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Senator (R) Dennis Miller?

DKW 86

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I'll say this: at least Dennis Miller is an intelligent person who follows politics closely. IOW, this wouldn't be a case of someone simply cashing in on their celebrity status to gain public office.

For all of Ahnold's ideas, I've never gotten the impression that he's that astute when it comes to politics. I just thought Gray Davis was such a tool and an abject failure, Ahnold would be a massive improvement, especially if he surrounded himself with the right people.

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Mr. Miller is also not a traditional conservative. "I've always been a pragmatist," he said. "If two gay guys want to get married, it's none of my business. I could care less. More power to them. I'm happy when people fall in love. But if some idiot foreign terrorist wants to blow up their wedding to make a political statement, I would rather kill him before he can do it, or have my country kill him before he can do it, instead of having him do it and punishing him after the fact. If that makes me a right-wing fanatic, I will bask in that assignation."

Mr. Miller said he remained socially liberal. "I think abortion's wrong, but it's none of my business to tell somebody what's wrong," he said. "So I'm pro-choice. I want to keep my nose out of other people's personal business. I guess I fall into conservative when it comes to protecting the United States in a world where a lot of people hate the United States."

should make for some entertaining TV at times.

i wasn't a big fan of his on monday night NFL....


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Miller to challenge Boxer as Senator from California?

David Horowitz and now Dennis Miller have seen salvation's light. What about you Tiger Al?

Why does this catch you off guard? Dennis Miller has always been a conservative. I watched him on FNS late last year denouncing all of the Democratic candidates and praising the works of Dubya. I'm assuming that you thought he was a Hollywood liberal. He wasn't.

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Actually, you could have characterized Miller as a Hollywood liberal before September 11th. He began to change his affiliations when he saw the way liberals were responding to the manner in which the President was trying to handle things and keep us safe.

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Actually, you could have characterized Miller as a Hollywood liberal before September 11th. He began to change his affiliations when he saw the way liberals were responding to the manner in which the President was trying to handle things and keep us safe.

Such as feeding us a crock of bull to sell a war in Iraq that would divert our troops from the REAL war on terrorism in Afghanistan?

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I once saw Miller on the Tonight show after September 11th. To summarize, he basically said what TT just said above. He used to be a liberal. He used to do a lot of things. He basically said something to the effect of, "The older you get, the more you realize that conservatism is right. Eventually, you have to be in that position. It is the next logical step."

So, yes, Donut, you are correct. He is a right winger, but only because he has awakened from the idealistic slumber that is liberalism.

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Actually, you could have characterized Miller as a Hollywood liberal before September 11th.  He began to change his affiliations when he saw the way liberals were responding to the manner in which the President was trying to handle things and keep us safe.

Such as feeding us a crock of bull to sell a war in Iraq that would divert our troops from the REAL war on terrorism in Afghanistan?

If you think Afghanistan is the only country that poses a threat to the USA you are sadly mistaken. Iraq has terrorists too. They may not have sexy names like Al-Quida, but they are terrorists just the same. One terrorist group attacked us. There are a thousand more out there ready to follow up on it.

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As many have said, "If you are not a Liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative when you get older, you have no brains." Paraphrased I am sure.

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Such as feeding us a crock of bull to sell a war in Iraq that would divert our troops from the REAL war on terrorism in Afghanistan?

No, seeing a bunch of whiny, candy-ass, hand wringers pretend to know what needed to be done versus seeing a President who was willing to do something more than talk.

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Such as feeding us a crock of bull to sell a war in Iraq that would divert our troops from the REAL war on terrorism in Afghanistan?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

WHY is Afghanistan MORE of a "War on Terrorism" than Iraq? BOTH countries harbored terrorists!!! We have captured an ACTUAL FBI MOST WANTED POSTER TERRORISTS in Iraq in the form of Abul Abbas - THAT right there makes this a safer world to live in!!!

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Actually, you could have characterized Miller as a Hollywood liberal before September 11th.  He began to change his affiliations when he saw the way liberals were responding to the manner in which the President was trying to handle things and keep us safe.

Such as feeding us a crock of bull to sell a war in Iraq that would divert our troops from the REAL war on terrorism in Afghanistan?

No I would say:

if some idiot foreign terrorist wants to blow up their wedding to make a political statement, I would rather kill him before he can do it, or have my country kill him before he can do it, instead of having him do it and punishing him after the fact. If that makes me a right-wing fanatic, I will bask in that assignation."
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