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Why I dont like Limousine Liberals...

DKW 86

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Dean: No minorities in 12 years as Gov. of Vermont!!!!!!

The "Do as I say do, Not as I do" part of the Dems is just too funny and too hypocritical for words. If these guys were Republicans, the Media Lynch Mob would be out in full force. Yet here you will never see a word of these two articles in the mainstream media for the rest of the campaign.

I really like how Sharpton put the knife in the Dean Campaign. I would bet the house you see ads with GWB and his Latino family members contrasted with Dean and his totally white, probably upper middle class, limousine liberal cabinet.

Maybe this is how Dean plans on appealing to Dem voters in the south, by playing the REAL RACE CARD. :lol:

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Absolutely. But, remember the Democrats always use minorities for votes. Somehow, they never get called on it even though anyone from the outside looking in can see it easily. Someday minorities will finally realize that the Republican Party and the general "concept" of conservativism is the place for them. Democrats and liberals believe that minorities cannot make it without their help and handouts. How bout that for prejuding (prejudice) an entire race or population.

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The "Do as I say do, Not as I do" part of the Dems is just too funny and too hypocritical for words. If these guys were Republicans, the Media Lynch Mob would be out in full force. Yet here you will never see a word of these two articles in the mainstream media for the rest of the campaign.

I really like how Sharpton put the knife in the Dean Campaign. I would bet the house you see ads with GWB and his Latino family members contrasted with Dean and his totally white, probably upper middle class, limousine liberal cabinet.

Maybe this is how Dean plans on appealing to Dem voters in the south, by playing the REAL RACE CARD. :lol:

Minorities Say Dean Tried to Be Inclusive

During more than a decade as Vermont governor, Howard Dean did not appoint any blacks or Latinos to his Cabinet, but minority leaders say it was not for lack of trying in the nearly all-white state.

None of Dean's five Cabinet secretaries or top commissioners was Latino or black during the more than 11 years he served in office, as he conceded during a Democratic presidential debate in Iowa on Sunday.

Dean pointed out during the debate that he had hired as a senior staff member a black woman. He did not mention that Bonnie Aten-Johnson worked part time for her first year on his staff while keeping a job with the Burlington, Vt., schools. She worked at least another year full time, his campaign says.

Contending that recruiting minorities for high-level posts in state government is difficult in a state that is nearly 98% white, one black leader who met regularly with Dean praised his efforts as governor. He recalled turning down Dean's requests to serve in the administration.

"He asked if I had an interest or if I knew of anyone who had an interest," said Vaughn Carney, a lawyer and executive with a financial services company. "I myself was constrained by other commitments. I wasn't aware of anyone who would be qualified or would be available."

Carney accepted posts on three low-profile commissions. "Those who have assumed the mantle of leadership in Vermont's very small black community are fully aware of Dr. Dean's commitment to inclusion, to diversity and to fairness," he said.

Minorities make up 2.1% of Vermont's population of 608,827, according to Census Department figures for 2000. Less than 1% of the population — 5,504 — are Latino. Even fewer — 3,063 — are black.

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his heart was in the right place, eh?

if only there had been some qualified minorities in vermont...sounds like a fruitful area for qualified minorities to look for work.

maybe the qualified minorities didn't want to work for/with dean....the one quoted didn't.

what we need here is for donutboy to apply his good ole-fashioned warped logic to this situation....

i wish dean had just said, "in a state with less than 3% minority population, it is unreasonable to expect a cabinet 50% minority. unless you want me to fill it with unqualified minorities just for the sake of having minorities on the cabinet...is that what you want, Al?"

for someone who prides himself for shooting straight, that'd be the straightest shot to take, IMO.

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his heart was in the right place, eh?

if only there had been some qualified minorities in vermont...sounds like a fruitful area for qualified minorities to look for work.

maybe the qualified minorities didn't want to work for/with dean....the one quoted didn't.

what we need here is for donutboy to apply his good ole-fashioned warped logic to this situation....

i wish dean had just said, "in a state with less than 3% minority population, it is unreasonable to expect a cabinet 50% minority. unless you want me to fill it with unqualified minorities just for the sake of having minorities on the cabinet...is that what you want, Al?"

for someone who prides himself for shooting straight, that'd be the straightest shot to take, IMO.

The answer to that would've been, "Can't you look outside Vermont?"

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