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Something scary, need input (religious)


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Okay guys. I had a dream last night and it is hard to describe. But its been bothering me something serious and wanted to get some opinions on what some of you may think it means. (if anything). This may seem REALLY stupid to some of you, but it scared the CRAP out of me so..here goes...

My Dream:

I'm in this Jewish Temple with about 20 people who are all my age. There is a man/leader there talking to all of us about why Jesus was not the son of god and was merely a good man...The leader was about 35 and kinda looked like modern day depictions of jesus.

Anyway, I found myself to be the ONLY one in the room providing a contrary opinion to this man's teachings. I was arguing(suprise suprise) from the basis that Jesus was in fact the son of god...and this made him very angry.

He tells me that he will "show me something". And goes around the room and gets a locke of hair from everyone in the room except for me. And places it in the center of the room(twisted together). (this is where it gets strange)...and then he begins saying something and EVERYONE in the room lifts their hands to the air, repeating what the leader was saying. I did not partake in this...merely sat there.

Then the big clump of hair begins to come off of the floor and rises into the air...I wasn't scared at this point...just observing. But the man looks me dead in the eyes and says "now I'll SHOW YOU"...and the hair flies across the room and lands on my shoulder...(suuuper weird i know). But as this happens it paralyzes me...and I cannot move...like a hand gripping me on the shoulder. I then had a STRONG sense of EVIL in my dream. It scared me like ive never been scared before.

I woke up. The left side of my neck/shoulder was tingling like crazy...and I could FEEL evil in my room.


I don't want you people to think I'm some crazy person. I AM religious (southern baptist)...but not a speak in tounges, snake handling type religious person. But i think this dream means something. And I can't figure it out.

Disclaimer: I don't think Jews are evil...just happened to be in the context of this dream...

Side note: Last night was the first time in a long time that I really really began STUDYING my bible...not just reading. I was doing IN DEPTH readings and taking lots of notes...like a journal. Buuuuut i was reading some old testament stuff that really had nothing to do with Jesus...so its not like I read that and dreamed it.

Any thoughts? (besides the obvious bg is a crazy person)...anyone here have experiences like this? Anyone ever feel an "evil presence" like that...that really scared them?

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The last dream I remember vividly was with Brittany Spears, and I don't know where she came from, me nor my kids are big fans. But it sounds like I enjoyed my dream much more than BG enjoyed his... ;)

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Side note: Last night was the first time in a long time that I really really began STUDYING my bible...not just reading.
I then had a STRONG sense of EVIL in my dream.

Sounds as if one side does not want you studying. What do you think?

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Thats creepy. I don't like ghosts and stuff like that. I don't know what it could mean or if it means anything. Just stop studying and see what you dream.


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Weird stuff here. Not dream related.

The Catholic Church claims to have parts of the original cross of Jesus.

There is blood on it. Some think they can reanimate the dead nuclei in the blood on the cross. Use it to Clone Jesus.


1) They reused crosses, could be anyione's blood.

2) Even if this cloned would it be Christ?

3) Who would control the child created?

Just thought about this when you mentioned the hair BG.

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Weird stuff here. Not dream related.

The Catholic Church claims to have parts of the original cross of Jesus.

There is blood on it. Some think they can reanimate the dead nuclei in the blood on the cross. Use it to Clone Jesus.


1) They reused crosses, could be anyione's blood.

2) Even if this cloned would it be Christ?

3) Who would control the child created?

Just thought about this when you mentioned the hair BG.

1) Yes it could be anyone's blood.

2) No it would not. There is only ONE Christ.

3) Whoever did the cloning.

To further speculate on #2. If or better when a human is cloned, it will not "pop out" fully grown. The child will be born and must grow just as any child would. Even if the blood you are speaking of is actually "the blood of Christ". A cloned person would only have that DNA. Not the same spirit. Nor could a child cloned today have the same up bringing, schooling and experiences of someone 2000 years ago.

The better question would be could a child cloned from the blood of Christ be the Anti Christ? What do you think?

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3) Who would control the child created?

(Here we go hijacking a thread again.)

But, I had to ask, when they clone him, will the woman carrying the implanted embryo have to be a virgin?

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3) Who would control the child created?

(Here we go hijacking a thread again.)

But, I had to ask, when they clone him, will the woman carrying the implanted embryo have to be a virgin?

I should not say this, but where would they find one? :blushbig:

If they are looking for Three Wise Men, tell them not to look in the Democratic Party.


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BG. My first impression would be that since it sounds like you have decided to get serious about your faith and start studying more, the devil is trying to scare you. He knew you would probably relate the dream to reading the Bible more, thus scaring you into backing away from you studies. The devil can't fight The Word, so the more of it you study, the less ammo he has to come at you with. Or, it could just be a dream. :D If you are interested, I can tell you a few things about dreams and other things I have experienced as part of the ministry I am involved with. Just PM me if you are interested. Might help you understand a little better. The best thing to do is pray about it and see if God reveals anything to you. Most of the time, He will reveal it as you read His Word. "Seek and ye shall find".

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Ok some one has to say it BG is a weirdo.. :) j/k...... Sounds to me like a possible question of your faith..... ive never really taken dreams seriously but if they were to come true one day i would have an interesting life.....I'm still wondering when that hot baseball player calls me out to home plate so he can ask me to marry him.......anyone seen that guy around i need to make that dream come true!!!

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Ok some one has to say it BG is a weirdo.. :) j/k...... Sounds to me like a possible question of your faith..... ive never really taken dreams seriously but if they were to come true one day i would have an interesting life.....I'm still wondering when that hot baseball player calls me out to home plate so he can ask me to marry him.......anyone seen that guy around i need to make that dream come true!!!

lol no, but if you happen to find two let me know lol!

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BG, from the limited psychology I had in college, one class was on dreams and the subconscious - from a scientific point of view, as opposed to spiritual, dreams come from the subconscious - your mind is either doing a data dump and a bunch of stuff got mixed together, or your mind is trying to figure something out while you sleep - kind of like the computer running programs in the background while you work on something else. Dreaming is a good thing - studies show that people with severe mental diseases do not dream - that contributes to their illness.

My take on it is that you have some unanswered questions from some things that you read - maybe even some legitimate doubts - not to question your depth of faith but if everyone were to be honest, at some time everyone has "questions" ABOUT their faith - sometimes I sit and wonder "Wow, did all that really happen? How did it happen...etc." - not because I doubt that it DID happen, but because I wonder how it was to actually be there, to experience it first hand, ya' know? Esp Old Testament stuff - some of it is pretty bizarre.

The tingling could be a physical reaction to your muscles tensing up in response to the actions occurring in your dream. I dreamed I was being electrocuted one night, and when I woke up, my arms were numb and tingling - because I was lying on them and they both went to sleep!! :D Sure freaked me out tho.

But to you and everyone else, I am NOT discounting the influence of evil, as I firmly believe in the very real manifestation of evil on earth. Just thought I would offer an alternative theory. Do NOT give up your studies - if it is the devil at work, then UP HIS!!!!!! :angry:

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This discussion of dreaming and evil makes me wonder what Saddam is dreaming. That is, if his captors are letting him getting any sleep.

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This discussion of dreaming and evil makes me wonder what Saddam is dreaming. That is, if his captors are letting him getting any sleep.

He is dreaming of the days when he was in control of the mind games and torture :) .

BTW bg I just looked up your dream in my handy dandy dream hand book and apparently you are going to hell. :P;) . Seriously though I tend to side with jenny on this one, although it is a total guess.

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Ok  some one has to say it  BG is a weirdo.. :)   j/k......  Sounds to me like a possible question  of your faith.....  ive never really taken dreams seriously  but if they were to come true one day  i would have an interesting life.....I'm still wondering when that hot baseball player  calls me out to home plate  so he can ask me to marry him.......anyone  seen that guy around  i need to make that dream come true!!!

lol no, but if you happen to find two let me know lol!

nope nope cant have him he is allllll mine!!!!1

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Ok   some one has to say it  BG is a weirdo.. :)   j/k......  Sounds to me like a possible question  of your faith.....  ive never really taken dreams seriously   but if they were to come true one day  i would have an interesting life.....I'm still wondering when that hot baseball player  calls me out to home plate  so he can ask me to marry him.......anyone  seen that guy around  i need to make that dream come true!!!

lol no, but if you happen to find two let me know lol!

nope nope cant have him he is allllll mine!!!!1

lol that's okay, I'm more of a fan of the football ones ;)

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BG.....I doubt you or anyone can explain your dream without it just being an opinion. I wouldn't read to much into it. As you know I lean towards facts and more often in religion you have to rely on faith. I often have weird dreams after reading about some related topic. I wouldn't dwell on dreams so much as intuition or premonition. For example, last week my oldest daughter (a bama grad) was coming home from Budapest , Hungary with her family(they are missionaries there). They had made this trip many times with no unusual problems. For a couple of days before their trip, I was having this feeling that something would not go right with their trip home and I ended up being really worried. My wife assured me I was just experiencing normal worry. But on their way to the Budapest airport theywere involved in a four car acccident,. It could have been really bad but after some turmoil and pain, they made it home with only a few broken bones and bruises. By the way, I also grew up Southern Baptist but am now attending a Methodist Church we started going to in our neighborhood just as it was beginning.

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