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CTT on Finebaum now.


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PC, instead of jumping on you about your insane remark, I am going to ask you to please enlighten us on how you came to the conclusion that PF and CTT are friends?

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Guest Tigrinum Major

PC, instead of jumping on you about your insane remark, I am going to ask you to please enlighten us on how you came to the conclusion that PF and CTT are friends?

Can you prove that they aren't?

I'm gonna need a link.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I'm going to type real slow for all of you.

Finebaum's radio show is entertainment, pure and simple. 99% of what he says is a schtick. Some of his callers are idiots, but they get on because people think they are idiots and they will call in to respond to them.

85% of the show is fake.

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Boy, somebody is in full smarta** mode today. :moon:

Seriously though, I agree with what you say about PF's show TM. It is all about getting people to call in to respond to the other stupid callers. However, PF did cross a line when he started encouraging the rumors and actually help start some himself, about Bro. Chette. Most other times I could not care less what he says on his show.

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I'm going to type real slow for all of you.

Finebaum's radio show is entertainment, pure and simple. 99% of what he says is a schtick. Some of his callers are idiots, but they get on because people think they are idiots and they will call in to respond to them.

85% of the show is fake.

You gotta' link on those percentages. Last I saw it was 94% and 80%. But that was before he switched networks.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Boy, somebody is in full smarta** mode today. :moon:

My point was, no one can prove that Finebaum and Tuberville are, or are not, friends. Finebaum's show is somewhere between 75 and 100% bull****. Do they hang out at Dave's after the show and drink beer? Probably not, but Paul doesn't drink and I don't know about Tommy.

But does Finebaum really believe 100% of the things that he says (and allows others to say) about Tuberville? No. It is entertainment. He's trying to generate interest and audience. And from the looks of things, he is using some of you as effective pawns. Not you, as I know you don't listen.

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I was just being sarcastic TM.

However, I think there is a lot more proof out there that they are not friends then that they are. But hey, if you want to take up for PChump, be my guest. :poke:

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I bet if one of you were a lawyer in a murder trial, your defense would be "Look at this guy. Look how ugly he is and how dumb he is. Of course he murdered the butler - he is from Tuscaloosa! And Alabama is nothing but rednecks! Case closed"

Ok, explain this analogy to me. If I'm a defense lawyer, why would I be saying that anyone murdered the butler? Wouldn't I be trying to prove that someone did NOT murder the butler? Or at least raise reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors?

Do you have the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney confused?

Or perhaps you were referring to the defense lawyer using what is known in legal circles as a Plan B, where the defense tries to make the juror believe that someone besides their client was the person that had opportunity and motive to kill the victim?

Either way, you need to be a little smarter and/or clearer in your analogies. You're almost a college graduate at this point and I don't want you embarassing my alma mater.

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Boy, somebody is in full smarta** mode today. :moon:

My point was, no one can prove that Finebaum and Tuberville are, or are not, friends. Finebaum's show is somewhere between 75 and 100% bull****. Do they hang out at Dave's after the show and drink beer? Probably not, but Paul doesn't drink and I don't know about Tommy.

But does Finebaum really believe 100% of the things that he says (and allows others to say) about Tuberville? No. It is entertainment. He's trying to generate interest and audience. And from the looks of things, he is using some of you as effective pawns. Not you, as I know you don't listen.

Why did he say "CTT runs a dirty program" when asked about it on the Cowherd show? Do you call that entertainment?

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Guest Tigrinum Major

However, I think there is a lot more proof out there that they are not friends then that they are.

Show me some. Besides snide remarks from Paul on a radio call-in show. I'll even take a quote from Tommy concerning what he thinks about Finebaum.

I content that there is no proof either way if you discount Finebaum's remarks made for entertainment purposes.

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

It's not up to you to agree or decide. It's apparently your primary duty to defend.

I heard parts of the interview. I heard Tuberville take the air within 5 minutes of Shane's monkey ass saying that Hugh Nall was the coordinator of massive payoffs to players that were funnelled through Brother Chette. I heard them defame and degrade Auburn, Coach Tuberville and the rest of the coaching staff up until the point that his interview started. It's the first time I've listened to Finebaum in three months and it was purely accidental. I was driving the car that doesn't have satellite radio and that was one of the pre-programmed stations. I stopped there when I heard comments about Chette and Nall and then found out Tuberville was up next.

I heard the callers ask Tuberville how many Auburn players were sociology majors. I heard them ask him how it felt to know that his shot to win a national title was over now that Saban was in town. I heard them make snide remarks about only beating Alabama "when they were down." I heard them all but accuse Chette of aiding and abetting rampant cheating at Auburn. I heard that the "Auburn fan" they allowed to get on the air sounded completely fake, like a bad Rick and Bubba impersonation of the Car Wash guy. He was so ignorant sounding that Finebaum took shots at him and encouraged Tuberville to join in. He didn't. I heard the complete and total disrespect for Auburn. I heard them make the same ignorant arguments the BammerPerrys and PCChumps of the world make on this board and apparently others. And I heard Tuberville respond with class and dignity. I was proud of how he handled the situation yesterday.

And I'm equally disgusted by your constant criticism of Auburn and now your burgeoning support of Alabama. You may consider yourself to be an Auburn fan. But you are not a part of this thing of ours. You don't get it. If you are an Auburn fan, I hope you eventually do.

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I bet if one of you were a lawyer in a murder trial, your defense would be "Look at this guy. Look how ugly he is and how dumb he is. Of course he murdered the butler - he is from Tuscaloosa! And Alabama is nothing but rednecks! Case closed"

First off, what is the matter with that?

I like the "wookie defense"

"look at the wookie"


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Guest Tigrinum Major

Why did he say "CTT runs a dirty program" when asked about it on the Cowherd show? Do you call that entertainment?

I didn't hear that. If you can get three other people to say they actually heard it, I'll believe you with no link.

But I would want to know the entire context of what he said also. Did he say that Tuberville ran a dirty program or that Auburn was a dirty program? There is a difference. Boosters can make a program dirty. And did he go on to say that no one in the SEC was clean? Context.

I can take a quasi-quote and make you believe that it means something other than what was actually said.

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I fully understand what PF is about and he's admitted on more than one occasion that much of what he does is schtick. I mean, no one in their right mind could possibly take Shane-for-Brains, Germ from Tuscaloosa, I-Prick or Bobby from Hardwood seriously. Well, no one except the Bammers who call in to argue.

That being said, I've cut the amount I listen by about 95.6% (I have a link on that) simply because it's been re-named, "An Afternoon With The Mullet Nation". His show is dominated by Bammie callers, Bammie topics and realizing that he's lost most of his Auburn audience, he caters to the audience he does have. I admit that I would listen if he was more balanced. I know what the show's about going in so I know a certain amount of what he does is going to be strictly for entertainment. I also admit I'm a life-long wrestling fan. I know going in that this is just entertainment too.

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However, I think there is a lot more proof out there that they are not friends then that they are.

Show me some. Besides snide remarks from Paul on a radio call-in show. I'll even take a quote from Tommy concerning what he thinks about Finebaum.

I content that there is no proof either way if you discount Finebaum's remarks made for entertainment purposes.

Umm...aren't you kind of making my point. You want me to prove that what Finebaum says is not what he actually thinks, yet is that not the only thing we have to go on if we are to say they are not friends. Since all we have are snide comments by PF, shouldn't it be that you have to prove that he only says that for entertainment and does not really mean it.

Do you have a comment from PF that states that he does not really mean the negative things he says about CTT, Bro. Chetter, and the AU football program in general?

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I don't give a flying **** if you prove it or not. Read the last sentence of the post you just quoted. I content that there is no proof either way. You ask PChamp to prove his position, while saying that the opposite exists. I ask you to prove yours, while saying that I believe neither of you can do so.

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Why did he say "CTT runs a dirty program" when asked about it on the Cowherd show? Do you call that entertainment?

I didn't hear that. If you can get three other people to say they actually heard it, I'll believe you with no link.

But I would want to know the entire context of what he said also. Did he say that Tuberville ran a dirty program or that Auburn was a dirty program? There is a difference. Boosters can make a program dirty. And did he go on to say that no one in the SEC was clean? Context.

I can take a quasi-quote and make you believe that it means something other than what was actually said.

Go back and pull the Chadd Scott interview off Monty Burns' website. 7/13 It originally aired last year when the NYT sociology story broke and then he replayed it after the Scott segment. Cowerd asked him point blank "Do you think AU is a dirty program?" His answer was a quick yes.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Then he did not say what you just quoted him as saying.

And that goes nowhere to prove anything to do with the relationship between Tuberville and Finebaum.

Dye ran a less than clean program and he and Finebaum were at least business partners.

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That just don't make sense!

Sure it does.

Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, [approaches and softens] does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

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