think he's just too liberal and democrats have been looking for an excuse not to support him. Wesley Clark's next, what a goofball.

Kerry'll win and he's more liberal than Teddy K, so he's gonna get crushed when it comes to the south and the heartland. He'll carry New England, Cali and New York, but that's all folks!

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Would we accuse a Baptist preacher of having a bad temper when he gives an emotional sermon?

At least a Baptist preacher would know where the book of Job was located. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Would we accuse a Baptist preacher of having a bad temper when he gives an emotional sermon?

At least a Baptist preacher would know where the book of Job was located. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Good thing Dean isn't trying out to be a Baptist preacher, then. You didn't answer my question, though.

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TA: you are the only person i've heard that didn't express, at a minimum, dismay over HDs post-iowa caucus speech.

and that includes my liberal buddies who absolutely abhor bush.

to answer your question, no. i wouldn't consider an emotional sermon by a preacher to indicate a bad temper...yet i don't consider HDs emotional display to indicate a bad temper either. while his temper has been commented on, i haven't seen it being linked to his performance that night....maybe i missed it....

it does indicate something very scary, however...

i think you need to bring back your 'fear the dean' mantra...cause

'fear the dean' takes on a whole new meaning after that night.


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When the articl cited 'Dean’s potential temperament as a president' and the constant barrage of words like 'angry' to describe him I just put one and one together. Maybe that's not what the author meant but I think it was.

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I have watched it many times and I honestly don't see where what he did was a glimpse into his psyche that reveals a bad temperament. He may've looked a little silly to some, but I mean, he was smiling and the audience loved it. Would we accuse a Baptist preacher of having a bad temper when he gives an emotional sermon? No. I think this is just some people trying to create an issue and, as Jenny likes to say, this is a non-issue.

I have watched it many times and I honestly don't see where what he did was a glimpse into his psyche that reveals a bad temperament.

What would you call it? Oh I get it now, as Al Sharpton said "Don't be hard on yourself about the hootin and hollarin' in your speech. If I had spent the money you did and only got 18% I'd still be hollarin'!" :lol::lol:

He may've looked a little silly to some, but

Not just a little silly he looked absolutely goofy.

I mean, he was smiling and the audience loved it.

He could strip naked and dance like Michael Jackson and that audience would have still loved it.

Would we accuse a Baptist preacher of having a bad temper when he gives an emotional sermon?

Some do have a bad temper. :D But to compare Howard Dean to a Baptist preacher is a stretch.

I think this is just some people trying to create an issue and, as Jenny likes to say, this is a non-issue.

Well it is the national media making it a big deal. Also the democrat voters seem to be turned off by it as well. It will only be a non-issue if he is able to come back and be the nominee. If he fails that it may be the pivotal moment of his campaign. Come to think of it he has had quite a few "pivotal moments" hasn't he?

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You see Al, it's not just me. :D I always try to be fair and balanced. :rolleyes:

When asked if the wild-eyed, fist-pumping speech could hurt his chances to emerge as the Democrat's choice as their candidate for president, the former Vermont governor admitted it could.
The Monday speech lost Dean the endorsement of Alvaro Cifuentes, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee's Hispanic caucus.

"I have been struggling for the past 48 hours with the performance I saw on TV. I instinctively turned it off after the first few minutes. I respectfully withdraw my present endorsement to Dean's candidacy," Cifuentes wrote in e-mail to the Dean campaign.

Dean: 'I have all kinds of warts'

CNN) -- Three days after the scream "heard 'round the world," Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean was still trying to explain his frenzied speech following his third-place finish in the Iowa caucuses.


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Hey Guys, I'm probably gonna get stoned, but who cares! Not one republican president over the last 30 years has balanced the budget! They are too busy accommodating those "Rich ********" who have the money who promise job creation and infused wealth but instead, banktheir profits in Switzerland. The bottom line is that the Republican part has grown fat, arrogant and spoiled and needs to be replaced! Those issues such as family values, anti abortion, pro prayer in schools etc. won't fly anymore! They are simply words intended to sway vpters and have NO SUBSTANCE. IF democracy works, lets put a demo in the white house for a CHANGE and see what happens! We can't stand 4 more years of George Bush!

PS/ Besides, when the S__T hits the fan later this year with the cleric in Baghdad, we are going to see more body bags and consequently, more dissattisfied mothers and fathers. Count on it because George doesn't have an exit plan! Whoa! Another Viet Nam?

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PS/ Besides, when the S__T hits the fan later this year with the cleric in Baghdad, we are going to see more body bags and consequently, more dissattisfied mothers and fathers. Count on it because George doesn't have an exit plan! Whoa! Another Viet Nam?

If you are simply looking at this from a vote standpoint...there goes but a thousand or so.

And we seem to like the morality, family values, anti abortion, pro prayer in schools etc.

If you are still looking at all of this with any kind of brain-power at all, you know that all of what you just stated was from the "evill white man in power" playbook. Preach on brother, all of two people are listening..............

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