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Tiger Al

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Amazing new evidence has been discovered that proves beyond a doubt that Iraq DID have an ongoing program for the production of WMD's!!! Here it is!!!

This proves that everything Bush said before invading Iraq was true!

Iraq's Arsenal Was Only on Paper

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WMD Hunters Shift Gears

Source: CNN

01.08.2004 - While the left-leaning spin machine of the New York Times tries to portray the withdraw of a 400-member military team as a signal that WMD’s will not be found quite the opposite is true. As the bulk of our intelligence capability in Iraq has been focused on securing the safety of the coalition troops and capturing insurgents, the 1400-member Iraq Survey Group is still proceeding with the thorough and tedious mission of searching a country the size of California for biological and chemical weapons that could very well be sitting in a spider hole much like the one Saddam Hussein was hiding in.

Many government officials affiliated with the WMD issue in Iraq are certain that there are many clues as to the status and whereabouts of said WMD’s in a stockpile of seized documents stored in a warehouse in Qatar. It is reported that if these documents were stacked they would measure 10 miles in height. With only dozens, and at the most hundreds, of personnel there to translate the information any request for immediate information should be met with a collective eye-roll.

CIA officials that were integral in producing the report that indicated an advanced WMD program in Iraq under Saddam Hussein remain steadfast about its accuracy. With the ratio of translators to documents being so lopsided the key to finding the proof that would validate the reports and perhaps produce the elusive WMD’s is patience, something that is a rare commodity in our sitcom-paced world.

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