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In general, yes, we do have a rule about rumor posts with no links.

However, at this point, the discussion of possibilities like plagiarism and incomplete classwork and all that are fairly ubiquitous on the internet and in various media outlets. No one knows for sure. In other words, whether it's true or not, the cat is out of the bag. For us to squelch it now would essentially be pointless. People are going to believe what they want to believe. Maybe if it wasn't so widely being talked about we'd keep nuking references to it. But now the better approach it probably to reiterate that it's just speculation. No one knows for sure or if they do, they can't come out and irrefutably say they do.

It is what it is.

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On behalf of professors who have to tolerate plagerism(sic)...when I was teaching at Pensacola Junior College several years back, I had a student who showed up about 50% of the time. He was a lousy student and I required a paper at the end of the semester that was worth a large chunk of the grade. The student were told about it on the first day of class so they had 4 months to write a 10 page paper on any subject of their choice in the area of the classes study. This moron handed in a paper that as I started to read I realized that even I could not have written. I took it to my department head who handed it to a specialist...in ten minutes this guy pulled it up on the internet and it had in fact been written by Immanuel Kant! When confronted the student was furious and called me names. I unfortunately also knew the mother outside of the academic arena and she was also furious at me that her son should be punished for blatant plagerism (sic). He was on some two-bit scholarship and stood to lose it. (This kid would come to my class with fishing poles and leave half-way through to go fish..and announce it---but hey..it's college not high school--it isn't my job to be his keeper. He just gets the grade that behavior earns him).

The school gave in to the parents fussing and the kid not only passed my class against my obvious grade of "F"..but kept his scholarship and was still trying to graduate last I heard.

I do not know if this professor has a football issue...if he does that is ridiculous...however, if you have ever taught Junior College or University level (I taught at FSU during my graduate days there) it can be beyond frustrating and even make you want to just quit when you see how some of these kids think they deserve their degrees handed to them. Plagerism used to be cause for expulsion...now it doesn't even promise a student will fail the class....for a teacher who earned the right to teach by busting tail as a student..it can be depressing.

Most informative post as seen through the eyes of a professor. Please ignor rude and simple comments of the few and post often.

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I've also heard that Lester is in trouble for plagiarism. One other bit of information - don't know if it's related or not, but the University has now stopped using turnitin.com, so as of a couple of weeks ago, students are not required to submit papers online before turning them in. Hmm...

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I understand people wanting to know what's going on. I understand the mods letting the discussion go because everyone is on BL's side.

I would hope that any professor with any hint of integrity would not allow plagiarism from any student. If you are going to fail and report one student for it, you gotta fail and report all of them for it. You can't allow one to re-do unless you allow everybody to re-do.

This is a bad situation for BL if it is plagiarism. Do not trivialize that situation. That's all I'm saying.

But once again, we are sitting here talking about plagiarism when we don't have any proof whatsoever that this is the case. What if it's simple like, he got X grade because the professor marked him absent so many times, but he says he was there all those days?

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Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Apparantly, the paper which was a Cliff Notes reprint of the Kant dissertation mentioned above contained language which triggered a response from Homeland Security. Thus the FBI, CIA and NSA immediately began investigations. The CIA found information which somehow mistakenly associated BL with a former sleeper cell of Taliban operatives who were mainly involved in the destruction of poppy fields in Afganistan.

The FBI received a transmittal Form DUH-1 which was garbled during the secure electonic transmission because the Chinese were hacking the computers. Therefore the FBI received incorrect information that BL was connected to the heroin trade. This information caused them to call in the DEA and ADEA for surveillance. Since the implication was that the herion obviously would be smuggled into the U. S. by illegal aliens, ICE and the Border Patrol were brought in.

Under the Patriot Act, BL's phone was tapped. This surveillance resulted in transcripts that the Government determined contained codes which, when deciphered, showed dangerous, suspect activity. Numerous mention was made of "making lots of yards" or "gaining boo coo yards." "Yards" was decoded to be "distributors." The recordings showed he was "hearing good things from Coach" or that "the Coach is helping any way he can but his hands are tied." The "Coach" it appears referred to "Bin Laden" who is of course in a cave in Pakistan with his hands figuratively "tied." There were also references to "carrying the ball," getting the "ball over the goal line," etc. Clearly the "ball" referred to the heroin.

The Feds were about to raise the security level to "orange," when a mysterious call was received which suggested they "ice" the investigation. Since FEMA still had an enormous tonnage of ice left over from Katrina and Saturday night's "kegger," the matter was turned over to them.

Since FEMA is best known for doing nothing, there the case has set awaiting clearance. Although Tubbs says we'll know in 48 hours, Jack Baeur couldn't get the case moving in 24.

I know this is frustrating for AU fans and BL, but at least we have everything out in the open.

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Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Apparantly, the paper which was a Cliff Notes reprint of the Kant dissertation mentioned above contained language which triggered a response from Homeland Security. Thus the FBI, CIA and NSA immediately began investigations. The CIA found information which somehow mistakenly associated BL with a former sleeper cell of Taliban operatives who were mainly involved in the destruction of poppy fields in Afganistan.

The FBI received a transmittal Form DUH-1 which was garbled during the secure electonic transmission because the Chinese were hacking the computers. Therefore the FBI received incorrect information that BL was connected to the heroin trade. This information caused them to call in the DEA and ADEA for surveillance. Since the implication was that the herion obviously would be smuggled into the U. S. by illegal aliens, ICE and the Border Patrol were brought in.

Under the Patriot Act, BL's phone was tapped. This surveillance resulted in transcripts that the Government determined contained codes which, when deciphered, showed dangerous, suspect activity. Numerous mention was made of "making lots of yards" or "gaining boo coo yards." "Yards" was decoded to be "distributors." The recordings showed he was "hearing good things from Coach" or that "the Coach is helping any way he can but his hands are tied." The "Coach" it appears referred to "Bin Laden" who is of course in a cave in Pakistan with his hands figuratively "tied." There were also references to "carrying the ball," getting the "ball over the goal line," etc. Clearly the "ball" referred to the heroin.

The Feds were about to raise the security level to "orange," when a mysterious call was received which suggested they "ice" the investigation. Since FEMA still had an enormous tonnage of ice left over from Katrina and Saturday night's "kegger," the matter was turned over to them.

Since FEMA is best known for doing nothing, there the case has set awaiting clearance. Although Tubbs says we'll know in 48 hours, Jack Baeur couldn't get the case moving in 24.

I know this is frustrating for AU fans and BL, but at least we have everything out in the open.

I'm guessing you have an inside source, you can't say who it is, and you have no link? :poke:

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

I'd think a college professor would be able to spell the word "plagarism", by the way. Just saying...

Well, you didn't get it right either.... plagiarism :moon::lol:

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I'm guessing you have an inside source, you can't say who it is, and you have no link? :poke:

I could tell ya, but of course, I'd have to kill ya. Still want to know? *grin*


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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

I suggest you not post unfounded and predjudicial commentary in the middle of a thread about a player unless you intend for the comments you are making to in some way be related to that player. Your opening caveat aside, it seemed fairly clear to me that you were casting aspersions in Lester's direction.

I'd think a college professor would be able to spell the word "plagarism", by the way. Just saying...

Galen...I love to read your posts and think you are really intelligent...like to watch you blast Pchump...but when you are wrong..you are wrong n a BIG way. First of all....I chose to respond to the thread because without even knowing what the true problem with Lester is...the professor was being attacked..he may be an asshat, I do not know, but I wanted to put forward that it is hard to deal with students sometimes...Lester wasn't even in my head.....I just felt that professors needed to be appreciated a little. You may not know this but this is my first season following EVERY game of Auburn's. i do not know enough about each player to have love or hate or much of any emotion invested to snipe or backhand comment at one of them. I just love Auburn and am starting to learn about all the guys and the staff. Lastly.....at least I was intelligent enough to notate ( (sic) is the academic notation for "I know I am probably misspelling this")..that I wasn't sure how to spell plagiarism....I could have looked it up but was too busy...you, I have been informed didn't spell it right but didn't notate it...when you have the dictionary memorized for spelling.....point a finger.

By the way..for those who felt the need to comment..I LOVE to fish...I do not love asshat 19 yr olds bringing multiple fishing poles into my 10 am Logic class and announcing half way through that they are leaving to have a cold beer an drop a line. I would have died before I teated a prof that way when I was a student.

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

I suggest you not post unfounded and predjudicial commentary in the middle of a thread about a player unless you intend for the comments you are making to in some way be related to that player. Your opening caveat aside, it seemed fairly clear to me that you were casting aspersions in Lester's direction.

I'd think a college professor would be able to spell the word "plagarism", by the way. Just saying...

Galen...I love to read your posts and think you are really intelligent...like to watch you blast Pchump...but when you are wrong..you are wrong n a BIG way. First of all....I chose to respond to the thread because without even knowing what the true problem with Lester is...the professor was being attacked..he may be an asshat, I do not know, but I wanted to put forward that it is hard to deal with students sometimes...Lester wasn't even in my head.....I just felt that professors needed to be appreciated a little. You may not know this but this is my first season following EVERY game of Auburn's. i do not know enough about each player to have love or hate or much of any emotion invested to snipe or backhand comment at one of them. I just love Auburn and am starting to learn about all the guys and the staff. Lastly.....at least I was intelligent enough to notate ( (sic) is the academic notation for "I know I am probably misspelling this")..that I wasn't sure how to spell plagiarism....I could have looked it up but was too busy...you, I have been informed didn't spell it right but didn't notate it...when you have the dictionary memorized for spelling.....point a finger.

By the way..for those who felt the need to comment..I LOVE to fish...I do not love asshat 19 yr olds bringing multiple fishing poles into my 10 am Logic class and announcing half way through that they are leaving to have a cold beer an drop a line. I would have died before I teated a prof that way when I was a student.

.bonus points. I like it.

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I've also heard that Lester is in trouble for plagiarism. One other bit of information - don't know if it's related or not, but the University has now stopped using turnitin.com, so as of a couple of weeks ago, students are not required to submit papers online before turning them in. Hmm...

I graduated this summer and had a dispute with a professor that was based on the use of turnitin.com. From what I gathered during the proceedings, I was not the only student to have had this issue.

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I come find out information on Brad Lester and all I get is a bunch of BS about crap that doesn't even relate to Lester. It would be nice of this thread could stay on the topic instead of veering off topic.

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This is from Brad Lester's facebook...this is his "status" if you know what that means, and are aware of facebook lingo its says:

Brad Lester

is going to be back October 6th.

Updated 18 minutes ago


My sources tell me he will be cleared "officially" before the game tomorrow but will not play against New Mexico State. But then again, what do I know? ;-)

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This is from Brad Lester's facebook...this is his "status" if you know what that means, and are aware of facebook lingo its says:

Brad Lester

is going to be back October 6th.

Updated 18 minutes ago


My sources tell me he will be cleared "officially" before the game tomorrow but will not play against New Mexico State. But then again, what do I know? ;-)

I was really hoping he would be back for Florida, but it is looking like the week after...I do not know why he would lie about coming back the week after...but I know nothing either

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I come find out information on Brad Lester and all I get is a bunch of BS about crap that doesn't even relate to Lester. It would be nice of this thread could stay on the topic instead of veering off topic.

No one asked you.

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I had this professor in college that was a feminist liberal. I had her for a Lit class my soph year. She would spin different pieces of lit everyday into her libralistic view points...I everyday would point out that I disagreed with her interpretation of what the author was saying and gave my own viewpoints as to how I interpretted the piece. Long story short, she gave me a C in the class...I didn't deserve a C. I deserved at least a B in the course but she didn't like the way I interpretted and wrote about the literature that was assigned, so she didn't give me the high grade. I didn't call her any names, and didn't offend her in anyway, I just disagreed with her opinions.

I am saying this becuase we don't know what the hell is going on. Kat you made the point giving a professors point of view so I thought I would throw out my $.02.

My point is...NO ONE KNOWS!!! When you wrote that story...I don't care what kind of disclaimers were on it, you were siding with the professors. I amm not siding with anyone...I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON. I don't claim to know. I just don't like it when someone "implies" something about a person or situation whether they meant to or not.

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I come find out information on Brad Lester and all I get is a bunch of BS about crap that doesn't even relate to Lester. It would be nice of this thread could stay on the topic instead of veering off topic.

When you come to this board, you find fault with everything posted as well as hijack threads to voice your own negative view of Auburn University. In short, you weren't asked.

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If the situation is resolved I don't get the extra 2 game suspension??

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I had this professor in college that was a feminist liberal. I had her for a Lit class my soph year. She would spin different pieces of lit everyday into her libralistic view points...I everyday would point out that I disagreed with her interpretation of what the author was saying and gave my own viewpoints as to how I interpretted the piece. Long story short, she gave me a C in the class...I didn't deserve a C. I deserved at least a B in the course but she didn't like the way I interpretted and wrote about the literature that was assigned, so she didn't give me the high grade. I didn't call her any names, and didn't offend her in anyway, I just disagreed with her opinions.

I am saying this because we don't know what the hell is going on. Kat you made the point giving a professors point of view so I thought I would throw out my $.02.

My point is...NO ONE KNOWS!!! When you wrote that story...I don't care what kind of disclaimers were on it, you were siding with the professors. I am not siding with anyone...I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON. I don't claim to know. I just don't like it when someone "implies" something about a person or situation whether they meant to or not.

I am going to say this one last time..and see if you can get it. This is my first year following Auburn football. I didn't even know who Lester was before this thread started....I am learning all about the players and staff right now. How can I imply something about someone I don't even know...and yes..someone has to occasionally remind people how hard it is to work with kids that half the time do not want to be in a classroom. I am sorry you had a teacher you feel treated you badly. I never cared if a student agreed or disagreed with me..I was thrilled out of my mind if they actually participated ..someone who disagreed was at least listening and being a part of the class..That would up their grade in my class. Most of them just sat there wanting to get out and be some where else. But I taught at a Junior College in a University town not far from both FSU and University of Florida. Most the kids I had couldn't get in ANYWHERE else and mom and dad forced them to come to PJC. The few adults or military that attended were my jewels that kept me going. I taught a lot of classes...frankly, i am happy to be out of it. so..yes i stood up for professors..in general..good call buddy didn't get that one past you did I. :banghead: frankly my post was a light little bit of fluff that shouldn't have caused much response..people read too much into it..it was just a thought for the day sort of thing.

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Oct. 6 is right.


I remember when I was bad in Logic class, my teach would meet me in the playground that night and spank my firm buttocks as they glistened in the glow of the full moon.

I still miss school.

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