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Hoovergate report going public.


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"The board voted 4-1 to release the report. Only board member Bill Veitch voted against the decision."

Just in case you don't remember the name Bill Veitch.



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My guess....Smoke-mirrors-coverup......

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If they voted last night, why are they waiting until Saturday morning to actually release the report?

Inquiring minds want to know.

So they can have till Monday to dodge the questions. Money says the report will actually be out there late Friday PM. Players names will be redacted but you will know who they are talking about.

Just read a reply on ITAT and the poster one upped my take by a mile.

This gives folks two days to file injunctions stopping the release and getting the Hoover Board off the hook. I would not be surprised to find that the injunctions are already inplace. They cant stop the report release, but they could delay it until Feb when no one will give a damn about it, nor listening for it.

Even if it does actually get posted, by Monday, the Bama Press and Radio folks will just say, it is "old news" and move onto the latest "CTT to Slippery Rock State" rumor.

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Kind of reeks when the exact same guy that went above and beyond to get Juan Simpson off the hook, just happens to be the ONLY voter, siding against the release of this report. If it's NOT bad, why would anyone object to it?

Can you explain any of this, resident Bammers?

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The report is being withheld until Saturday to give Craig time to notify each person named in it. However, none of those named will be provided a copy of the report in advance, the board said.

What a crock. I'm sure everybody involved in this has known from the beginning their names would be in this "report". It's a delay tactic and nothing more.

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The report is being withheld until Saturday to give Craig time to notify each person named in it. However, none of those named will be provided a copy of the report in advance, the board said.

What a crock. I'm sure everybody involved in this has known from the beginning their names would be in this "report". It's a delay tactic and nothing more.

..or at the very least, those involved would have a keen ear turned to the results of the Board vote last night whether they knew the exact contents of the report or not, and wouldn't need until Saturday to be prepared. DKW's two days to file injunctions sounds very plausible!
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This gives folks two days to file injunctions stopping the release and getting the Hoover Board off the hook. I would not be surprised to find that the injunctions are already inplace. They cant stop the report release, but they could delay it until Feb when no one will give a damn about it, nor listening for it.

Thanks. That is what I was fishing for.

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