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Eat Beef?


Will you eat less beef, none or the same?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you eat less beef, none or the same?

    • 1) Yes, Mad Cow disease will scare me away from ALL beef.
    • 2) No, it won't change my love for hamburgers and steaks.
    • 3) I may eat less beef but I will not give up beef altogether.
    • 4) Who cares? I'm a vegetarian.

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With Mad Cow Disease having been found in Washington state and not being able to kill the disease by cooking or other means, will this make you less likely to eat beef?

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I dont eat a lot of beef now that I am 40 plus. It is jjust party of the aging and weight gain stuff. I love steak but cant eat too often. Too hard to digest.

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If it spreads and I have to stop, I will not be a fun person to be around. :lol: If I was a wild animal, I would definetly be a carnivore.

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If it spreads...maybe...but not now

The thing that worries me is the British didn't take it too seriously until there were confirmed human casualties. It was supposed to be quarantined in England but has found it's way onto our shore. With an incubation period of 4-5 years, I don't feel safe eating it AT THIS TIME until I can be assured that the one cow found is an isolated case. If it's given to cows by feeding them infected cow parts, how did the contaminated feed get by and where else could that feed have ended up? Until we get answers, HELLO Chik-Fil-A!!

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If it spreads...maybe...but not now

The thing that worries me is the British didn't take it too seriously until there were confirmed human casualties. It was supposed to be quarantined in England but has found it's way onto our shore. With an incubation period of 4-5 years, I don't feel safe eating it AT THIS TIME until I can be assured that the one cow found is an isolated case. If it's given to cows by feeding them infected cow parts, how did the contaminated feed get by and where else could that feed have ended up? Until we get answers, HELLO Chik-Fil-A!!

Chik-Fil-A's are all over campus in Athens since it started in Atlanta I think.....its soooooooo good :):)

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If it spreads...maybe...but not now

The thing that worries me is the British didn't take it too seriously until there were confirmed human casualties. It was supposed to be quarantined in England but has found it's way onto our shore. With an incubation period of 4-5 years, I don't feel safe eating it AT THIS TIME until I can be assured that the one cow found is an isolated case. If it's given to cows by feeding them infected cow parts, how did the contaminated feed get by and where else could that feed have ended up? Until we get answers, HELLO Chik-Fil-A!!

Chik-Fil-A's are all over campus in Athens since it started in Atlanta I think.....its soooooooo good :):)

The owner of Chik-Fil-A is one of the men I admire most. He isn't one of these TV evangelist types who uses the word of the Lord asa foundation for a multibillion dollar empire. What he does is live the word of the Lord and use his actions as a testimony to God's words.

S. Truett Cathy has a policy of closing his restaurants on Sunday in honor of the Lord's day. Can you imagine the money he loses by doing that? And yet, he doesn't advertise his policies or appear on television with a holier-than-thou attitude. He merely lives his convictions. He also routinely gives free speeches to religious groups around the country. Could you see Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell doing any of that?

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Chik-Fil-A has cute signs with cows, but they put MSG (monosodium glutimate) in every piece of chicken they serve. The stuff is poison to the system of humans and roughly 10% of all Americans are allergic to this additive, although most do not know what is causing their problems.

That really sounds like someone to admire!!! He closes his stores on Sunday, but the other six days of the week, he loads his product with a foreign substance that fools the customer into thinking it tastes great so he can increase profits at the expense of the customers' health. VERY ADMIRABLE INDEED!!!!!!!!!!

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Chik-Fil-A has cute signs with cows, but they put MSG (monosodium glutimate) in every piece of chicken they serve. The stuff is poison to the system of humans and roughly 10% of all Americans are allergic to this additive, although most do not know what is causing their problems.

That really sounds like someone to admire!!! He closes his stores on Sunday, but the other six days of the week, he loads his product with a foreign substance that fools the customer into thinking it tastes great so he can increase profits at the expense of the customers' health. VERY ADMIRABLE INDEED!!!!!!!!!!

Link please? Show some facts please. If you want to go that route, you might as well indict any owner of any food business, including farmers for the pesticides they have to use. There are all sorts of additive and preservatives put in foods these days that could cause all sorts of health problems. If you want foods without something being added, I suggest first of all, don't eat any fast food period. What did you expect, grandma's cooking? :lol: Secondly to avoid all those additives such as MSG, your best bet is to start growing your own food and killing you own meat. Not trying to be a jerk, just being a realist. :D Not a big fan of slandering somebody without good solid proof.

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Ranger, what sort of link would you like? If you mean a link to the hazards of MSG, I can provide you with several. If you mean one that proves that Chik-Fil-A uses the stuff in all their foods; that is something that the do not avertise for the obvious reasons. But the managers at some of their stores will tell you, if you ask as I did. Do I need to take a 60 Minutes hidden camera to show you?

The fact is that I'm trying to do as you suggest, either to grow my own, or find sources of naturally grown products. I've been doing that for several years, but there are occasions when far from home that you have to either find a "safe" place to eat or go hungry. It was such an occasion that led me to the discovery of MSG (to which I'm highly allergic) at Chik-Fil-A.

MSG is an additive that does NOT have to be added to any food! It is there for the sole purpose of improving the flavor, or technically, as some say, fooling the brain into thinking the food tastes better than it does. This is done so that, as Southlink says, you will buy "that incredible food" increasing sales and profits.

Ranger, you and I usually think alike, somewhere right of Rush Limbaugh, LOL. If you'll look at my posts, you will see that I don't normally rant. My post on this thread was simply a reaction to Donutboy's attempt to deify the owner. Here are a few links that discuss some of the problems associated with MSG. Since you asked, I hope you'll take the time to check them out.

MSG and Migranes

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

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As soon as I heard the news on the 24th, I promptly turned into Wendy's and bought 2 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. Mmmmmm.

BTW, chickens are the nastiest animals that I ever had the displeasure of being around. I eat as few of them as possible.

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As soon as I heard the news on the 24th, I promptly turned into Wendy's and bought 2 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. Mmmmmm.

BTW, chickens are the nastiest animals that I ever had the displeasure of being around. I eat as few of them as possible.

The suspect beef has now been tracked to 8 different states and Guam. U.S. Officials Say Suspect Beef Went to a Wider Region Mmmmmm, you can have my hamburgers for now. I'm sticking to Pork and Chicken until I can be assured that my beef is untainted. Go to Google and research Mad Cow Disease in Humans. It wastes your brain away and is described as a horrible death. Mad Cow Disease in humans

BTW, on the msg, I did a Google search on Chik-fil-a and msg and found no reputable links. All I found was message boards such as this one where other members make the same claim. I'm not saying Chik-fil-a doesn't use msg. Every other fast food chain does, so I'm sure they do, too. I would assume that anyone eating at a fast food restaurant knows that what they're eating isn't healthy, wouldn't you? ANY fried food is bad for you.

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If you read my last post, Donutboy, you will see that restaurants do NOT advertise their use of MSG, you have to ask the manager to find out. That is what I did.

Not all restaurants, not even all fast food restaurants, use MSG. One that did not and may still not is Wendy's; I haven't checked in quite some time.

The only way to make a change in the in the use of unhealthy ingredients is to use whatever means, eating elsewhere, publicity, writing the company and etc. Some companies are acutely aware of the hazards of MSG; others simply choose to look the other way as long as no one takes them to task.

In dealing with this and other food related health issues over the years, I've found that most people, customers and restaurant managers/owners really don't want to know what they're eating or selling. That attitude is going to result in continued increases in food related health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity that are plagueing our society. The large food conglomerates who produce these products..... and who fund the majority of studies relative to food safety have put the welfare of their customers well down their list of priorities. Conspiracy theory, NO, just greed. And for the consumer, what you don't know CAN hurt you!!!!

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If you read my last post, Donutboy, you will see that restaurants do NOT advertise their use of MSG, you have to ask the manager to find out. That is what I did.

Not all restaurants, not even all fast food restaurants, use MSG. One that did not and may still not is Wendy's; I haven't checked in quite some time.

The only way to make a change in the in the use of unhealthy ingredients is to use whatever means, eating elsewhere, publicity, writing the company and etc. Some companies are acutely aware of the hazards of MSG; others simply choose to look the other way as long as no one takes them to task.

In dealing with this and other food related health issues over the years, I've found that most people, customers and restaurant managers/owners really don't want to know what they're eating or selling. That attitude is going to result in continued increases in food related health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity that are plagueing our society. The large food conglomerates who produce these products..... and who fund the majority of studies relative to food safety have put the welfare of their customers well down their list of priorities. Conspiracy theory, NO, just greed. And for the consumer, what you don't know CAN hurt you!!!!

Let me leave this string with one simple thought. There's no healthy way to fry food, be it hamburgers, chicken or pork. I don't think anyone's purposely putting anything in our food simply to poison us, including the Mad Cow Disease problem. However, the effects of poor diet and MSG can be overcome by changing our eating habits. Mad Cow Disease is incurable. I may be overreacting on this but until I can be assured there's not a life-and-death health risk in eating hamburger, I can go without them until all the answers to all of the questions have been answered.

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I am not going to throw out the beef industry until more is known.

But, if you are frightened now, you will most likely not be reassured when the USDA says "All is well"

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I am not going to throw out the beef industry until more is known.

But, if you are frightened now, you will most likely not be reassured when the USDA says "All is well"

True. I don't know. It just didn't seem as scary when we thought it was isolated in England. Now that we know that it wasn't, it makes you wonder. I do have friends who raise cows. I may have to turn to them for some beef until this thing blows over.

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...but they put MSG (monosodium glutimate) in every piece of chicken they serve.

There can't be THAT much, if any, MSG in Chik-Fil_A food - I am allergic to MSG - it upsets my stomach terribly within 30 minutes of digesting ANY amount - and I eat at Chik-Fil-A at least once a week with no ill effects.

The owner also awards college scholarships to large numbers of his employees. He is definitely a businessman to be admired, not villified.

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I think you misunderstand my post, and as hard as this is to say, I think you misunderstood Donutboy's post. The owner of Chick-Fil-A has made a stand for his faith and the way he runs his company. I worked there at one time and it is a classy organization. He stood up against all the malls that wanted him to open on Sundays, because most malls want you to be open seven days a week inside their building. I don't think Donutboy was making him out to be a diety, but as an honorable man. However, if you would go back and read your post, it sounds like you are making the man out to be a devil, which is ridiculous to slander him like that. You judge him as a person because there is MSG in the chicken? Please tell me where you can find a perfect fast food joint with no additives that can cause health problems. I asked for a link that talks about him purposely doing this and not caring about it. Everybody already knows about MSG, I just asked for a solid link supporting the claim against Chick-Fil-A compared to other fast food joints. Like Jenny said, if there is so much MSG in those sandwiches, then I should be in poor health, not in perfect health, because I eat there for lunch at least twice a week for the past 5 years. I just think it is unfair for you to "demonize" a good Christian man and make it sound like he is purposely doing that for and evil motive. If you are going to do that, like I said before, you better point the fingers at all fast food places and even our struggling farmers. I know I am probably coming off as a jerk and I do not mean it that way, but the USDA and FDA apparently think the food is alright or he would not be in business. Unless you want to start growing and hunting your own food, it is going to be hard for you to eat something these days that does not have the possibility of causing health problems down the road.

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There have been reports for years about "flame broiled burgers" (Hardees, BK) containing carcinogens in the "charcoal" parts - you know, the "burned parts" from the flames. Obviously no one cared, as both joints are still in existence, and if that theory holds true, what about the gazillion times a week people grill out at home and eat their meat well done? Only the fast food grills cause cancer? :blink:

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