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Well Done Editorial About Bush

Jenny AU-92

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2003 -- The year of the optimist

Neil Cavuto

January 3, 2004

This is the time of year journalists begin comprising their list of big events. The stories that shaped our lives and the individuals who shaped those stories over the past year.

I'm not really big into lists. I have a hard enough time remembering what I had for breakfast. I am big into big picture things; sometimes dopey things, but for me, meaningful things.

When I look back on 2003, I will remember not just a war or a captured tyrant, I will remember a theme. For my money, in my mind, and in my heart, this was the year of the optimist. He triumphed.

He triumphed over those who thought we'd only see more bad news, who suspected the worst, when he hoped for the best.

He saw a stock market that had piled up three years of losses and concluded that it was due one year of gain. He was right.

He saw a war in Iraq that claimed too many American lives but saw the greater good of their sacrifice. He was right.

He saw the tyranny of a dictator named Saddam, who some said we should leave well enough alone, and the benefit of removing that dictator, when no one thought we could. And he was right.

He was not prescient enough to know when we would find Saddam, only that we would. And he was right.

He was silly enough to think America meant it when it said it would hunt down terrorists. And he was right.

He was confident enough to know crooked CEOs would be chased down, but they wouldn't drag down all the CEOs who weren't crooked. And he was right.

He was naive enough to believe a mutual fund scandal affecting some well-known names didn't mean it was an indictment of all names. And he was right.

He was Yankee Doodle Dandy enough to sing his country's praises and know its potential, rather than debate its merits, and suspect its motives. And he was right.

He was right about America's best qualities outshining its worst.

He was right to believe America was right, and that evil was wrong.

He was right to believe giving people their money back would help this economy come back.

He was right to smile, looking forward to the future, when pessimists around him moaned and complained about the future.

He saw a world where freedom rang and evil bowed, where good people didn't forget bad deeds, and wouldn't forget bad days, like Sept. 11.

He knew that the sum of our hopes trumped the sum of our fears; that the greatest generation would be very proud of the next generation and the next generation after that.

He saw a world of hurt, and was foolish enough to see a world of hope.

He was not naive enough to forget the pain; just eager enough to see the gain.

Because markets do go up. Economies do improve. People do spend. And despots do fall.

Pessimists refuse to see the good because they're so focused on the bad.

Optimists know the bad, but refuse to ignore the good.

The latter made all the difference this past year . . . not by promising cheap cheer to those who couldn't see it. But by knowing there was something to cheer in the first place, if only pessimists took the time to see it.

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Oh my God! Some of this stuff is just laughable! Pure pablum! Cavuto is just cooking up a bunch of nonsense on the spot.

He saw a world of hurt, and was foolish enough to see a world of hope.

He was not naive enough to forget the pain; just eager enough to see the gain.

Because markets do go up. Economies do improve. People do spend. And despots do fall.

Pessimists refuse to see the good because they're so focused on the bad.

Optimists know the bad, but refuse to ignore the good

Good God, look at that crap. He's just making it up as he goes along and then ascribing it to Bush. Shoot Jenny, you usually come up with better links than that kind of lightweight fluff. It looks like Cavuto just completely lost focus in midstream and started typing any ole strange notion that popped into his head. There are good, deep-thinking commentators on the right. Cavuto is not one of them.

He reminds me of the high school nerd who tries to talk smack and fails completely. His articles (like this one) are composed of a few woofing declarations of the blatantly obvious where he adds absolutely no insight of his own combined with breezily airheaded mushy-talk of the kind that he threw out at the end of the piece.

Most of your right-wing links around here are much better than that, Jenny. You need to get back to your better standards.

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Hey CShine,

where is this outrage when your two lib buddies on here post the utter crap they constantly do?

When I see a poorly-written left-wing article linked here, I just ignore it and don't post at all. I have 100% confidence that you'll be right there to shoot it down, MDM4AU. B)

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Ccchhh-cccchhhink, the sound of a double barrel shot gun getting pumped.

Most of your right-wing links around here are much better than that, Jenny. You need to get back to your better standards

Dude, Dont mess with the pregnant woman here. Your a man, and her hormones need to take it out on something. :no:

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Cshine, for your information, I posted this because I feel about GWB personally the same way Cavuto and many other Americans do. For all that you liberals try to make him out to be Hitler, Machievelli and Satan all rolled into one - I firmly, with every inch of me believe that GWB is at heart a good man, trying to do what he thinks is the right thing to do, who had set a course for this country and is not deterred from that course one inch by polls or liberals screaming invective. No, he is not perfect. No, I do not always agree with his position on every issue. But I respect him as a man, as a person, as a Commander in Chief, and as the Leader of the Country. He feels that he was elected to do a job, and he is going to do that job as he sees fit to do it. If the people think he is doing a good job, he will be re-elected. If not, he won't. But so far, and this is what Cavuto was saying, SO FAR, his decisions for the most part have panned out - going ahead with tax cuts, going ahead with Iraq, going ahead with Afghanistan, riding out the economy, etc.

So it is a bit flowery - this IS, after all, an OPINION piece. I don't think the intent was to put forth some scholarly debate about Bush's economic programs or national security. If libs can write (and post) invective and hatred which is oftentimes opinion presented as fact, why can't I post an opinion that is complimentary and respectful and supportive and just that - OPINION?

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Ccchhh-cccchhhink, the sound of a double barrel shot gun getting pumped.
Most of your right-wing links around here are much better than that, Jenny. You need to get back to your better standards

Dude, Dont mess with the pregnant woman here. Your a man, and her hormones need to take it out on something. :no:

Ooops! Forgot about the pregnancy angle. Didn't mean to upset the baby, Jen. :)

And OK, you like Bush. And yeah, there are a lot of liberal writers who are even more stupid than Cavuto. This thing of his is still empty fluff. Glad you liked it, but I don't see anything of value here. There are far better conservative commentators who make real, substantive points. But hey, different strokes for different folks. If this kind of thing is what you go for, knock yerself out.

Hope you and the kid are doing well, Jen.

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And OK, you like Bush. And yeah, there are a lot of liberal writers who are even more stupid than Cavuto. This thing of his is still empty fluff. Glad you liked it, but I don't see anything of value here. There are far better conservative commentators who make real, substantive points. But hey, different strokes for different folks. If this kind of thing is what you go for, knock yerself out.

Hope you and the kid are doing well, Jen.

Okay, guys, enough hormone jokes. No need to tiptoe around me because I am preggers. Need I remind you that at the beginning of my pregnancy I had to take SUPPLEMENTAL hormones because I was not making enough for Katie and me both? If I am not milking that cow to explain away my behavior, neither should you all. I personally think I have been no more vocal in the last seven months than I ever have been on this board. Don't be such men. :P

But genuine thanks for the well wishes - we are both doing fine. ;)

And yes - this is a fluff piece - and I did post a warning that Libs may not want to read it. Not everything has to be a thoughtful, fact laden dissertation - it was just nice to read something complimentary about Bush that put my personal feelings into words, not just my political positions.

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sniff, sniff...I think I'm gonna cry.

I feel the same way about 99% of the threads started by your lib bretheren on this board - if tears caused by hysterical laughter count, that is. :P

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sniff, sniff...I think I'm gonna cry.

I feel the same way about 99% of the threads started by your lib bretheren on this board - if tears caused by hysterical laughter count, that is. :P

Tears are tears. Let 'em flow!!!

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Funny, republicans are supposed to be the uncaring people without feelings and Jenny posts a simple little opinion piece expressing the republican's happy feeling for the optimism of the past year and our leadership, and she gets blasted. I guess our feelings do not matter unless they line up with the liberals...

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O.K. Did I miss something or what? Where in there is Bush even mentioned? Cavuto's article is about the Year of the Optimist.

... Pessimists refuse to see the good because they're so focused on the bad.

Optimists know the bad, but refuse to ignore the good.  ...

That's the gist of the whole piece.

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