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George the...poet???

Tiger Al

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We delight in great works of literature and especially in the works of budding new artists. President Bush is a great leader and husband - but I bet you didn't know, he is also quite the poet. Upon returning home last night from my long trip, I found a lovely poem waiting for me. Normally, I wouldn't share something so personal, but since we're celebrating great writers, I can't resist.

Dear Laura,

Roses are red, violets are blue, oh my lump in the bed, how I've missed you.

Roses are redder, bluer am I, seeing you kissed by that charming French guy.

The dogs and the cat they miss you too, Barney's still mad you dropped him, he ate your shoe.

The distance my dear has been such a barrier, next time you want an adventure, just land on a carrier.



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I saw Mrs. Bush on Meet The Press this past Sunday and they showed that clip. It was funny. But she fessed up and said that he didn't really write it. It was just a joke. But she said some people came up afterward and made comments like, "You're so lucky to have a husband that will write poems for you" and things like that. It was a hoot.

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Then I wonder who calls her "MY lump in the bed???"

Anyway, I never believed Dubya was the author because the verses are so intricately woven and the word-pictures are so rich that you can just feel the intense passion the author possesses for dear, sweet Laura.

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