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Men in the Kitchen


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I got to see Bobby Flay this weekend at a cooking show here in Mobile. Bobby was great and he said that Wolfgang Puck was his inspiration for getting into this business. For sometime now I have been watching these TV shows, iron chef, Top Chef Miami, Foodnetwork ETC. Anyways I have found out that I really enjoy cooking. I have always been an avid BBQ and Smoker Fin, but here lately these shows have got me going in search of specialty ingredients, top notch cookware, digging up recipes off the internet and trying to put your on spin on dishes. In my shoes my wife cannot cook, so If I want something good to eat then we have to go get takeout or me do the cooking. I am wondering if there are other people on this board that has been inspired to try cooking by some of these Food stars. If you have yet to try this let me give you a warning it is very addictive.

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I got to see Bobby Flay this weekend at a cooking show here in Mobile. Bobby was great and he said that Wolfgang Puck was his inspiration for getting into this business. For sometime now I have been watching these TV shows, iron chef, Top Chef Miami, Foodnetwork ETC. Anyways I have found out that I really enjoy cooking. I have always been an avid BBQ and Smoker Fin, but here lately these shows have got me going in search of specialty ingredients, top notch cookware, digging up recipes off the internet and trying to put your on spin on dishes. In my shoes my wife cannot cook, so If I want something good to eat then we have to go get takeout or me do the cooking. I am wondering if there are other people on this board that has been inspired to try cooking by some of these Food stars. If you have yet to try this let me give you a warning it is very addictive.

I have enjoyed cooking since my first days at Auburn (2000). Every girl I've dated hasn't been able to cook as well as I have, and it has worked in my favor if you know what I mean. I too have seen many dishes on the Food Network that have inspired me or given me ideas of things to try. I am also addicted to such shows. Flay makes some great stuff. Giada de Larentas(sp?) is HOT and an amazing chef. You are not alone, my friend.

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The only problem I have with Giada is she overreacts with the way she talks. Kinda annoying. But yeah she is hot.

She talks? I wasn't even aware she had a head. :)

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I'm a huge fan of the Food Network and it does inspire me to cook more. I enjoy cooking, I'm not a better cook than my wife but I'm not far behind. Bobby Flay, Rachael Ray and Gordan Ramsey are my favorite celebrity chef's. Giada is smokin' hott btw.

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I'm addicted, but I smoke meat and veggies on a vertical smoker. I smoke for my different reasons, one of which is to keep the heat down in the kitchen and keep her on the couch like the queen she is.

I did my first brisket Saturday and listened to the game on the radio. Smoked 6 ears of corn with husks on, many drumsticks, a brined whole chicken and eight potatoes for potato salad.

I still grill a bit, but mostly smoke the food. My propane grill has been coverted into a wood burning pit for my smoker. That's seasoned hickory burning down to coals.


Here's a wireless digital thermometer I picked up at Hudson's for $12. I still have to check accuracy though, because it said 200°F and my brisket wasn't quite done enough to pulling. It's was excellent though. I must tweek my dry rub recipe to include a bit more chili powder.


One of the advantages my wife has now is the kitchen stays cleaner. She's the better cook.


My first flat. Smoked at 275-300°F for five hours.


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I can cook well, but not as well as my wife. However, because of her schedule, I do more cooking that she does.

The problem is not us, but the kids. When you have a 12, 11, and 8 year old, you can't get that inventive in the kitchen.

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I can cook, but my wife knows more recipes and is more skilled at the details like making gravy and sauces and stuff like that. I'm better at breakfast food and having all of it going at once and being ready at the same time.

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My wife is the better cook. She has about 10-15 staples that she makes in a continuous rotation. I cook pretty good but I tend to leave a mess. I like to fix different things that I hear about, especially ethnic foods and things that use different ingredients from the norm.

The guy I learn the most from on Food TV is Alton Brown. The other guys (Bobby Flay, Emeril, etc) will make a dish, and you learn how t make that dish. Alton uses regular equipment in a regular kitchen and teaches you about cooking, in other words he doesn't do that many recipes on his show, but discusses how different techniques are used to make many different things.

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My wife probably has an edge over me. We both like to cook and each have our own way. Of course, the grill is mine and just about anything done on the stove or in the oven is her territory. She has a knack for making up her own recipes and having them actually taste good. She came up with this shrimp dish that I absolutely love and I am not a big shrimp eater. She is also very good at looking at other recipes and knowing what she could add to make them better.

I have been told by many that I should open up a pizza parlor with my homemade pizza. I also have become a crock pot expert. Whoever invented that thing was a freakin' genius. :lol:

As far as Food Network goes, I only really like to watch Bobby Flay and Emeril. Every now and then, if I have nothing else better to do, you may catch me watching "Iron Chef". Wife likes to watch Rachel Ray and Paula Deen.

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The only problem I have with Giada is she overreacts with the way she talks. Kinda annoying. But yeah she is hot.

She talks? I wasn't even aware she had a head. :)

I have always heard you can't trust a skinny cook.


The English muffin.

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Wife? Yea, I had one of those once but she couldn't cook so I had to let her go.

Actually, I started cooking when I was about 11 and mom taught me how to fry an egg. I've been hooked ever since. I come from a long line of southern women(I'm the only son of an only son of an only son)so my expertise is of course southern flavor. My saying is if you got the grease and meat I can cook it. I'm also well versed in the casserole of any kind and good good ol veggies. I don't watch many of the cooking shows but now that I'm 45 and have to lay off the lard I do get lots of recipes off the internet for the likes of pork tenderloin other low fat meats. I do usually seem to date women that have a flair for Italian cooking, something I haven't taken the time to really learn. I have friends that ask me where I learned to cook. I tell them if you can read a recipe then cook it. The trick is not to let it intimidate you. You can do it and if you think of something that sounds good to you try it you never know.

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I love cooking and have developed into a pretty good cook. But cooking is too damn expensive.

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I can cook circles around lots of people, being a cook at the Wolf Bay Lodge when I was younger helped. I can cook anything, faster, better and more efficient than any of my wives current or past. BBQ, fry, bake or broil, I can do it all. In short, I can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan, and never let her forget I'm a man.......

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I can cook circles around lots of people, being a cook at the Wolf Bay Lodge when I was younger helped. I can cook anything, faster, better and more efficient than any of my wives current or past. BBQ, fry, bake or broil, I can do it all. In short, I can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan, and never let her forget I'm a man.......

He's a man!

Spell M - A- N!


You don't know Diddley!

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Men should act like men. You have a sewing circle too? :poke:

Yes, I sew too but no circle. I have quite the sewing basket. I also can put a crease in a shirt or pair of pants better than the dry cleaners. Now hush before I make you go get me a switch.

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more efficient than any of my wives current or past.


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