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Bush Booed at photo-op


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Just FYI, I really don't listen to Rush. My car radio is always on the AM Talk station that I always listen to, and from 11-2, Rush just happens to be on. I go to lunch during that time, and the radio comes on and I hear whatever he is saying. I do not listen in to him in my office, and I do not go out of my way to listen to him during lunch. Honestly, I really don't care for him personally - he is usually right on the money politically, and has really pegged somet hings accurately, but I hate having to dig thru the personal arrogance to get to the meat of an issue. My favorite local guy comes on at 2pm and I DO listen to him in the office. If I just happen to hear something Rush says that I DO find interesting, I share it but will always name him as a source. Otherwise, radio quotes are from CBS radio at the top of the hour.

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