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Did you see the bit on CNN this morning about Hillary's offhand comment to a group about Ghandi, "didn't he run a gas station in St. Louis" or something to that effect. The liberals and the media were all over themselves forgiving her for such an insensitive statement; they knew she didn't mean anything by it. Don't you just love it when the libs step in it and come up thinking that no one can smell it!!!

Just imagine the media frenzy if Bush had said something like that!!!!!

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c'mon guys....she was joking!

she never ever meant to hurt anyone's feelings.

she is the smartest woman on the face of the earth after all.

in fact, i heard it was an indian gas station owner that taught her

to trade cow futures...she'd never hurt their feelings.


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I agree that a joke is a joke, but what the guys are saying is that this is just another example of a liberal double standard. If a Republican had made a similar stupid, lame joke, Hillary, the New York Times and the rest would be bringing out the tar buckets and feather pillows. IF GWB had said this, there would be Dems calling for impeachment. :roll: People are WAY too sensitive, and you are right - this shouldbe a non-issue. But since the Dems are the ones to have made such a brouhaha over similar incidents in the past, it is cheezy that they are ignoring this now.

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