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The Grade Change "Scandal" Poll

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The Grade Change "Scandal" Poll  

74 members have voted

  1. 1. Did this "scandal" really hurt Auburn/

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not Really
  2. 2. Is this scandal more about WHEN it came out?

    • Yes, shows someone trying to run Saban scandal out of the headlines
    • No, it was just what it was a typical negative summer story on AU.
    • We wont know for quite some time.
  3. 3. What else does this reveal?

    • Desperation on the part of those that started it.
    • That smears on anyone can happen with the fools in the press.
    • Any story will get headlines when the summer boring season is on us.

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Actually, I though the Sociology story was largely Auburn's fault. If that department had had it's house in better order, there would have been no story to spin. The NYT spin was a bit salacious, but that's what the media tends to do. Best course of action is to provide no situations that are so easy to exploit. My point is that you tend to whine with the worst of them BG on refs, or whatever, so you are just not a very credible messenger on this front.

Whatever. I'm in a perfectly good position to point out hypocrasy. And David has become Captian Conspiracy Theory lately, and it's growing old. You and I both know that it is absolutely asinine to suggest that this situation is Alabama's fault. And for you guys to call us whiners for all those years in regards to the Means issue, you sure do seem to blame UA for all your ills.

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Actually, I though the Sociology story was largely Auburn's fault. If that department had had it's house in better order, there would have been no story to spin. The NYT spin was a bit salacious, but that's what the media tends to do. Best course of action is to provide no situations that are so easy to exploit. My point is that you tend to whine with the worst of them BG on refs, or whatever, so you are just not a very credible messenger on this front.

Whatever. I'm in a perfectly good position to point out hypocrasy. And David has become Captian Conspiracy Theory lately, and it's growing old. You and I both know that it is absolutely asinine to suggest that this situation is Alabama's fault. And for you guys to call us whiners for all those years in regards to the Means issue, you sure do seem to blame UA for all your ills.

I haven't blamed anyone. To me, Bama hasn't even regained relevance yet. And this ain't one of our "ills", as far as I'm concerned.

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.



What are you basing that on?

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

Well, that clears it up. :rolleyes:

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

Well, that clears it up. :rolleyes:

Fine then, you explain it. Why the favoritism?

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

Well, that clears it up. :rolleyes:

Fine then, you explain it. Why the favoritism?

I'm asking you what you base your charge of favoritism on. When you say he "wasn't given the same treatment", what exactly are you talking about and what are you basing that assertion on.

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You bammers can try to deny it until you are blue in the face, and you guys are good at denail, but that whole story had misleading headlines all across the state in every paper. They wanted you to read that headline and automatically think that AU had something to do with that.

They know that most bammers can't read that well and will not read past the headlines anyway to know the whole truth about the story.

Now you BG and you other UAT homers can try to come back with some smart aleck comeback or excuse, but you might as well be arguing with a brick wall. I think sometimes you forget what board you are on when you try to convince us with your bammer logic. Somebody with UAT connections just got burnt trying to lay something on AU and it is killing you guys that nothing came of it. Bammers are looking for any way the can beat us, even if they have to do it when "we are down". ;)

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You bammers can try to deny it until you are blue in the face, and you guys are good at denail, but that whole story had misleading headlines all across the state in every paper. They wanted you to read that headline and automatically think that AU had something to do with that.

They know that most bammers can't read that well and will not read past the headlines anyway to know the whole truth about the story.

Now you BG and you other UAT homers can try to come back with some smart aleck comeback or excuse, but you might as well be arguing with a brick wall. I think sometimes you forget what board you are on when you try to convince us with your bammer logic. Somebody with UAT connections just got burnt trying to lay something on AU and it is killing you guys that nothing came of it. Bammers are looking for any way the can beat us, even if they have to do it when "we are down". ;)

First, kudos on the grammar skills.

Secondly, you are right. It's a statewide, no, NATIONWIDE conspiracy. Alabama fans, who are all idiots according to you, have managed to gain every high ranking office in the state print media. Not only that, but they have also gained enough power to control the New York Times as well.


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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

Well, that clears it up. :rolleyes:

Fine then, you explain it. Why the favoritism?

I'm asking you what you base your charge of favoritism on. When you say he "wasn't given the same treatment", what exactly are you talking about and what are you basing that assertion on.

Sorry, if I seem vague, but I was under the impression you understood what I posted. I was trying leaving it up to whomever is reading. Two DBs recruits of the same High School, BC Rain, are recruit by auburn and bama. One recruit, Ryan Williams, chose auburn. The other teamate, Elliot McGaskin, chose bama. Ryan Williams grades are changed and Elliot McGaskin is demmed academically ineligible because of grades. Descipher, and form your own opinion, because I have certainly formed my own. So, I repeat take it for what it is worth.

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I rarely listen to more than 10 minutes per week of Paul Finescum. Most often, the only reason I listen that much is because I listen to the local sports talk guy in the morning so when I get in the car in the afternoon after work, the radio is blaring out Shane for Brains or I-Manlove or Flem from Tuscaloosa etc. This past Friday, Slimedong was begging Auburn folks to call in and defend Auburn on this grade changing scandal.

I know it's all a ploy and I don't want to get into a discussion on the merits of Paul Flemflong's take on anything. But, bottom line is that he, nor half the readers in this State bothered to look past the headlines and thousands of folks will still be trying to make something negative out of this all week long. It's shoddy jouranlism. It DOES wreak of homerism conspiracy. It's main intent is probably nothing more than to cause negative pub for Auburn but then again, that's all that could possibly come of it with the most eloquent of Bammer spin. Why, because the TRUTH is that AU had nothing to do with it and reporting otherwise would be libelous. But it doesn't stop these numbnuts from trying to spin a headline or two for effect.

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I will say this, a recuit from the same HS, BC Rain, commited to us last year. He however wasn't given the same treatment as the signee from :au: Take it for whatever it's worth.http://alabama.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp...mp;pr_key=46106


What are you basing that on?

Well, that clears it up. :rolleyes:

Fine then, you explain it. Why the favoritism?

I'm asking you what you base your charge of favoritism on. When you say he "wasn't given the same treatment", what exactly are you talking about and what are you basing that assertion on.

Sorry, if I seem vague, but I was under the impression you understood what I posted. I was trying leaving it up to whomever is reading. Two DBs recruits of the same High School, BC Rain, are recruit by auburn and bama. One recruit, Ryan Williams, chose auburn. The other teamate, Elliot McGaskin, chose bama. Ryan Williams grades are changed and Elliot McGaskin is demmed academically ineligible because of grades. Descipher, and form your own opinion, because I have certainly formed my own. So, I repeat take it for what it is worth.

Well, my opinion is that it was unprofessional, and arguably illegal, for Dr. Hodge to release personally identifying info about students. I know it was illegal for the unnamed sources to do so. Why did they do it? Why would they possibly do it?

We don't have many actual facts beyond that. Did these two guys each have one grade changed? More? Why? Did the alleged change make a difference? From what I understand, McGaskin wasn't even close to qualifying so a grade correction may not have mattered.

So far, the only clearly inappropriate thing we know was done, was the release of their names to the media. Based on the known facts, it is more logical to conclude that someone's football preferences influenced that than it is to conclude Auburn was involved in any wrongdoing.

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I skimmed the thread and got the cliffs notes version of it.

My .02.

I have my own website/message board. Outside of a random two or three people that read the article...the general theme was "auburn is changing recruits grades/cheating"

The topic faded away just as fast when it was discovered that it had no legs/connection to Auburn but it changed the topic of "Nick Saban is cheating...blah blah blah"

I'd imagine it's safe to say that a few SEC/Alabama boards are making this into an Auburn doing bad stuff thing...and i'd image that a few Auburn boards/posters are defending this. I'd also image the topic of Nick Saban talking to kids on South Florida too long is not the topic of the week as well.

Do I think it's a story? Sure. (relasing the kid's names...esp. during the investigation without their knowing was really classless). Would anyone be suprised (I know it's an Auburn board that has Alabama posters) that the "source" that dropped this bit of information had motives?

I just hope the adults that are tinkering with these kids lives for football are happy with themselves.

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So you are saying that if a UA commit had his grades changed, it wouldn't be in the paper?

You know it's so funny. You guys always complained about Bama fans and their conspiracy theories. But everytime something POTENTIALLY negative about AU comes out, it's STILL some anti auburn conspiracy run by Bama people.

I have never heard you guys ever take ownership of any of the negative press regarding Auburn. It's always OUR fault.

You know what, I'm starting to think the line "my brother pooped in my diaper, it wasn't me I swear" was invented by an Auburn fan.

UA commits HAVE had their grades changed. It happens all the time. When was the last time you read about it on the front page of a major newspaper?

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I don't blamer bammer. I have no knowledge that anyone in an official capacity with Alabama-Tuscaloosa had a hand in this. I blame bammer sympathizers eaten up with Auburn's success of late doing anything they can to help Mama.

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My opinion:

I think if the two students had signed with Bama, the headlines would have read "Alabama Signees' Grades Changed". I think the newspapers are mostly interested in selling papers, and putting either school's name in the headlines will increase sales--even if the article later points out that school's innocence and non-involvement. Think of it from a business point of view: Unlike the local Tuscaloosa or Auburn papers, big state papers like the Mobile or Birmingham rags make the most money by trying to maintain some semblance of neutrality--that way they can sell to both teams' fans. Become too much of a homer for only one team and you lose half your readers.

Similarly, I have a hard time believing it's smart from a business standpoint to sit pat on a story--taking a chance of losing a "scoop" and the circulation associated with it--just to show favoritism to one school. Timing-wise, I think the story came out as soon as the paper could get it out, not when the paper thought it would be politically expedient for a particular school.

Basically, I'm saying from the newspaper's point of view, I think it's all about $$$, not :au: or :ua: .

...does seem like a violation of the players' confidentiality rights however, particularly while the investigation is still on-going.

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UA commits HAVE had their grades changed. It happens all the time. When was the last time you read about it on the front page of a major newspaper?


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Well, my opinion is that it was unprofessional, and arguably illegal, for Dr. Hodge to release personally identifying info about students. I know it was illegal for the unnamed sources to do so. Why did they do it? Why would they possibly do it?

We don't have many actual facts beyond that. Did these two guys each have one grade changed? More? Why? Did the alleged change make a difference? From what I understand, McGaskin wasn't even close to qualifying so a grade correction may not have mattered.

So far, the only clearly inappropriate thing we know was done, was the release of their names to the media. Based on the known facts, it is more logical to conclude that someone's football preferences influenced that than it is to conclude Auburn was involved in any wrongdoing.

its funny how you guys sit there and claim the bama fans are morons and didn't read past the headline, when apparently half of you didn't read the story either, or the newspaper you read chose not to copy certain parts of the MPR report.

Both students whose grades are in question have received scholarships to play at Auburn, according to officials close to the situation.

names were not released.

Dodge said he could not release the names of the students.

But Ryan Williams, a defensive back, is the only 2007 B.C. Rain graduate who received a scholarship to play at Auburn, and Nick Fairley, a lineman, is the only Williamson graduate to do so this year.

again, no names were released. it doesn't take a genius to look at those two schools and say "gee, only 1 person from each of the two schools got a scholorship to AU" and figure out who they are.

so, you need to get YOUR facts straight. the school board never released a name, neither did the other sources. the MPR figured that out on their own according to the story.

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You bammers can try to deny it until you are blue in the face, and you guys are good at denail, but that whole story had misleading headlines all across the state in every paper. They wanted you to read that headline and automatically think that AU had something to do with that.

They know that most bammers can't read that well and will not read past the headlines anyway to know the whole truth about the story.

Now you BG and you other UAT homers can try to come back with some smart aleck comeback or excuse, but you might as well be arguing with a brick wall. I think sometimes you forget what board you are on when you try to convince us with your bammer logic. Somebody with UAT connections just got burnt trying to lay something on AU and it is killing you guys that nothing came of it. Bammers are looking for any way the can beat us, even if they have to do it when "we are down". ;)

it seems like its killing you guys that we aren't trying to argue that AU has a hand in it. we're saying that it has nothing to do with AU, but it seems you want to stuff it in our mouths that we think it does. NONE OF US THINK IT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH AUBURN. THE GRADE CHANGES HAPPENED BEFORE THESE GUYS COMMITTED ANYWHERE. now the AU conspiracy machine has decided that somehow bama is responsible for this story. we're simply pointing out how hypocritical you guys are. anytime anything negative about AU comes out in a newspaper or media, its always someone else's fault. its ESPN's fault, its bama's fault, its whoever you can remotely link someone's mama's aunt's sister's brother's cousin's uncle's daddy's mother in law's son to fault. its always a conspiracy. someone is always out to get you. a rumor about bama gets posted on a miami message board and it's instant truth. a rumor gets posted on any message board anywhere and its instant truth.

p.s. watch out for the black helicopters

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Well, my opinion is that it was unprofessional, and arguably illegal, for Dr. Hodge to release personally identifying info about students. I know it was illegal for the unnamed sources to do so. Why did they do it? Why would they possibly do it?

We don't have many actual facts beyond that. Did these two guys each have one grade changed? More? Why? Did the alleged change make a difference? From what I understand, McGaskin wasn't even close to qualifying so a grade correction may not have mattered.

So far, the only clearly inappropriate thing we know was done, was the release of their names to the media. Based on the known facts, it is more logical to conclude that someone's football preferences influenced that than it is to conclude Auburn was involved in any wrongdoing.

its funny how you guys sit there and claim the bama fans are morons and didn't read past the headline, when apparently half of you didn't read the story either, or the newspaper you read chose not to copy certain parts of the MPR report.

Both students whose grades are in question have received scholarships to play at Auburn, according to officials close to the situation.

names were not released.

Dodge said he could not release the names of the students.

But Ryan Williams, a defensive back, is the only 2007 B.C. Rain graduate who received a scholarship to play at Auburn, and Nick Fairley, a lineman, is the only Williamson graduate to do so this year.

again, no names were released. it doesn't take a genius to look at those two schools and say "gee, only 1 person from each of the two schools got a scholorship to AU" and figure out who they are.

so, you need to get YOUR facts straight. the school board never released a name, neither did the other sources. the MPR figured that out on their own according to the story.

First of all, you don't know what exact information the unnamed sources gave out, but it was, as you pointed out, clearly personally identifiable information since the players were so easily personally identified. Thanks for making that point so succinctly.


The young men were "identified" under the law.

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The grade change "scandal" is basically over as far as "damaging" :au: Most now see the truth that the grades were "changed" before these two ever committed to :au: , while they were being recruited by other schools. I am now told that other students in Mobile were done the same way but only our recruits were sited...Things that make you go hhhhmmmm.

I think the parents should hire some guns and get very rich myself.

I've noticed you are selectively pro-trial lawyer...

Before I vote, any clarification on the difference between "no" and "not really?"

No...not really. B)


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p.s. watch out for the black helicopters

The last two beatwriters assigned to Auburn by the MPR are an Ole Miss grad (assigned when Tuberville was hired) and a former editor of the Crimson White -- quite possibly the worst student newspaper in the nation.

Black helicopters? You decide. What if the last two beatwriters the paper had assigned for Alabama were David Housel and a writer from the Baton Rouge newspaper? I'm sure that would give you reason to think the paper was just being fair.

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The last two beatwriters assigned to Auburn by the MPR are an Ole Miss grad (assigned when Tuberville was hired) and a former editor of the Crimson White -- quite possibly the worst student newspaper in the nation.

Black helicopters? You decide. What if the last two beatwriters the paper had assigned for Alabama were David Housel and a writer from the Baton Rouge newspaper? I'm sure that would give you reason to think the paper was just being fair.

You mind giving us the rundown of the background for all the other sportswriters for the MPR? Without knowing those facts, it is unfair to comment.

This story going to a former Crimson White editor is no big deal. Afterall, it had nothing to do with Auburn.

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