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It's gonna be Thursday!

Tiger Al

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Sherri went to the doctor and we're gonna go to the hospital Thursday morning (5 am :angryfire: ) to induce labor!!! So, if our baby doesn't come before then, by noon or so we should introduce a new Tiger to the world!

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Congratulations I hope all goes great for your wife and the new baby. :D

Thanks! We're not quite as nervous as we were the last time but I'm sure that it'll hit on the way to the hospital!

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Congratulations! My wife and I are having our first March 9, theoretically. It's a girl! Good luck, Al.

Thanks, you too!

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Congratulations!  My wife and I are having our first March 9, theoretically.  It's a girl!  Good luck, Al.

Thanks, you too!

Well, I didn't know/remember that either of you (via your spouses) were pregnant! Congrats to both. Hope you have been treating your wives as wonderfully as my corndog had been treating me.

Good luck, AL - keep us posted. Do you know what you are having yet? If not, you will have to let us know on Thursday! And remember, you will get used to that 5am stuff again - might as well start now. :P

Hey WE - your little one and Katie are so close together! (She is "due" on the 18th of March) - guess we will be able to exchange war stories.

Lots of little Auburn people on the way - always a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sherri went to the doctor and we're gonna go to the hospital Thursday morning (5 am :angryfire: ) to induce labor!!! So, if our baby doesn't come before then, by noon or so we should introduce a new Tiger to the world!

Congratulations for you & your wife, Al. Don't be mad at the early start. That's about the best time to start labor.

I feel extremely blessed that my wife's labor for both of our boys started about 5:30 -- 6:00 am. Can't say enough about getting a good night's sleep before the big event. Suggest you do the same.

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Hey WE - your little one and Katie are so close together! (She is "due" on the 18th of March) - guess we will be able to exchange war stories.

Hey, my wife's named Katie! Great name. We haven't thought of our baby's name yet.


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Congrats to all the upcoming Moms and Dads on the board. WE96, since this is your first, allow me to let you in on your upcoming event. This was passed along to me from a former boss of mine before the birth of my first. You never know true love until the birth of a child. Yes, everyone loves their family and their spouses, but nothing can match the love of a child. You'll soon understand what true love really is.

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Hope all is well with Mom, Baby & Dad. Post a picture of the little Tiger soon.

Tell the Big Brother congratulations, too!

Best Wishes!

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Hope all is going well for you and the family, TigerAl. Fatherhood has changed my life and not only can I not remember what is what like before, I don't really care.

Looking forward to your post.

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Hey, everybody! Thanks for all the kind words. Christopher Patrick was born at 12:28 AM and weighed in at 7lbs. 11 ounces. He's cute as a button with...AUBURN colored hair!!! What little there is of it! I don't have a digital camera so I don't have any photos to post now. Things didn't go quite as planned, though.

As I said before, we were scheduled to go in this AM at 5 to induce labor. His original due date was supposed to be 1/29, but, due to past ob/gyn problems we've had, we opt for labor induction usually a week or two early.

Well, all day yesterday Sherri was complaining of some mild lower abdominal pain, which, as Jenny will attest to, isn't uncommon. Because of the past ob/gyn problems, Sherri has never really felt labor pain so she was attributing these pains to the normal pains she feels this late in her pregnancy. But, as the day progressed the pain became more intense so at about 6:30 last night (Wednesday) we called our doctors office and they told us to go ahead and check in to the hospital since we were going to anyway the following morning.

When we got there, the nurse checked her cervix and she was dilated to about 3 cm. Once she was on the fetal monitor she was having contractions about every four minutes that were peaking at about 15-20. For anyone who's never seen what I'm talking about, there's a line that travels across a graph screen with numbers that measure the intensity and duration of contractions starting at 0 and going to 100 in increments of 20. Now, 20 is not that bad (easy for me, right!) because when you consider that when the contractions REALLY kick in they registered 85-90 on the screen!!! So, she'd been in labor for a few hours at least.

Then they started a Pitocin drip to speed dilation and within just a few hours our second son poked his head out of his mommy to start his way in the world!!! Our first son, Kyle, thinks he has a new toy so we'll have to keep an eye on that for a little while!

Anyway, I spent the night with Sherri at the hospital last night and Kyle and I will go back up there in the morning.

Thanks again and keep us posted on your progresses WE96 and Jenny.

Warrrrrrrrrrrrr Christopher!!!!!

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Congratulations TA. It's good to hear everything went well. AS CT says, you really need a digital camera. They're very affordable now. When I bought mine, it was $700 for a 2.1 meagapixel. A camera of that quality will sell for about $50 now!! :rolleyes:

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