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CTT on Finebaum now.


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Galen, your post makes you my hero. I just wish the real Auburn fans could see

pond scum for what he really is.(pc chump excluded)

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Someone mentioned it earlier...

PF's show is for entertainment only. If Tuberville REALLY did HATE Finebaum or disrespected him, why would he go on the show? Is he really doing it so the Auburn fans can hear him (but o wait, Auburn fans are supposed to boycott PF, so why would he ever do that). Is it to make Auburn bigger (o wait, Auburn has arrived, so that can't be it). Is it because he has to (contract stuff)? Prolly not that either. So please, enlighten me why PF has Tuberville on the show if Tubs knows better.

And I accidentally wrote defense instead of "case." Tho, I love the wookie comment (good stuff).

I'm not defending Alabama fans or anything, it was simply a "tell me what they said," which Galen thankfully finally did better than everyone else.

Accusations and comments without facts and reasoning is what you guys claim of Alabama fans, but then you go about and do it yourselves. Believe it or not, the vast majority of this board is turning into what they hate. And I think it is Auburn's recent success that is a part of that (but not entirely).

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Someone mentioned it earlier...

PF's show is for entertainment only. If Tuberville REALLY did HATE Finebaum or disrespected him, why would he go on the show? Is he really doing it so the Auburn fans can hear him (but o wait, Auburn fans are supposed to boycott PF, so why would he ever do that). Is it to make Auburn bigger (o wait, Auburn has arrived, so that can't be it). Is it because he has to (contract stuff)? Prolly not that either. So please, enlighten me why PF has Tuberville on the show if Tubs knows better.

And I accidentally wrote defense instead of "case." Tho, I love the wookie comment (good stuff).

I'm not defending Alabama fans or anything, it was simply a "tell me what they said," which Galen thankfully finally did better than everyone else.

Accusations and comments without facts and reasoning is what you guys claim of Alabama fans, but then you go about and do it yourselves. Believe it or not, the vast majority of this board is turning into what they hate. And I think it is Auburn's recent success that is a part of that (but not entirely).

Why do you hate butlers?

If I had to guess, and I do mean guess, I'd say that CTT and PF may be friends but at the very least, understand each other. I've said it many times that I do listen to PF but have all but quit recently while his show has become a Mullet love-fest. I honestly believe that the majority of what he does is just schtick but that he actually does have a relationship with a lot of folks in the sports arena, including Tubs. Maybe, maybe not.

I've just heard PF admit too many times that he's doing what he does for entertainment. That caters to the lowest common denominator, which is why his show has been reduced to nothing but Bammies. :poke: But, I don't think CTT or Spurrier or anyone else would go on his show if they didn't know him outside of what he does on the show. JMO

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Since myself and PChamp are the only ones who listen to the PFRN (or at least, the only ones who admit it). Just listened to the interview, didn't really see anything wrong with CTT going on there, and it would seem some of the ribbing between CTT and PF might lead me to believe that they maybe are friends.

If I was one of those Alabama fans who actually graduated from the school, I'd be kind of embarressed at the some of the Alabama callers.

PF comes on in two mins down here in Mobile, can't wait to drink about 12 beers and listen tonight, should be good.

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To those who believe that his show is "harmless entertainment", I say balderdash! This little prick spreads hatred, discord, rumor, and inuendo each and every day he is on the air. That's his business!!!!!! The fact that some of you even admit that he's lost much of his Auburn audience illustrates the fact that he is damaging Auburn's image to those who listen and don't know any better. (and they walk among us) He serves absolutely NO USEFUL OR POSITIVE purpose whatsoever and DOES do damage to Auburn's public image. The niavity of those who believe that he doesn't absolutely astounds me. As for me, I don't listen anymore and I urge real Auburn people not to as well. Moreover, I wish CTT wouldn't pay homage to this A wipe by being on his show. It's up to US to make him irrelevant!!!!!!! JMO

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Guest Tigrinum Major

That's his business!!!!!!

It's business, pure and simple.

It's not personal.

Get a grip on reality, my octogenarian friend.

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To those who believe that his show is "harmless entertainment", I say balderdash! This little prick spreads hatred, discord, rumor, and inuendo each and every day he is on the air. That's his business!!!!!! The fact that some of you even admit that he's lost much of his Auburn audience illustrates the fact that he is damaging Auburn's image to those who listen and don't know any better. (and they walk among us) He serves absolutely NO USEFUL OR POSITIVE purpose whatsoever and DOES do damage to Auburn's public image. The niavity of those who believe that he doesn't absolutely astounds me. As for me, I don't listen anymore and I urge real Auburn people not to as well. Moreover, I wish CTT wouldn't pay homage to this A wipe by being on his show. It's up to US to make him irrelevant!!!!!!! JMO

Nonsense. PF represents himself & his show, not AU. Therefore, he's not damaging AU with his opinions. He's free to offer up his opinions (right or wrong) on whatever subject he chooses. Any opinions he espouses are just that: opinions, not Gospel. If you think his constant prattling on to an ignorant bammie audience is damaging to AU, then you're the one being naive. The truth is, it doesn't matter who speaks to the bammies en masse -- they will always be the way they are due to genetics.

CTT is not "paying homage" to PF by appearing on his show. CTT is using PF's show to get his AU message out to as wide an audience as possible. That's smart PR.

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I wish CTT wouldn't pay homage to this A wipe by being on his show. It's up to US to make him irrelevant!!!!!!! JMO

PF made himself irrelevant ... it is up to mature AU people to simply open their eyes and recognize it.

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Wow you guys are unbelievable.

One, we all know (or you should know) that CTT and Finebaum are somewhat friends. They have great respect for eachother.

So there was one caller that talked about sociology and the MNC? You guys made it sound like there were like 8 callers all ragging on him that he should be scared of Saban and that he is doing a horrible job and that Auburn is about to fire him when he loses to Saban and that Alabama is the best team in the state and that heis a horrible coach. Whatever happened to the saying, "one guy doesn't speak for everyone."

Yea yea, I'm a bammer... whatever... what else is new with you guys. I'm not defending my status anymore, it's pointless with you guys.

And I LOVE how EVERYONE on this board is always saying to boycott Finebaum, lol yet you still listen. And you just "happened to know he was on today." You guys are something else.

I bet if one of you were a lawyer in a murder trial, your defense would be "Look at this guy. Look how ugly he is and how dumb he is. Of course he murdered the butler - he is from Tuscaloosa! And Alabama is nothing but rednecks! Case closed"

I do hear Bama has good law school. So you must know first hand about the redneck trash down there huh? :poke:

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