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Sorry I couldn't get on with you this morning. My "old" PC crashed with my son last night and I couldn't retrieve ANYTHING. I helped the economy once again and spent about $1500 on a new system this morning; DVD-burner, DVD-X platinum burning software, etc.... Gotta be able to make backups of all my DVDs, in case I lose or scratch one. ;) Anyway, I'm still busy trying to get everything back to normal. I'll be back with you in the morning. I know you've missed me. :D Ciao!!

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Glad to know that tax cut helped you out in a time of need! :D

See you soon.


Maybe he'll have trouble hooking this one up and we will all get a reprieve. :rolleyes:

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Glad to know I was missed!! :D BTW, I made $100k last year, so I was in the small minority who actually can say that I saw a difference in my paycheck after the massive tax cuts. However, I'd rather we had left the taxes as they were until the deficit was paid off. If we had waited and eliminated interest on the debt, we'd have gotten an even bigger tax cut and without breaking the budget. If we had done that, we could actually have afforded Medicare reform, a station on the Moon and a manned mission to Mars and Social Security overhaul. As it is, we can promise it but we don't have the money to actually do it. BTW...... just for discussion, did you know that scientists currently consider a maned mission to Mars a one way trip? Would you consider being the first man on Mars if you knew you'd never get back to Earth? Hey, that'd also make a good poll!! Forget this string, I'll pose it on a "Man to Mars" poll. B)

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However, I'd rather we had left the taxes as they were until the deficit was paid off.

Send the money back and tell them you don't want the cut. Every year the cuts are in place send the money back. I think all democrats should. Starting with Dean, Clark, Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Don't take this the wrong way, DB, but no one really gives a rats a$$ what you make. This is not the first time you have let us know. You and Tigger are the only one's at AUNation that I know of that feel the need to tell people how much money you have/make. You would probably have us believe you have big feet, drive a muscle car, etc as well. Again that would be TMI!

Glad you are back with us though. It just wasn't the same w/o you...BWAAAHAHAHAHAH! ;)

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Don't take this the wrong way, DB, but no one really gives a rats a$$ what you make. This is not the first time you have let us know. You and Tigger are the only one's at AUNation that I know of that feel the need to tell people how much money you have/make. You would probably have us believe you have big feet, drive a muscle car, etc as well. Again that would be TMI!

Glad you are back with us though. It just wasn't the same w/o you...BWAAAHAHAHAHAH! ;)

I was just using the money that I made as information explaining WHY I could enjoy the tax cut. Most people who made less can't even tell they got a tax cut. Of course, it was designed that way and sold as a tax cut to help the Average Joe. Some people actually still believe that!! BTW, I DO drive a "muscle car" and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

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and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

But if you did there would be at least ONE democrat that put substance before style. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

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and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

But if you did there would be at least ONE democrat that put substance before style. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

Well, I also figure that I'm going to need to stash that money away for when the government actually figures out that they can't continue spending more than they take in. When taxes go back up, and even many conservatives conced that they'll have to, I'll be ahead of the game with cash on hand. Besides, it does help feather the nest for retirement, which is getting closer and closer for some of us. I hope that doesn't seem like I'm bragging to some of you. It merely shows my age.

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BTW, I made $100k last year, so I was in the small minority who actually can say that I saw a difference in my paycheck after the massive tax cuts.

What are you, one of those airport baggage handlers? I heard those guys make a lot because they're unionized, course all of the airlines are bankrupt because of it. Can't imagine a person with views like yours actually being an achiever/producer it seems to go against everything you stand for.

I guess I believe you, but posting your earnings once you get them would go a long way towards convincing me.

Oh, I get it, did your trust-fund pay $100K this year?

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What's your fantasy, 96, that people who work for a living AND are successful at it couldn't possibly have an opinion that differs from yours?

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BTW, I made $100k last year, so I was in the small minority who actually can say that I saw a difference in my paycheck after the massive tax cuts.

What are you, one of those airport baggage handlers? I heard those guys make a lot because they're unionized, course all of the airlines are bankrupt because of it. Can't imagine a person with views like yours actually being an achiever/producer it seems to go against everything you stand for.

I guess I believe you, but posting your earnings once you get them would go a long way towards convincing me.

Oh, I get it, did your trust-fund pay $100K this year?

Tell you what WE96. If you want to make a bet on it, we can let David be the impartial judge. I'll make a copy of my W-2s when I get them and send them to David, sans SS#, name and full address (Sorry but there's some information that I won't send over the internet). If I made a misrepresentation, I'll publicly apologize to the board. If I didn't, you apologize to me. Wanna take that bet? BTW, let me allow one qualifier..... I actually made $99, 570 and change, but with my tax refund from last year, it was more like $101k. Want a piece of that bet?

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and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

But if you did there would be at least ONE democrat that put substance before style. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

Well, I also figure that I'm going to need to stash that money away for when the government actually figures out that they can't continue spending more than they take in. When taxes go back up, and even many conservatives conced that they'll have to, I'll be ahead of the game with cash on hand. Besides, it does help feather the nest for retirement, which is getting closer and closer for some of us. I hope that doesn't seem like I'm bragging to some of you. It merely shows my age.

tax cuts are bad.

no, i'm not going to send mine back, i'm going to need it for when taxes go back up :roll:

and, i'm using my tax cut to save for the future :o

DB: after this post of yours, i think you really should either put up or shut up re/ tax cuts: if everyone who felt the tax cuts were bad would go ahead and send their $$s back, i think it could indeed make a difference. i sincerely believe you should get your fellow tax-cut dissenters together and send back the $$s...along w/ the child tax credits and such. imagine the impact if the majority of americans felt the way you do and followed your lead! while one pisser can't really make a difference, a large group can!

piss away DB...piss away!

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and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

But if you did there would be at least ONE democrat that put substance before style. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

Well, I also figure that I'm going to need to stash that money away for when the government actually figures out that they can't continue spending more than they take in. When taxes go back up, and even many conservatives conced that they'll have to, I'll be ahead of the game with cash on hand. Besides, it does help feather the nest for retirement, which is getting closer and closer for some of us. I hope that doesn't seem like I'm bragging to some of you. It merely shows my age.

tax cuts are bad.

no, i'm not going to send mine back, i'm going to need it for when taxes go back up :roll:

and, i'm using my tax cut to save for the future :o

DB: after this post of yours, i think you really should either put up or shut up re/ tax cuts: if everyone who felt the tax cuts were bad would go ahead and send their $$s back, i think it could indeed make a difference. i sincerely believe you should get your fellow tax-cut dissenters together and send back the $$s...along w/ the child tax credits and such. imagine the impact if the majority of americans felt the way you do and followed your lead! while one pisser can't really make a difference, a large group can!

piss away DB...piss away!

As I've posted on here before, I called the IRS back when this first started and they told me that I couldn't send it back. I could, however, donate it to charity which we did because it was only a couple hundred dollars.

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and my sending my tax savings back would be like me p!$$!ng on a forest fire out West.

But if you did there would be at least ONE democrat that put substance before style. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

Well, I also figure that I'm going to need to stash that money away for when the government actually figures out that they can't continue spending more than they take in. When taxes go back up, and even many conservatives conced that they'll have to, I'll be ahead of the game with cash on hand. Besides, it does help feather the nest for retirement, which is getting closer and closer for some of us. I hope that doesn't seem like I'm bragging to some of you. It merely shows my age.

tax cuts are bad.

no, i'm not going to send mine back, i'm going to need it for when taxes go back up :roll:

and, i'm using my tax cut to save for the future :o

DB: after this post of yours, i think you really should either put up or shut up re/ tax cuts: if everyone who felt the tax cuts were bad would go ahead and send their $$s back, i think it could indeed make a difference. i sincerely believe you should get your fellow tax-cut dissenters together and send back the $$s...along w/ the child tax credits and such. imagine the impact if the majority of americans felt the way you do and followed your lead! while one pisser can't really make a difference, a large group can!

piss away DB...piss away!

As I've posted on here before, I called the IRS back when this first started and they told me that I couldn't send it back. I could, however, donate it to charity which we did because it was only a couple hundred dollars.

I have donated a portion of mine to another worthy cause, the defeat of George W. Bush. BTW, CT, I'm surprised to see someone who claims to have such high moral standards using a phrase such as "piss away DB...piss away!"

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BTW, CT, I'm surprised to see someone who claims to have such high moral standards using a phrase such as "piss away DB...piss away!"


pee away?

That's a little better!! ;)

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BTW, CT, I'm surprised to see someone who claims to have such high moral standards using a phrase such as "piss away DB...piss away!"


pee away?

DB, he was just replying in a way he felt you could relate to.

I have always been wary of anyone who states their income. Seems you need to qualify your existence with money. Many people prefer Quality to quanity. I like having more time with the kids as opposed to more in the bank. I can't buy back memories. Not that you can't have both. It's just that usually they don't go hand in hand. Just seems odd to post your wealth to stranges. I AM NOT IMPRESSED. But, then again, you already knew that.

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