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CTT on Finebaum now.


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For those that didn't listen. He basically just kept his cool while the Bama idiots just tried to rip him and Auburn. He did a nice job of showing his class while each caller showed his a$$. Think this would have happened to Saban?

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For those that didn't listen. He basically just kept his cool while the Bama idiots just tried to rip him and Auburn. He did a nice job of showing his class while each caller showed his a$$. Think this would have happened to Saban?

By 'Bama idiots', I'm guesing you mean the host ? I live in ATL, so I didn't hear the interview. What sorts of things were being said that 'ripped' Auburn ? Hell, if 5 in a row isn't enough to shut them up, what is ???


Guess it'll have to be 6 in a row then. :)

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

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CTT is the man. Plain and simple. If he'll go on with Dan Patrick the day after he ripped ESPN and man-up, Finedong is a piece of cake. Got a question. I only listen to the bald-headed rodent (Props to TT...he is a rodent) every now and then. In all the years Mike Shula was there, I never heard an interview PF did with him. I haven't heard Saban either. Not saying they haven't granted an interview, but has anyone heard Finescum put a mic in front of these guys? Was it a love fest or were any hard questions asked?

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

Well, once again, you show your true colors and how much of an :moon: you can be. Yet you wonder why most of us pounce on you so much. :rolleyes:

Just and FYI for all you true :au: people, I did bring myself to listen for a few minutes just because CTT was on there, but I was like most others and wished he would not have given the scumbag the time of day.

Basically what Matt said about the bammer callers hit the nail on the head. They showed their behinds while CTT remained classy. One bammer idiot even tried to use the "UAT has been down the last few years because of probation" excuse and then asked CTT did he think he missed a chance to win a MNC now that Saban was at UAT. CTT was very classy, but also added there were other SEC teams he had to worry about and beat also. :lol: Then the same bammer also asked how many of our football players were sociology majors. CTT again gave a classy answer on how that degree was a good degree and those problems have been fixed.

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

says our resident bammer

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my favorite part: the 23 minute mark. classic! :roflol:

"Who is Shane??" -TT

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

So you are just a flat out Bammer. At least I know there's no middle ground in how to approach you from here on out.

Good luck budday! :thumbsup:

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

Well, I'm listening now and the first dumbass bammer that got on there managed to show his ass. First he asked if he thought since Saban was at Bama now if CTT felt he'd missed his change to win a MNC, then asked how many of our guys are getting sociology degrees.

BTW, kudos to CTT for this gem of a line:

"Who is Shane?" :roflol:

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

Well, I'm listening now and the first dumbass bammer that got on there managed to show his ass. First he asked if he thought since Saban was at Bama now if CTT felt he'd missed his change to win a MNC, then asked how many of our guys are getting sociology degrees.

BTW, kudos to CTT for this gem of a line:

"Who is Shane?" :roflol:

I did not listen too much past that first bammer call. After that, I figured the rest of the calls was just PF mostly lining up the bammers to talk. He let the first caller be an AU person and I just had a feeling there would not be many of us after that.

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Ranger, I listened to the whole interview and I thought Tubbs handled the backwoods, toothless, dog fighting, wifebeatin, sister datin, white trash pos bammers with class! Great Job and WDe anyway :big:

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Ranger, I listened to the whole interview and I thought Tubbs handled the backwoods, toothless, dog fighting, wifebeatin, sister datin, white trash pos bammers with class! Great Job and WDe anyway :big:

Redundant.... :lol:


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How disappointing that CTT feels he has to go on that show. I'm sure he did handle it well, but I

imagine the other side thinks they pinned CTT down. Coach Tuberville should continue to answer the Auburn people and leave the circus shows to the bammers.

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Yea, before you go around whining about the Bama fans showing their ass infront of CTT, I would like to hear an example or two so we can agree or decide that you will just say anything to make fun of Bammers.

I see Ranger, Titan and Chopper answered you for me. Thanks guys.

My favorite part was near the end when CTT put Finebaum on the spot about being one sided lately. Finebaum said something to the affect of "I'm like I've always been". CTT in turn said, "yeah and we know what that is". He's all yours BG. B)

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If everyone Emailed CTT's office about not giving pondscum the time of day there

is the chance it will influence him next time.

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Wow you guys are unbelievable.

One, we all know (or you should know) that CTT and Finebaum are somewhat friends. They have great respect for eachother.

So there was one caller that talked about sociology and the MNC? You guys made it sound like there were like 8 callers all ragging on him that he should be scared of Saban and that he is doing a horrible job and that Auburn is about to fire him when he loses to Saban and that Alabama is the best team in the state and that heis a horrible coach. Whatever happened to the saying, "one guy doesn't speak for everyone."

Yea yea, I'm a bammer... whatever... what else is new with you guys. I'm not defending my status anymore, it's pointless with you guys.

And I LOVE how EVERYONE on this board is always saying to boycott Finebaum, lol yet you still listen. And you just "happened to know he was on today." You guys are something else.

I bet if one of you were a lawyer in a murder trial, your defense would be "Look at this guy. Look how ugly he is and how dumb he is. Of course he murdered the butler - he is from Tuscaloosa! And Alabama is nothing but rednecks! Case closed"

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Wow you guys are unbelievable.

One, we all know (or you should know) that CTT and Finebaum are somewhat friends. They have great respect for eachother.

So there was one caller that talked about sociology and the MNC? You guys made it sound like there were like 8 callers all ragging on him that he should be scared of Saban and that he is doing a horrible job and that Auburn is about to fire him when he loses to Saban and that Alabama is the best team in the state and that heis a horrible coach. Whatever happened to the saying, "one guy doesn't speak for everyone."

Yea yea, I'm a bammer... whatever... what else is new with you guys. I'm not defending my status anymore, it's pointless with you guys.

And I LOVE how EVERYONE on this board is always saying to boycott Finebaum, lol yet you still listen. And you just "happened to know he was on today." You guys are something else.

I bet if one of you were a lawyer in a murder trial, your defense would be "Look at this guy. Look how ugly he is and how dumb he is. Of course he murdered the butler - he is from Tuscaloosa! And Alabama is nothing but rednecks! Case closed"

Actually, I am a lawyer and if I was DEFENDING someone, I probably wouldn't use the ole "Of course he murdered the butler" defense. Most juries see right through that sort of thing.

As for Finebum, as I've always listened to him sporadically. Not very much in the last few months because his show has turned into An Afternoon With The Mullet Nation." I get about 10 minutes a day of him while I'm driving home from work.

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First off the only reason I listened yesterday was because CTT was on. I saw it posted on ITAT so I listened. And you say CTT and slimebaum are good friends? You lost every bit of credibility you ever had by saying this. CTT had not been on his show in over two years until the big golf tourney. CTT knows that Finebaum is as much a Bammer supporter as Cecil Hurt is.

So there was one caller that talked about sociology and the MNC? You guys made it sound like there were like 8 callers all ragging on him that he should be scared of Saban and that he is doing a horrible job and that Auburn is about to fire him when he loses to Saban and that Alabama is the best team in the state and that heis a horrible coach. Whatever happened to the saying, "one guy doesn't speak for everyone."

So you think if Saban was on Finbaum's show, he would have to take calls from AU fans? :no::no:

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I can't believe pc119 expects anyone to think CTT has any respect for Finescum.

He may be the only one on this forum and I think I know where his allegences lie.

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I too listen to Finebaum in 10 minute sessions on my way home from work.

I don't think doing so will bring the death and destruction upon our program that you guys make it out to be.

He's a bammer homer. The callers feed into the mullet nation stereotype. It's comic relief for me.

That being said...

CTT is the man. Plain and simple. If he'll go on with Dan Patrick the day after he ripped ESPN and man-up, Finedong is a piece of cake. Got a question. I only listen to the bald-headed rodent (Props to TT...he is a rodent) every now and then. In all the years Mike Shula was there, I never heard an interview PF did with him. I haven't heard Saban either. Not saying they haven't granted an interview, but has anyone heard Finescum put a mic in front of these guys? Was it a love fest or were any hard questions asked?

So from time to time in my 10 minute session I hear him go off on how CTT is spineless and afraid to come on the show and just the other day he concluded "I don't even want him on here anymore."


Where's the Saban interview so far this season? Where were the Shula interviews? Why does that get a pass, but CTT's a coward (despite the fact that he actually DID do an interview)? I wish he would have made that point.

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