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UT is Bama's biggest rival?


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uat's biggest drive-by apologist pickin' at scraps. Nothing to read here that isn't sad and pathetic. uat has fallen farther than even I imagined.

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I think Bama wants Tennessee to be their biggest rival. Don't forget that many of the mullet-nation are stuck in the past back when we were considered the equivalent of Troy. It would be much more convenient for us to play the role of little brother; we would be that cross-state rival that fields a few decent teams but never actually challenges the big Alabama juggernaut.

I honestly wish Tennessee was Bama's biggest rival. I'm sick of the Iron Bowl. It's like watching old episodes of Fresh Prince. It's a rerun on Nick at Nite. Same joke over and over.

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Well, you can't REALLY call it a rivalry when you lose EVERY year...so UT/Bamar is more logical than AU/Bamar.... :)


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