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How you became an Auburn Fan


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I have a feeling this thread could digress into some type of competition with some posters.

Not a competition. Who wants to compete with a shallow play for attention? Is this bogus "I love this University' *sniff, sniff* profession supposed to fool anyone? Nicholas Cage is a better actor.

Come on Galen, let's hear your story

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I have a feeling this thread could digress into some type of competition with some posters.

Not a competition. Who wants to compete with a shallow play for attention? Is this bogus "I love this University' *sniff, sniff* profession supposed to fool anyone? Nicholas Cage is a better actor.

Come on Galen, let's hear your story

The fact that you ask this question shows that you don't "get it." Poser.

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As a kid I loved uat. I recall Auburn beating uat and got really PO'd: I didn't even know who Auburn was or where Auburn was.

As high school passed, I began to look at colleges, for a career in engineering.

A cousin (uat fan in Knoxville, of all places) told me that Auburn was a really good school and that uat was more of a party school.

Made the trip to Village Fair in the spring and saw/heard the friendly campus. Sold.

I became a "fan" only after I enrolled.

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I'm very greatful to have been an Auburn fan growing up in the 80's as opposed to one who came of age during the 70's. The 1970's must have been painful for the Auburn faithful who had to live through years of Bear Bryant hell. My heart goes out to all of you.

I would have been an Auburn fan regardless of the decade I came of age in. However, 4 SEC Titles in my first ten years of life was not a bad place to start. My family situation is unique. My mom's side of the family is all Auburn. My dad's side is all Alabama. I spent most of my earlier years around my maternal cousin's who were all Auburn fans. Do the logical deduction from there. My Dad's a big Bama fan and wanted his kids to be Bama fans, but my Mom would have none of it and my Dad knew not to press the issue. There were just some things that Mom would not budge on.

It's funny that most Auburn fans here mention their hatred of Alabama as being one of their main reasons for becoming Auburn fans. I didn't have that much animosity for Bama until I moved back to Alabama in 1992. During the 80's, I spent three years in Pensacola and hated FSU the whole time because they beat us three straight years 87-89. Then, I moved to Knoxville and spent three years there, and hated UT the whole time because Auburn/UT was a big rivalry back then. When I moved back to Alabama at age 12, Bama won the MNC and my animosity for the Tide was born.

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I grew up in north AL in a family that pulled for both teams but mostly for da bahr. Most of the family was in farming and education My generation had the chance to go to college and older had gone to AU as a young engineering major in '66. I was able to attend a big game in b'ham and watched Shug coach a great game as the Tigers dismantled a much favored UT team. That night, Loran Carter tossed 3 TD passes and Kike Kolen put Richmond Flowers on his ass. Mike Currier of Oneonta touched the ball 4 times and scored 3 of our TDs.

Even though I thought I'd join my brother at Auburn, I fell in love with the Tigers that night and have been a fan ever since. I graduated in '74, am a life member of the Alumni Club and have had season tickets every year since I graduated except for the 2 years I had to live in Detroit ( thanks to Uncle Sam ).

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Not hard for me to believe at all. It's just strange that many that have posted in this thread root/started rooting for the Tigers because of the Tide. That's all.

Don't let me derail the thread. Carry on...

Not because of "the Tide" but because of Tide Fans. My wife, a Yankee, declared for Notre Dame when we moved here trying to avoid the entire question. After one year, she declared for Auburn citing the arrogance and stupidity of the Alabama fans with whom she worked. No can create an Auburn fan faster than Alabama fans.

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Not hard for me to believe at all. It's just strange that many that have posted in this thread root/started rooting for the Tigers because of the Tide. That's all.

Don't let me derail the thread. Carry on...

Dream on. You bammies remind me of the people during the Middle Ages who clung to the belief that the universe revolved about the Earth even after presented with scientific proof to the contrary. Despite all your claims to MNCs (real or imagined,) you just don't register in the minds of cfb fans across the country like you think. "Dreamland" is the perfect metaphor for the bammie nation.

When it came time for me to select a college to attend, I knew I wanted to study engineering. I applied to 3 schools and was accepted to all three (Ga Tech, AU & UF.) I was living in NW Florida at the time and almost went to UF. I picked AU and never looked back. My time at AU was between fall of 1974 to fall of 1979. The fortunes of the football team never entered into my decision process to select AU but after I got there I became a big fan. I got to see Shug Jordan's last 2 years and then endured the Barfield era. Yes, I am a Barfield Survivor & wear the BS label proudly. Far from deserving pity, Barfield Survivors deserve respect because of the way we never wavered in the face of the lowest point in AU football history. The sanction years were difficult, no doubt. But I never heard an AU fan then byotch & moan the way the bammies did when they were hit with their (most recent) sanctions. I am proud to call myself a Barfield Survivor. I went to every one of the home games during my time there and quite a few of the away games. I saw some incredible football players in William Andrews, Joe Cribbs & James Brooks. The "Bo over the top" game is ingrained into my memory banks. I remember just smiling ear to ear after that win. I never rubbed it in to the bammie fans I knew at the time. I didn't have to -- it was plainly evident which team was better. I got that same smile watching Carnell take the handoff on the opening play in the '03 IB and go 80 yds, untouched. Same with the 11 sacks beatdown in '05. I enjoy the successes of the swim & football teams & other athletic representatives of AU. However, it most certainly does not define me or my relationship with AU. War Eagle.

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I have a feeling this thread could digress into some type of competition with some posters.

Not a competition. Who wants to compete with a shallow play for attention? Is this bogus "I love this University' *sniff, sniff* profession supposed to fool anyone? Nicholas Cage is a better actor.

Come on Galen, let's hear your story

The fact that you ask this question shows that you don't "get it." Poser.

That's ok. Just more to the reasoning that you probably aren't an Auburn fan at all. Just some guy asked to "monitor" a website. Whatever that means... you are the last person I would expect to be an AU fan because you don't act like one. Probably haven't even done anything for the University.

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That's ok. Just more to the reasoning that you probably aren't an Auburn fan at all. Just some guy asked to "monitor" a website. Whatever that means... you are the last person I would expect to be an AU fan because you don't act like one. Probably haven't even done anything for the University.

Nice. The pretend Auburn fan attempts another diversion. You've proven over and over that you have no understanding at all of what it means to be an Auburn fan. You continually post things that don't fit the Auburn way of thinking and are repeatedly called out on it by many of us who DO know. I don't know why you're on here pretending to be an Auburn fan. I don't know what you think you'll get out of it or what you hope to learn.

Like the bama fan you are, go hump yourself.

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See there you go... messing up the thread, like the jerk you are (like the other Bama fans on this board were doing). You couldn't leave it alone, because you have to argue with everyone like a 9 year old. "What it means to be an Auburn fan" please - you aren't fooling anyone. Auburn fans don't beat down every post or try to poke fun of others.

If you didn't like this thread to start off with, why did you even bother making a comment?

If you are going to respond to a post, have it be related. So if you want to reply by stating how you became a fan of Auburn, then state it. Otherwise you are wasting your time. And the time of everyone elses. Don't argue - you won't win anything.

In addition, I will respond with my own argument, with how I became a fan of Auburn:

I was planning on attending Purdue my entire life, but wanted to go south because that is where my three older brothers were (and still are). Different culture, warmer, better looking girls, and just wanted to do something different. I looked at every engineering school with a big sports program you could think of in the southeast. My father wanted me to look at Auburn because he loved their campus. My one brother, chose a different pharmacy school in the SEC and the other chose Ole Miss because he didn't get into Auburn. It was the last school I looked at and when I visited, I fell in love with it and turned to my dad, "This is where I want to go."

I became involved by being a Student Recruiter and loved bragging about the University. Last year, I actually met a student who remembered me giving them the tour of campus and said I was one of the reasons they came. Before that, I worked in the Athletic Department for a short period of time and then became a Tutor for the AD. It was neat helping out some of the athletes and getting to know them and helping them out. Regardless of what people think, our athletes are not dumb. A lot of them are quite bright.

When I visited UAT (twice actually), they were really nice, so I did not hate Alabama. Then I got a co-op job with a company that was about 40% Alabama graduates. They were soo annoying, even when losing. And boy did they have fun with me in '04. Apparently I was the annoying Auburn fan around them (the other Auburn fans were too quiet). So it wasn't until about two years ago that I have started to hate Alabama. But they aren't the reason I love Auburn.

I just graduated with my engineering degree and will continue to support the team at the games. Looking forward to next season - though it will be different that my friends aren't there anymore. But I have some nice folks to tailgate with.

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No kidding, what a waste of space in this thread. Some were actually interested in hearing about the topic before GG came in sent it to negative town.

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No kidding, what a waste of space in this thread. Some were actually interested in hearing about the topic before GG came in sent it to negative town.

You just keep right on opening up to an imposter. PC isn't an Auburn fan, he's repeatedly made extremely critial and baseless comments and I've got no use for him being here and posing as an Auburn fan so he can get his pathetic jollies. It makes me sick. Sicker that some would play along.

If I sent his sham little thread to "negative town" consider it payback for the numerous threads this imposter has soiled with his pre-pubescent drivel. I don't care that he doesn't like what I have to say because 9/10 of the time I sure as hell don't care for what he posts, but he doesn't have a clue how to disagree without degrading and debasing himself. And I'm not above responding in kind.

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I guess you can say my path to being an Auburn fan began before I was born. My dad graduated from H.S. in the early 60’s with no plans for college. After a stint in the Navy and working my mom began pressuring him to go to college. He had always been an Auburn fan and told my mom he decided to attend Auburn University. She being a bammer fan said that she would not move to Auburn but my dad was persistent and won out. So they along with my older brother packed up and moved from North Alabama to Auburn in the early 70’s. She worked in Samford Hall during his time in school. She became an Auburn fan on Dec. 2nd 1972. She was walking out of Legion Field after watching her bammer team fall 17-16 with an orange and blue shaker my dad had handed her. She said she was called everything in the book by the bammer faithful on their way back to the car. That’s when she decided she did not want to be associated with bammer anymore. From that day forward she has been die hard Auburn Tiger. My dad graduated in 1973 and they became season ticket holders. I came along in 1974 and have been attending Auburn games before I can even remember. In 1983 they began ordering my brother and me season tickets and we got to see all of the great games of the 1980’s. In 1981 my sister was born and she too got to join in on the fun.

My brothers early days of living in Auburn helped form a deep love for Auburn. As he got older his only desire was to play football for the Tigers. As a high school player he was recruited by Auburn, Miss. St, and some other decent schools but he didn’t receive a big time offer. He went to a smaller school for a season but was not satisfied so he walked on at Auburn. He didn’t get to playing time he wanted but stayed through his remaining years of eligibility. I was very fortunate to be in high school at the time. You can’t imagine how cool it was for a high schooler to get to hang out and go to parties with Auburn football players. He graduated with a degree in education and went into coaching. I later went on to Auburn and graduated with a degree in communications and our baby sister just graduated 2 weeks ago with her doctorate in pharmacy.

Auburn has been a huge part of my family’s life. It has been a huge part of our family bonding. Many of my fondest family memories are the times we have all spent together in Auburn.

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I really didn't have a choice. Father, mother, two brothers, a sister, and a brother-in-law all went to Auburn.

Plus these really arrogant kids down the street were Alabama fans. That's really all I needed.

First game? 1969 Florida game.

As an aside, this entire debate about whether or not somebody is a true fan is really, really stupid. Kind of like watching Catholics and Baptists argue about who really has the truth faith.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I was conceived in an apartment in the old CDV when it was new. I was born on the steps of Samford Hall. My first steps were on Max Morris. My first movie was in Langdon Hall. When I was six, I climbed the columns of the old Brown Hall (now seen on the ROTC Building). I caught my first fish at Chewacla. I drank my first beer in Mag Hall. I was there when Momma was simply Ms. Goldberg. I helped build Eagles West. I was thrown from a bull at Alpha Psi Roundup and missed my high school graduation. I attended Auburn and graduated in 1990.

I'm kind of a big deal.

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My mother,father, oldest brother, sister are all alums. It was never any question. I was a member of the lucky sperm club!

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It was time to decide on a place of higher education in 02-03, and I thought I was headed to UAB. As circumstances would have it, I got accepted at Auburn late (end of March/April), and decided to head there. Glad to be a part of the Auburn family. :au:

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I was a 3rd gen AU student, graduated in 05. It was go to Auburn or don't go anywhere... not that there was any question about my credentials to get in... cleared those well enough with room to spare. So pretty much from birth.

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I became interested in football in 1st grade. That was the year Bo ran wild on everybody. Kind of stuck with it after that.

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Grew up in an AU family that's been scholarship contributor since Sullivan to Beasley days. It was always a foregone conclusion; however, I had a brief lapse in good judgment when my two best friends decided they were going to Bammie and asked me to go there too. I actually considered it because all of a sudden, I didn't know anyone that well going to Auburn and the prospect of living in a dorm or somewhere by myself, just wasn't that appealling.

My dad would have none of that and used his connections to have head baseball Coach Nix call me and ask me to walk on. I was a decent pitcher in high school but wasn't exactly getting swamped with offers so I didn't look at baseball as an option. But all of a sudden, here was Auburn's head coach calling me and making my head blow up like a blimp. As it turned out, it WASN'T an option. I walked on...ran my tail off for a few weeks....and walked off. Anyway, my dad's plan worked. I found a good friend who needed a room mate. Tried to stretch my AU career to a full 6 years (Didn't work) and met my wife of almost 23 years there.

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I know this sounds strange, but I can't imagine NOT being an Auburn man and fan.. Just to illustrate how far that goes back, I remember watching the following backs play: Larry and Lamar Rawson, Tucker Fredrickson, Mickey Zofko and Wallace Clark, James Brooks and Joe Cribbs, William Andrews, Sam DeJarnette, Bo, Little Train, Henry Love, Rudy and Caddy, to name a few.

Alabama's haughty and arrogant attitude didn't play a role in my choice of Auburn as my school since my best friend received a scholly there in 1962. I walked on for a brief period and experienced the "Auburn way" first hand. This was the beginning of the draught, so to speak, since Bryant had returned to Tuscalooser in 58. I suffered from 64 thorough 82 terribly. It was during this period that I experienced Bammer's arrogance, conceipt, harsh remarks and condescending attitude toward Auburn and sowed a deep dislike for the fans of the school. We are indeed fortunate to live in these times when we not only dominate the state, but have moved beyond using them as a gauge of where we are in the football world. They are pretty much irrelevant to what we do now and may it ever be so.

When we talk of our love for Auburn, other people don't have a conception of how deeply we love our school and stand by it. Heck, I can't even put it into words myself. But I know this....when they play the alma mater, I tear up and have a hard time breathing from pride and love and coming back is like coming home after a long absence. That's how I feel about Auburn....

War Damn Eagle!

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I know this sounds strange, but I can't imagine NOT being an Auburn man and fan.. Just to illustrate how far that goes back, I remember watching the following backs play: Larry and Lamar Rawson, Tucker Fredrickson, Mickey Zofko and Wallace Clark, James Brooks and Joe Cribbs, William Andrews, Sam DeJarnette, Bo, Little Train, Henry Love, Rudy and Caddy, to name a few.

Alabama's haughty and arrogant attitude didn't play a role in my choice of Auburn as my school since my best friend received a scholly there in 1962. I walked on for a brief period and experienced the "Auburn way" first hand. This was the beginning of the draught, so to speak, since Bryant had returned to Tuscalooser in 58. I suffered from 64 thorough 82 terribly. It was during this period that I experienced Bammer's arrogance, conceipt, harsh remarks and condescending attitude toward Auburn and sowed a deep dislike for the fans of the school. We are indeed fortunate to live in these times when we not only dominate the state, but have moved beyond using them as a gauge of where we are in the football world. They are pretty much irrelevant to what we do now and may it ever be so.

When we talk of our love for Auburn, other people don't have a conception of how deeply we love our school and stand by it. Heck, I can't even put it into words myself. But I know this....when they play the alma mater, I tear up and have a hard time breathing from pride and love and coming back is like coming home after a long absence. That's how I feel about Auburn....

War Damn Eagle!

awesome post. i can only hope i feel the same way in 35 years. although, i can't imagine i wont.

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"How you became an Auburn Fan....."

You see it all started on a hot southern night way back when and mom and dad were feeling kind of frisky.... almost 38 weeks later was born to this world a baby that bled orange and blue and was screaming WAR EAGLE!


2 reasons really.

1) Nearly everyone in my family were Alabama grads and huge Bama fans... all except my dad and as young boy I had to follow my dad.

2) growing up in the 70's it was real easy to dislike Alabama and their fans. Those who grew up in the 70's in Bama should know what I'm talking about.

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