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Kerry:"Dean Unelectable"

DKW 86

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Here Kerry states what so many are comparing Dean to McGovern. McGovern had many young ideological followers. Dean is that way too. What we are also seeing is that the Dems are already seeing it too. Saw Donna Brazile on C-SPAN today. She called for many of the Dem candidates to quit now, concentrate on Gephardt or Kerry.

Seems many are getting ready for the landslide of 2004. George Will cited on "This Week" that W's numbers are nearly exactly those of Reagan in 1984. He also predicted an almost certain landslide. Said "it compares to 1984, when Reagan took every state but Minnesota."

Many are seeing this now. Even the Dems.

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i'm w/ al...i count no chickens before they're hatched.

after the 2000 election, which i thought bush had handily, i'll not presume anything.

i think the saner (more sane?) side of the dem party is beginning to see that the 'anti-bush' campaign isn't gonna be enough...they gotta offer something.

watch edwards and gephardt...my new prediction for the dem side, i think those 2 will show well...maybe not well enough, but will show well.

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The anti-Bush rhetoric serves two purposes. First, it points out the glaring shortcomings of this president and second, it's energizing many, many people to rally around a common cause and that is to relieve GWB of his command in November.

I love it!!!

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The anti-Bush rhetoric serves two purposes. First, it points out the glaring shortcomings of this president and second, it's energizing many, many people to rally around a common cause and that is to relieve GWB of his command in November.

I love it!!!

well, good luck with that, al.

couple it w/ some catchy phrase like, "it's the economy stupid", and you may be on to something.

i think banking on there being enough anti-bush sentiment at the time of the election is a risky proposition if you're really serious about winning this election.

if you're just priming the pumps for a hillary run in 2008, then i think you're on the right track.


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"It's Bush, stupid!!!"

I have complete faith in Dubya to provide plenty of gas to pour on the anti-Bush flames!!! He can't help it.

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