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A Question about this board


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I just want to know the answer to 2 questions for you "All Things Considered" regulars.

1) Why do you flood an Auburn University forum (yes, I know it is All Things Considered) with all this political crap? Aren't there websites where you can discuss politics?

2) Why do you bring your political bashing into other forums with your derogatory signatures? I guess all I see here isn't what my party can do to make things better, it's, "Your party sucks and is lead by Satan!" It's childish and silly.


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Jared, I'm glad you pointed this out. I've been wondering why they do that myself. These republicans think they are the majority in this country and represent the views of everyone. But, folks like you and me just have to tolerate them when we can and do our best to show them the error of their ways when that doesn't work!!!

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First of all, I am active in the football forum as equally as I am on the ATC forum. Secondly, that is what the ATC forum is for. If you don't like what is in the ATC forum, then don't read the posts or start a new thread about what you would like to talk about. It is that simple. In case you have not noticed the board is not about all sports, hence then name "All Things Considered" forum. I am not trying to be a jerk, but I think it is kind of silly to rant about a forum that you apparently have no interest in. That would be like me going to an NBA forum and ranting on why I can't understand why all these people post about the NBA. Nobody is making you go to the ATC forum and read it. ;)

TA, real funny. :P

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I knew somebody would appreciate it!!! B)

Liberals are scum sucking, communist, adulterous, morons! Oh, I am sorry TA. That was political and I may have offended you and I should not post such things in the ATC forum. Please accept my humble apologies and instead I guess you and I should PM each other back and forth with our political thoughts. :lol:

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Liberals are scum sucking, communist, adulterous, morons! Oh, I am sorry TA. That was political and I may have offended you and I should not post such things in the ATC forum. Please accept my humble apologies and instead I guess you and I should PM each other back and forth with our political thoughts. :lol:

I don't mind you racist, narrow-minded, never-met-a-phobia-you-didn't-like, war-mongering neocon!!! :D

Wow...I really feel BETTER!!!

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Liberals are scum sucking, communist, adulterous, morons! Oh, I am sorry TA. That was political and I may have offended you and I should not post such things in the ATC forum. Please accept my humble apologies and instead I guess you and I should PM each other back and forth with our political thoughts. :lol:

I don't mind you racist, narrow-minded, never-met-a-phobia-you-didn't-like, war-mongering neocon!!! :D

Wow...I really feel BETTER!!!

Hey, I am not a racist! B)

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I just want to know the answer to 2 questions for you "All Things Considered" regulars.

1) Why do you flood an Auburn University forum (yes, I know it is All Things Considered) with all this political crap? Aren't there websites where you can discuss politics?

2) Why do you bring your political bashing into other forums with your derogatory signatures? I guess all I see here isn't what my party can do to make things better, it's, "Your party sucks and is lead by Satan!" It's childish and silly.


First of all, I like to talk about lots of things with my friends, and I have made quite a few friends on this board. Not everything in this Forum is political.

Second, as we say on this board quite often, we don't love Auburn for the Tigers, we love the Tigers for Auburn!! Auburn University is the common tie that most of us share, and it is what brought us together onto this particular chunk of cyberspace. Seems like I remember that when I was at Auburn, I not only got my Masters in Public Administration and Political Science, but taught American Government. Is that any less part of my Auburn experience because it is not football or some other athletic event? I knew people who went to Auburn for five years and never set foot in any of the athletic arenas on campus for anything other than classes.

Third, as for the signatures, those are free expression of opinions. Again, sports, while primary, is not the only reason for this board. I would venture a guess that even without this ATC forum, some members would still have "Vote for Joe Schmoe" in their signatures, especially in the offseason. Yes, some are over the top, but no where have I seen a rule that all signature pictures and statements must be directly tied to athletics and/or Auburn University. If DKW wants to address this, then, of course I am sure all will go by the rules, but until then... I am sorry if something in someone's signature annoys you when it appears in another forum, but there have been other non-political signature things that have maybe made me shake my head - I just didn't let it get to me - I read the post and moved on.

Finally - why does it matter to you? You certainly don't have to come to ATC - there is a "Mark ALl Forums Read" button on the main page. I have seen your other posts about this same topic and think they are quite childish and silly. Don't you have more important things to kvetch about?

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I am not fond of the signatures either. But as long as they stay here, then no foul.

BTW, what do you mean by "you people?"

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Guest AuNuma1
I am not fond of the signatures either. But as long as they stay here, then no foul.

That's the main problem though...they don't just stay here, but spill over to the sports related forums. I think that's the gist of this whole thread anyway...

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I am not fond of the signatures either. But as long as they stay here, then no foul.

That's the main problem though...they don't just stay here, but spill over to the sports related forums. I think that's the gist of this whole thread anyway...

Numa is right. If they stayed in the ATC forum, I don't think anybody would care. I rarely visit the ATC forum because of all the political crap. I simply don't care about who runs for what or who wins what office. The only reason I'm even posting on this thread is because i saw it as the last thread added to from the main page, otherwise i never would have found it. I don't like them either, but i could tolerate them if they weren't so big. When i had the pic of my clock up as my signature, i was asked (very politely by the bosses husband) to scale it down a little and make it smaller. BUT, I also asked permission before i put it up because i didn't want to give the impression i was promoting something. I was simply proud of my work and wanted to display it.

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Jared, I'm glad you pointed this out. I've been wondering why they do that myself. These republicans think they are the majority in this country and represent the views of everyone. But, folks like you and me just have to tolerate them when we can and do our best to show them the error of their ways when that doesn't work!!!

Quit sucking up Al! He's talking about you!

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Are we going to start complaining when the Bama posters dare to include a pro-Bama reference in their signatures? After all, this IS an AU site. What about the LSU or USC fans? Is it wrong to include your Carnell Williams picture in your signature when you post on the basketball forum? How about when you post on this forum? Should you have to remove any and all sports references here?

My answer to all of these questions is put whatever you want in your signature and post it in whatever forum you want. It's your signature after all.

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Guest AuNuma1
Are we going to start complaining when the Bama posters dare to include a pro-Bama reference in their signatures? After all, this IS an AU site. What about the LSU or USC fans? Is it wrong to include your Carnell Williams picture in your signature when you post on the basketball forum? How about when you post on this forum? Should you have to remove any and all sports references here?

At least those signatures would have SOMETHING to do with sports, no? You don't hear complaints over here that your polical warfare gets interrupted by sports related signatures, so why is it acceptable for the sports forums to get interrupted by people's (irrelevant) political signatures?

I wouldn't care so much if the stupid things weren't so big, which is probably the main complaint anyway...

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Numa, I don't see people's signatures as an "interruption."

War Eagle 96, I sincerely doubt Jared was talking about me since I rarely post on any of the other forums. Feel free to give me an acurate accounting of my non-ATC posts by looking in my profile if you like.

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Guest AuNuma1
Numa, I don't see people's signatures as an "interruption."

Exactly my point because you don't post anything about Auburn sports so you don't see the other side of the argument.

Hehe, that was easy...no wonder you get picked on by all of the conservatives. :P

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Obviously, I have touched a nerve, which seems so easy these day in the political realm.

Sure, you guys can talk about anything you want to here, I don't care (and I know where the MARK ALL FORUMS READ button is! :) ). I mostly wanted to stir the nest.

However, I do take offense to the huge political pictures for some of the posters have. I also know that the head man has a political sig, so like Numa said, that must be the policy. Fine by me, if I don't like it I can leave, right? It's not really going to stop me from coming cause I love this board, though I haven't been able to participate much. You guys have your fun, and I'll "kvetch" about other things, such as spam I HATE SPAM!

Anyway, I politely ask (from a dialup user during the day) for smaller sig pictures. I like pictures, though I naturally don't like pictures which oppose my political viewpoints :) , I just don't think they should take 30 sec to download, because there's usually 10 to download at a time.

Thank you for your consideration! War Eagle!

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Exactly my point because you don't post anything about Auburn sports so you don't see the other side of the argument.

Hehe, that was easy...no wonder you get picked on by all of the conservatives.  :P

Just because I don't POST very often doesn't mean I don't browse the football (and others) board. Are you saying that I would become offended only when I post in the football forum? I'm sorry, but I'm not following your logic.

The reason I get picked on by the conservatives is because I have the stones to put my liberal beliefs and opinions in a conservative public forum. Same thing would happen to them (you?) if they were to post on a liberal forum. But, it's all good!!!

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Anyway, I politely ask (from a dialup user during the day) for smaller sig pictures. I like pictures, though I naturally don't like pictures which oppose my political viewpoints , I just don't think they should take 30 sec to download, because there's usually 10 to download at a time.

Jared, here's a way for you to kill two birds with one stone: Go under "My Controls" and then click on "Board Settings." There you will find a board setting entitled "Do you wish to view members signatures when reading topics?" Set this to "No." A lot of posters, including you, have large pictures that are sports related and probably tend to slow down your page opening, too. I think AUloggerhead has a HUGE picture of the Wisconsin QB getting creamed by Dansby and Torbor.

Also, by doing this, you won't be exposed to political opinions that differ from yours.

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I think AUloggerhead has a HUGE picture of the Wisconsin QB getting creamed by Dansby and Torbor.

It's a good one, too. Ain't it? :D

I will gladly decrease the size of the picture, but I don't know how. {Have pity on me -- I'm in the 'older Aubie" class!}

Recommendation for moderators: would someone please post clear instructions on how to size images for inclusion into sigs? I've looked. If they are already there then please direct me to them.

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I think AUloggerhead has a HUGE picture of the Wisconsin QB getting creamed by Dansby and Torbor.

It's a good one, too. Ain't it? :D

I will gladly decrease the size of the picture, but I don't know how. {Have pity on me -- I'm in the 'older Aubie" class!}

Recommendation for moderators: would someone please post clear instructions on how to size images for inclusion into sigs? I've looked. If they are already there then please direct me to them.

It's a killer picture, only bested by the live action version!!! BTW, did that guy (Sorgis???) ever come back into the game? I can't remember.

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Nope, he never came back in. His left forearm was bruised too bad for him to continue. Granted, there was only about 2 minutes left. Note in the photo where Dansby's helmet is and where Sorgi's left forearm is trapped. I have to give Sorgi credit for having guts, though. He was taking some monster shots the whole game.

Al, do you know how to resize an image? Little help, ...

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