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from Phillip Marshall/Huntsville Times

Posted by Phillip Marshall, The Huntsville Times September 20, 2007 10:45 AM

AUBURN - Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville said today that he hopes to get final word on tailback Brad Lester's status "in the next 48 hours or so."

Lester, expected to be Auburn's starting tailback, has not played this season because of what has been termed an academic issue. Tuberville said the decision is out of his hands. He said it would be a surprise if Lester is available for Saturday's game against New Mexico State at Jordan-Hare Stadium.

"I don't know if that's a reality, dealing with what we are dealing with," Tuberville said. "We'd like to get a little closure on it and give him some idea of what he's doing."

Tuberville said Lester is physically ready to play if he is cleared.

"He's practiced," Tuberville said. "He could play this afternoon. I don't know whether that is going to happen or not."

Tuberville said there is nothing more to do but wait for the final verdict.

"All we've done is do everything we can do and let the people who make the decision make it," Tuberville said.

Lester was suspended for last year's game against Nebraska in the Cotton Bowl and has remained suspended through games against Kansas State, South Florida and Mississippi State.


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At least there is some comment on it instead of lester is still suspended pending whatever. I know they have reasons why they can't say anything and I understand that but they have taken SO long in making a decision and left everyone hanging.

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Thanks for the update. Too bad it doesn't really say anything. This deal with Brad has been made more frustrating because no one seems to know anything. It seems as though whoever has the sayso on this stiuation would be able to go ahead and make a decision at let it go at that. Its very frustrating for the fans, and I can't imagine what it must be like for Brad. I hope he is able to return soon.

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Well in "their" defense I'm sure there are numerous other students ahead of him in this process. Just b/c he is an athlete won't get him through it any quicker. I think it is just a long process to begin with and there is always a waiting line for anything you do these days from renewing your drivers license to appearing in court. As much as I want him back, I try to remeber he did do this to himself & the team.

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I just talked to Brad a couple of minutes ago on campus. I asked him if he was expecting to play this weekend, and he said hopefully. I asked him what the deal was and if he heard anything. He said that he doesn't know and that it's out of his hands and hopefully they figure it out soon. I asked him about Tristan and he just said, "well at least he can walk now" and started laughing. Hopefully they will both be back soon.

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from Phillip Marshall/Huntsville Times

Posted by Phillip Marshall, The Huntsville Times September 20, 2007 10:45 AM

AUBURN - Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville said today that he hopes to get final word on tailback Brad Lester's status "in the next 48 hours or so."

Lester, expected to be Auburn's starting tailback, has not played this season because of what has been termed an academic issue. Tuberville said the decision is out of his hands. He said it would be a surprise if Lester is available for Saturday's game against New Mexico State at Jordan-Hare Stadium.

"I don't know if that's a reality, dealing with what we are dealing with," Tuberville said. "We'd like to get a little closure on it and give him some idea of what he's doing."

Tuberville said Lester is physically ready to play if he is cleared.

"He's practiced," Tuberville said. "He could play this afternoon. I don't know whether that is going to happen or not."

Tuberville said there is nothing more to do but wait for the final verdict.

"All we've done is do everything we can do and let the people who make the decision make it," Tuberville said.

Lester was suspended for last year's game against Nebraska in the Cotton Bowl and has remained suspended through games against Kansas State, South Florida and Mississippi State.


Not to beat my own chest, but I do want to remind every one how I was all but castrated for saying the "fat lady hasn't sung" yet on Lester a few weeks ago. This post was made at a time when the conventional wisdom and words from everyone's mouth sounded something like "he's done for the year...he's transferring to georgia southern...yada yada"

Who knows the ultimate outcome...but as I said a few weeks ago - the fat lady hasn't sung on Lester's AU career

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I have to ask the question: Does anyone know exactly what the issue is with Lester? I've heard cheating, I've heard not attending class, I've heard academically inelgible, and I've heard it's a legal issue?

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I have to ask the question: Does anyone know exactly what the issue is with Lester? I've heard cheating, I've heard not attending class, I've heard academically inelgible, and I've heard it's a legal issue?

Disclaimer: What I am about to say comes from a friend that had a class with him last Spring. I have no idea about the validity of said information, if it is true, etc. So let's just call it a rumor.

With that said, what I was told was that he got in trouble for plagiarising a paper. As this causes you to fail the course and renders you academically ineligible. This would make sense as to why it is taking so long, as the review board for academic honesty takes a while and everything hinges on their decision.

Now keep in mind, I have NO KNOWLEDGE as to the accuracy or validity of this information. So for all I know it's pure hearsay.

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I have to ask the question: Does anyone know exactly what the issue is with Lester? I've heard cheating, I've heard not attending class, I've heard academically inelgible, and I've heard it's a legal issue?

Disclaimer: What I am about to say comes from a friend that had a class with him last Spring. I have no idea about the validity of said information, if it is true, etc. So let's just call it a rumor.

With that said, what I was told was that he got in trouble for plagiarising a paper. As this causes you to fail the course and renders you academically ineligible. This would make sense as to why it is taking so long, as the review board for academic honesty takes a while and everything hinges on their decision.

Now keep in mind, I have NO KNOWLEDGE as to the accuracy or validity of this information. So for all I know it's pure hearsay.

I have heard the same thing from 33/40 a while back.


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I have to ask the question: Does anyone know exactly what the issue is with Lester? I've heard cheating, I've heard not attending class, I've heard academically inelgible, and I've heard it's a legal issue?

It involves 4 students in his sociology class from Spring 06. They were all given F's and reported for plagiarism and lying about the participation of all of the members in a group project. The parents of the other three students have retained legal counsel and have communicated their intent to file a multi-million dollar civil lawsuit vs. the University and the Professor. The professor will not back off, and is a known critic of Auburn's athletic department, specifically football. Because this involves a legal battle and our sociology department once again, the university is trying to withhold all information. I have more info but this will probably get deleted because of course no link exists and I will not reveal the source.

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I have to ask the question: Does anyone know exactly what the issue is with Lester? I've heard cheating, I've heard not attending class, I've heard academically inelgible, and I've heard it's a legal issue?

It involves 4 students in his sociology class from Spring 06. They were all given F's and reported for plagiarism and lying about the participation of all of the members in a group project. The parents of the other three students have retained legal counsel and have communicated their intent to file a multi-million dollar civil lawsuit vs. the University and the Professor. The professor will not back off, and is a known critic of Auburn's athletic department, specifically football. Because this involves a legal battle and our sociology department once again, the university is trying to withhold all information. I have more info but this will probably get deleted because of course no link exists and I will not reveal the source.

What's that nutjob's name again?

James Gundlach

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On behalf of professors who have to tolerate plagerism(sic)...when I was teaching at Pensacola Junior College several years back, I had a student who showed up about 50% of the time. He was a lousy student and I required a paper at the end of the semester that was worth a large chunk of the grade. The student were told about it on the first day of class so they had 4 months to write a 10 page paper on any subject of their choice in the area of the classes study. This moron handed in a paper that as I started to read I realized that even I could not have written. I took it to my department head who handed it to a specialist...in ten minutes this guy pulled it up on the internet and it had in fact been written by Immanuel Kant! When confronted the student was furious and called me names. I unfortunately also knew the mother outside of the academic arena and she was also furious at me that her son should be punished for blatant plagerism (sic). He was on some two-bit scholarship and stood to lose it. (This kid would come to my class with fishing poles and leave half-way through to go fish..and announce it---but hey..it's college not high school--it isn't my job to be his keeper. He just gets the grade that behavior earns him).

The school gave in to the parents fussing and the kid not only passed my class against my obvious grade of "F"..but kept his scholarship and was still trying to graduate last I heard.

I do not know if this professor has a football issue...if he does that is ridiculous...however, if you have ever taught Junior College or University level (I taught at FSU during my graduate days there) it can be beyond frustrating and even make you want to just quit when you see how some of these kids think they deserve their degrees handed to them. Plagerism used to be cause for expulsion...now it doesn't even promise a student will fail the class....for a teacher who earned the right to teach by busting tail as a student..it can be depressing.

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Reading comprehension lost on you?? TigerKat Clearly says in the beginning:

Having nothing to do with football or Lester(since no is even sure what has happened with him)
TigerKat is simply offering a different perspective that we often lose sight of. Nobody knows what happened or why its taking so long to correct, but there are two sides to everything.
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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

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well, when you get an "I" after so many months if you do not do the work you were told to do to change that "I", does it not turn to an "F"? and from what i understand, an "F" can't be appealed....unless you get some lawyers involved to try and get it changed. ok, kids screw up. big deal, its going to happen. but when you are given a flat out free chance to fix that screw up and you do not, well thats on you. would you have rather there been wrongdoing and everything swept under the rug, or the right thing be done?

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

I suggest you not post unfounded and predjudicial commentary in the middle of a thread about a player unless you intend for the comments you are making to in some way be related to that player. Your opening caveat aside, it seemed fairly clear to me that you were casting aspersions in Lester's direction.

I'd think a college professor would be able to spell the word "plagarism", by the way. Just saying...

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How does this relate to Lester? Do you know he plagerized? Do you know he called his professor names? Do you know his mother took up for him? Do you know he brought fishing poles to class??? Seriousy...WTF ind of post is this?

I am not one to take up for these kids...but I would be willing to say...very little here know s**t about what is going on. So the speculation that you gave is about as good as me saying, "when I was in school playing intra mural football, the ref threw a flag on me..............."

Thanx Wartiger....I was so careful and so clear to say that this had nothing to do with Lester since anything to do with him his all projection on anyone's part....I was simply stating what my experience with plagerism as a professor had been ...I suggest if you can't read...you shouldn't write.

I suggest you not post unfounded and predjudicial commentary in the middle of a thread about a player unless you intend for the comments you are making to in some way be related to that player. Your opening caveat aside, it seemed fairly clear to me that you were casting aspersions in Lester's direction.

I'd think a college professor would be able to spell the word "plagarism", by the way. Just saying...


Lighten up. Gundlach hates football. She hates fishing. :poke:

Why would anyone hate fishing? :cheer:

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well, when you get an "I" after so many months if you do not do the work you were told to do to change that "I", does it not turn to an "F"? and from what i understand, an "F" can't be appealed....unless you get some lawyers involved to try and get it changed. ok, kids screw up. big deal, its going to happen. but when you are given a flat out free chance to fix that screw up and you do not, well thats on you. would you have rather there been wrongdoing and everything swept under the rug, or the right thing be done?

Seriously, what does that have to do with Lester? DO you have inside information THAT EVERY OTHER AUBURN FAN IS MISSING?

And by the way, you are right GG, I just don't have the ability to say it so eloquently!

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Okay, maybe I was a little reactive there, but let me ask a rhetorical question:

If the thread had been about Chipper Jones and I added a comment in there that said "I don't know Chipper and this isn't about him, but a lot of baseball players are on steroids. I knew this one player who needled up before every game and he was leading the league in hitting." How would you take it? Would you think that I was painting Chipper with the same brush?

Point is that if you come in the middle of a thread about a suspended player and make some offhand comments like that, it looks like a veiled indictment.

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For the sake of clarity, I added a more noticeable disclaimer to the top of TigerKat's post. She wasn't specifically talking about Lester but I think some people missed that first line because of formatting and such.

Carry on.

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well, when you get an "I" after so many months if you do not do the work you were told to do to change that "I", does it not turn to an "F"? and from what i understand, an "F" can't be appealed....unless you get some lawyers involved to try and get it changed. ok, kids screw up. big deal, its going to happen. but when you are given a flat out free chance to fix that screw up and you do not, well thats on you. would you have rather there been wrongdoing and everything swept under the rug, or the right thing be done?

This is correct. At Auburn, if you are assigned an "I" at the end of a semester in which you are in a course, you have six months to complete the coursework and remove the Incomplete. If you do not remove the Incomplete in the six-month period, the "I" becomes an "F."

Don't we have a board rule about wildly speculating about player personal issues with no substantial documentation to back up your wild speculations?

Come on, guys. Is this the AUnation Sewing Circle Forum??? The bottom line is that posting all these wild rumors and saying "I have a source, but I can't tell who it is, and I have no link" is hogwash.

No offense to any of you, but I don't believe one word of it until I see some proof. Spent too many mornings at the city cafe with my Grandfather and all of his buddies drinking their coffee to put any stock in wild gossip like this.

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